Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 906: Take over

Chapter 925

Mark is not like the guys in the World Security Council.

Mark intends to use a simple and direct victory to make everyone believe in himself!

No matter how much it is said, it cannot be restored, and now the people have lost confidence.

Only a simple and beautiful victory can restore the people's confidence.

Sometimes public opinion orientation is a very terrifying thing, and it may even lead to a defeat in the frontline war. Mark does not intend to let such a thing happen, so he intends to reassure the people first.


Soldiers equipped with the most advanced power combat uniforms walked directly off the transport plane, and advanced intelligent robots began to dig trenches.

A deep trench was soon dug out.

With this simple bunker fortification, the next job will be much easier and safer.

The soldiers began to build the bunker with strong steel, unlike humans who completely built the bunker and the supply station into one piece.

Although this is indeed a very traditional construction method, if the opponent concentrates its firepower, it is easy to have a gap under the range attack, and once the gap is opened, it is difficult to close it.

This is why Mark did not build all the bunkers together.

However, Mark built some simple and cheap forts in those vacant positions.

These automated backstages are usually shrunk underground and do not affect normal walking at all, but if a local unit approaches, they will immediately rise to form a barrier, and at the same time spit out a lot of flames to eliminate those light units as much as possible .

Generally, light unarmored units are rarely able to withstand this continuous fire attack, and this kind of fire attack is still a range of damage, for short-handed bugs, it is even more difficult to face.

The machine gun of the bunker and the doomsday fort formed an iron wall, even if the commander of the bug was replaced by a mark, it may not be easy to win.

The advantage of the position is not so simple that it can be resolved. It can only be said that the guys in the World Security Council have not learned the essence. I just learned a surface, without my own understanding.

Counting on these novices to have any unique insights is tantamount to idiotic dreams.

But these are all preparations for the later confrontation. Mark must be quick and accurate to boost morale and popular support.

The insects also reacted and gathered their troops to prepare for an assault.

Mark planted a large number of mines in front of him. The bug had never thought that there would be such a thing. In the process of mocking the raid, he was blown into a fool.

No matter where you go, you will be hit by a combination of spider mine and widow mine.

When thousands of insects rushed to the front of the battlefield, only a few hundred were left.

This kind of loss cannot be ignored even by bugs.

In desperation, the insect had to slow down the pace of the attack, and constantly used a few zerglings to seduce the mines.

Spider mines are all disposable consumables, so there is no need to worry about exploding under the seduce of Zerglings. 】

But the widow Lei is different. After being seduce once, the widow Lei will be ready again soon.

So after the Zergling attracts the position of the widow mine, the Detective King Worm begins to move forward, and then lets the Zergling attack those widow mines buried in the ground.

The most precious assault time was wasted a little bit.

The reason why Mark dared to do this was because he knew that the bugs didn't have that many troops.

If you change a region, Mark will never do this.

A large number of bugs will easily devour Mark's troops, and even the bone scum will not be left behind.

After the position was built, the troops began to press forward.

The bug knows that there are absolutely no landmines on the path of these humans.

So the insects began to charge the human forces, never expected that the cunning humans would also prepare other gifts.

The airlifted heavy artillery waited for a long time in the rear. In order to ensure the safety of the heavy artillery, Mark built a large number of missile turrets, doomsday artillery and magnetic track turrets around him.

The former is specially used for air defense, and the latter two are naturally to prevent surprise attacks. Automated defense facilities reduce the demand for troops.

Apart from the high cost, there are basically no other problems.

The bombardment of heavy artillery opened a gap, and subsequent troops continued to attack, tearing apart the bug's troops.

The troops supported by Chongzi continued to assemble forward.

But they didn't seem to notice the problems in the assembly path.

The prophet created a large number of stagnant barriers along the route supported by the insects. Protoss fighters and battleships may not be able to appear on the front battlefield, but it is easy to provide support from the back.

The enchantment of the prophet's stagnation prevented the insects that could have assembled in a short time.

Mark said that although he would not gather troops, he still had a hand in preventing others from gathering troops. A certain archbishop of Durham felt very embarrassed.

It is a pity that Mr. Archbishop is not here and has not been persecuted on the spot.


The war reporter clearly recorded the battlefield situation at this time, and the shots were sent to the rear without cutting.

The civilians looked at the captured images with excitement.

As the saying goes, there is no harm if there is no comparison, and I don’t know who mentioned the World Security Council at this time.

This feeling is like mentioning the old godfather in the S10 qualifiers.

The scolding instantly drowned out the previous calls, and everyone seemed to have an inexplicable tacit understanding in the matter of spraying people.

"No! No! No one really thinks that the young soldiers of the World Security Council can win!"

"Yes! Those trash, and those high-levels, don't know what they are doing, one by one is no different from sleepwalking."

"Ah! Mark is reliable!"

"What are you going to do to pay taxes in the future, and you can't protect citizens after paying taxes, these idiots."

Suddenly, the orientation of public opinion began to change. In the past, Mark might still care about these things, but now Mark hopes that with the emergence of such public opinion, he can naturally use public opinion and fight for the benefits he deserves.

The one who can't suffer is oneself. In the end, fame won't fall on oneself, fame and good fortune.


The battle lasted more than thirty minutes before it was over.

The result is naturally a big victory for humans, and the worms are returned to the nest by humans.

The human side has no idea how Mark won. It feels that when the insects are fighting with Mark, fighting with themselves is not a quality at all.

The people of the World Security Council feel that the bugs they are facing are a group of ancient beasts, but now Mark is facing a group of irrational beasts!

Although the insects have retreated temporarily, no one can guarantee when they will launch a counterattack.

Combat command room.

Mark said to the surrounding subordinates: "According to our investigation, the bugs have a large number of tunnels in these places. These tunnels are the only way to crawl out of the underground. If these tunnels are lost, the speed of the bugs' support will be even higher. slow.

So before the next bug launches an attack, we must completely blow up these tunnels, which happens to be destroyed halfway through the first round of attack. Completely pinch off the support of bugs in a short time. Remember, there is only one chance. If it fails, then the entire army is wiped out. Think about it and send someone out. "

Almost without any hesitation, everyone took the order.

Half an hour later, the reinforcement of the entire line of defense has been completed.

This squad rushed out in the dark. The sprint has not yet launched an attack, but they have placed the bombs in the tunnels, but the vibration of the bugs triggered these bombs, blowing up the tunnels with the bugs everywhere.

At night, the insects recharged and did not attack.

After learning about the ferocity of the humans above, the worm mother also began to think about how to deal with it.

First, the mimics were sent to investigate, but the results after the investigation were not optimistic. The human defense line was very tight, and there were hardly any loopholes.

Mimics could not find any place to penetrate. Humans found this target wandering outside the position. At this time, there would be no other humans in this place, so they shot and killed them without hesitation. Mimics.

The problem with mimics is that they become prototypes after death.

The soldiers reported this particular situation, and Mark also knew that the bug was now investigating.

Now is the time to fight the information war, provide wrong information and let the bugs enter the trap set by Mark.

As Mark expected, the bait and smoke bombs that Mark threw out successfully attracted the attention of the bugs. These bugs couldn't stand it and got out of the dirty underground caves and confronted Mark's team. An attack was launched.

But the insect himself didn't know that the team that attacked actually fought a tug of war with him, as if he was not worried about his current safety at all.

The worms responsible for the raid were being consumed bit by bit at this point, and the worm mother was naturally unwilling to go bankrupt in this raid.

So she sent more insects to completely eat this human team. She must retaliate against all the grievances she suffered during the day.

But I never expected that a large number of insects had just entered the tunnel, and a series of explosions sounded, completely burying those insects that hadn't been in the tunnel for long.

At this time, the worm mother suddenly realized that she was caught in the trap, but it was too late.

And the human squad on the surface has also wiped out the worm that raided.

The worm mother has no time to be angry now. He orders the worker bees and the tunnel bug to start digging the tunnel, ensuring that the new tunnel will be dug out before dawn tomorrow.

The terrain here is not like Char, otherwise Mark can reproduce the battle of Char, a large amount of magma completely flooded the tunnel, these bugs will no longer be possible.

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