Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 922: Subdued Little Spider

Chapter 941

The evil six!

A combination of six opponents that Spider-Man hates the most.

It's just that the vulture in the original team has been successfully banned by Mark, so the six-man group now has one less.

Mystery hasn't mastered his core technology yet, so he hasn't come forward to participate in this evil organization for the time being.

Should be an evil trio now.

Participating members include Beetle (female), Thriller, and Hunter Craven.

Unlike the other two members, Craven just follows the thrill of hunting.

For Spider-Man, he completely regarded him as his new target of hunting.

Of course, Craven also knows exactly how strong he is? Will not choose those targets that they can't hunt.

"Spider-Man! If you don't care about these students, you can do it." Terror pointed at the frightened students.

Peter knows exactly what the guy is equipped with on his hands, but judging from the reflection of the material, it should be some kind of high-tech equipment. Otherwise, it is impossible for a normal person to equip such a heavy object on his own hands and wrists.

Peter's guess is correct, these shoes and gloves are not ordinary things, but a high-tech device specially used to launch shock waves.

The lethality is huge and can cause five levels of shock. The first level can easily make a strong man fly hundreds of meters.

Think this is a joke?

You must know that this thing can easily destroy a building when it reaches its maximum power.

Not to mention anything else, these children who haven't exercised much can't stand the first-degree shock at all.

"You are too mean!" Peter said from the ceiling.

He knows exactly how dangerous his current situation is, but he definitely can't take his classmate's name to risk it.

He must delay enough time, just now he has sent out the signal for help.

The three goals in front of him are definitely not opponents, Peter sees this clearly, especially in such a complicated situation.

"Despicable? Sorry, we are already despicable." The horror said and walked to the little spider, he was sure that the little guy in front of him did not dare to resist.

Although Peter could not resist, it did not mean that he could not dodge.

Repeatedly jumping horizontally from side to side, dodged attack after attack.

The horror began to become a little impatient. He immediately rushed to a little fat man, pointed his hand at the little fat man and said: "If you dare to continue to dodge, then I promise I will give this little fat man's head Knock it out."

Peter had to stop jumping, standing still sighing in horror and saying, "Well, I'll stand still and beat you guys, it should be done!"

Peter had just finished speaking, and the shock wave of horror had hit him. Although Peter had prepared in advance, the powerful impact made him miserable. He flew out and smashed a wall before stopping. Down.

"These lunatics!" Peter slowly planned to stand up from the ruins.

At this time, Hunter Craven ran over. He looked at Peter lying on the ground and laughed and said, "Hey, I didn't expect it to be only this level. It disappointed me."

After speaking, Craven grabbed Peter's collar directly, and then carried it on his shoulder.

"Okay, hurry up! Staying here, I always feel that something bad will happen." Although the beetle turned around and did not hear the police siren, the sixth sense told her that it was not. How safe.

Horror also knew that it was not time to stay here, greeted Craven and prepared to leave the scene.

When the three people just walked out of the wall they destroyed, an uncle cleaning man with a mop walked to the ruins, looked at the ruins and said with a headache: "Oh, I want to clean it again."

The uncle didn't seem to notice the little spider on Craven's shoulder, let alone the three evil villains.

It seems that all this has nothing to do with him.

The Beetle felt that the uncle with the white beard was a bit annoying, and raised the gun in his hand, ready to give him a shot.

The uncle squinted his eyes and looked at the beetle in front of him. He said with an old spirit: "Young people don't be so impulsive."

Both Horror and Craven turned their heads at the same time, looking at the old **** of the uncle, when they were about to say something, the beetle was kicked by a flying kick and flew for several meters.

The equipment on his body was instantly scrapped, and he couldn't get up again.

"Hello? Who gave you the courage to come to the school to go wild? Bullying these underage children, and a minor underage hero. I said, why are you villains getting back alive and better?" Mark brushed his pants. Dust, said to the two remaining people.

Mark stood outside the tattered fence in this suit, looking at the two.

The two naturally recognized Mark. They finally understood where the bad feeling came from?

When he was about to retreat, Tony Stark would fall behind.

"Now, put down the child in your hands, then squat down and surrender with your head in both hands." Tony floated in the sky and said.

Horror glanced at the front, then at the back, and chose to attack Tony behind him.

Sure enough, even if Mark is wearing a suit, he is much more deterrent than Tony.

The shock wave of the horror hands reached the maximum and launched towards Tony. Tony had no defense at all and was directly knocked into the air.

Fortunately, because of the multiple updates and excellent protection capabilities, it did not suffer much damage.

Tony slowly got up from the ruins, looked at the horror in the distance and said, "It angers me, the weird man in fishnet stockings!"

Horror was also stimulated by this word. He didn't wear fishnet socks, but his carefully prepared combat uniform.

Mark wouldn't have any nonsense with these two guys, and got up with another flying kick.

Tumbled Terror and confidently avoided the attack, but he didn't notice that it was Mark not him, but Craven who was standing behind him.

From the beginning, Mark's target was the little spider on Craven, not Craven or Horror.

Horror was ready to launch again when he noticed it, but found it was too late. He kept pressing the controller in his palm, but he couldn't launch any impact.

Because his wrist has begun to deform.

Mark directly used his own psionic energy to start twisting at a long distance. Horror's wrist was quickly twisted to 90 degrees, and this pain caused him to kneel to the ground, and the great **** howled miserably.

Mark can tolerate the attacks caused by other terrorists, but the only thing that can't stand it is these guys who set the target on the school.

If he dared to reach out to these underage children, Mark dared to chop off their hands.

Looking at the last remaining Klevin, Mark gave him a fair chance to fight.

This should be one of them who is both righteous and evil. The reason why he joined is completely enjoying the excitement of hunting, rather than simply wanting to do bad things.

Although most of his thrill-seeking feelings are related to crime, this leads him to become a villain-biased person.

But after completing his ultimate stimulus, or the ultimate hunt, he will also choose to end his sinful life by suicide.

This guy is a pure person, but not a pure bad person.

"I won't use any superpowers, just relying on my body and fighting. If you want to try it, maybe I can capture my big prey."

Mark's words also made Craven interested. Craven pursued this. He looked at Mark and said excitedly: "I want it!"

Just as he said, Mark gave up all his superpowers and collided with Craven only by relying on his physical and fighting ability.

Craven's skills are very good. He is definitely one of the top ones in the world. He is always able to grasp the weakness of the human body, but Mark's body has been strengthened and it is no longer a weakness in many places.

Mark can even make a lot of "foul" movements with ease. This kind of movement similar to Yoga Jiu-Jitsu does not exceed the limits of the human body, and is considered one of the skills mastered by the individual.

This greatly increased Craven's interest.

Tony also flew out of the ruins, looking at the little spider lying on the ground, he took the lead to fly down, and picked up the little spider.

The surrounding guard robots quickly controlled the beetles that had been comatose. These guard robots were specially made by Tony to trap prisoners. The prerequisite is that those prisoners have been caught with their hands or have lost the ability to resist, which is equivalent to temporarily taking the position of the police. .

Another group of alert robots flew toward the horror and controlled it.

Did Tony intervene in the battle between Mark and Craven? He knew very well that the battle would end in an instant if Mark wanted.

But Mark did not do this, which means that Mark really wants to have a purely technical fight with him.

Between people, the pros and cons were quickly separated, and Craven wanted to fight hard, but he was not Mark's opponent at all.

In the end, he was defeated. Whether in skill or strength, Craven was not Mark's opponent. More importantly, Mark did not use his own superpowers, and Craven had already used all his moves.

It can be said that this hunting, he was completely defeated, he was convinced that he lost, without any operation, he took the initiative to reach out and let Mark handcuff him.

Mark did not do this. Mark appreciates such talents.

Although he didn't reach the goal by any means, but I have to admit that he is indeed a very good talent, and he still needs to do some dirty work.

Mark didn't plan to recruit him in a stately situation, Mark went up and kicked him in the face, under Craven's surprised gaze!

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