Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 923: Little spider in confinement

Chapter 942

As the saying goes, having money can make ghosts go around.

The reason why the evil trio came here is entirely because of being hired.

The guy who hired them was very generous, and the reward price for the little spider was $50 million.

To know that the black market price of Captain America is only 100 million US dollars, how can the little spider Hode be worth half of Captain America?

Some people may say that little spiders have a variety of superpowers, and the price is definitely worth it, but that price does not mean that someone is really willing to do it, and if someone is willing to do it, it does not mean that someone can do it.

Many people can only smile when they look at the number. Those who can do it look down on the money, or they feel unnecessary and incapable, but they can only sigh.

Craven is also a little nervous recently, and catching a small spider is a kind of hunting in itself, just to satisfy his own interests and make money at the same time, why not?

Horror is more than just taking money to do things, this guy used to be a vulture.

That's right, it's the vulture that has already been Mark Zhaoan.

It was originally a waste wood who didn't know anything, but after learning that his boss was captured, he immediately ran away.

Mark naturally didn't care about this kind of insignificant pawn, at least at that time it was an insignificant pawn, so he didn't pursue the hunt any more, and gave this kind of matter to the police.

After learning that Spider-Man sent his boss to this point and ruined his source of money, Horror began to take revenge on the little spider.

However, he knew very well that the strength at the time was definitely unable to win, so he took advantage of this time to continuously strengthen himself and strengthen his equipment until the group of people found him.

Those people not only helped him remodel the gloves, but also made him a brand new combat uniform. This suit of combat uniform was drawn by myself in simple strokes, but it is also my favorite.

Is it ridiculous for this reason?

If you find it ridiculous, it can only show that you don't understand how terrible the situation was at that time.

To cut people's money, let alone the horror at that time, parents need money urgently.

He has people he wants to save, but what he uses is illegal.

Poor people must be hateful, and vice versa.

If there is money, who is willing to do this kind of thing.

But once it is stained, it is difficult to get rid of it. Golden basin washes hands, but who can really wash hands with golden basin and get rid of everything?

Beetle is a female thief who does everything for money.

After packing up these three guys, the school seemed to be at peace again.

Mark took Peter away, but still created an illusion to temporarily replace Peter, so that the students would not realize that Peter disappeared.


A few hours later, Peter woke up from a coma.

Craven used a special uniform gas on him. This gas can make large animals fall asleep for several days, and the small spiders can wake up in such a short period of time, completely dependent on their own physique.

"How long have I slept?" Little Spider asked, looking at the familiar ceiling and the people sitting next to her bed.

"It's not a long time, it's only a few hours. In ten minutes or so, it's almost time for you to end get out of class." Mark said to the little spider on the side of the bed, "Why didn't you tell me that you kept Nick at home? this matter?"

Mark's question was so sudden, Peter didn't even think about how to answer it, and fell silent for a while, not knowing what to say.

"I know this question may be a bit straightforward for you, but Nick is not an ordinary person. You can't take risks over and over again, okay? Tony pulled you into the Avengers, and I acted as Your guardian in the Avengers. Nick is not, neither is there. Others are dead, and someone is responsible. And when you die, Tony and I are responsible, you know?

Think about it carefully, what I did, what have you done in the past? Bombings! Scroo! Shelter a king of agents! Things to do in school now! If something happens to those students in the school today, who will be responsible for you? "Mark was a little excited when he said that.

Peter looked like a kid who made mistakes, afraid to speak.

"This short period of time is not suitable for the position of a superhero. During this time, you should spend more time with your aunt at home! If you dare to appear on the street, or let me hear Spiderman go out again Chivalrous, then I will ask the Avengers to issue a wanted order for the arrest of Spider-Man." Mark gave an ultimatum.

Peter looked innocent and prepared to say something, but finally closed his mouth again.

Mark is right. These things are not something he can handle at all. If he can handle them well, they will not disappear. How bad is it now?

Where Mark walked out, Tony standing outside looked at Mark and said, "Is it necessary to say so harshly? He is just a child."

"Do you still know that he is just a child? If you want to know, don't pull him in at the beginning." Mark said.

"It's as if you are not responsible."

"If it didn't happen today, I believe you will do the same. Everyone needs a process of growth. He should reflect on what he has done during this time." Mark walked to the window and said.

This is what Mark looks like, and Tony knew there was no more to talk about.

Half an hour later, Peter wore his school uniform and walked home in despair.

Although his uniform was not deprived, his right to be a chivalry and justice has been deprived.

Peter knows exactly how terrifying the Avengers' wanted order is. This wanted order was issued from Mark. Mark said that his unique character is well known in the Avengers.

Even Mark is very likely to lead the team to arrest him, and he will be caught by Mark at that time, and there is no possibility of resistance.

May looked at Peter who came back in despair and asked, "What's the matter? Child?"

"It's nothing, it's just a problem, I'll go to sleep first." Peter did not directly explain his situation, but silently walked to his room.

But before he entered the room, he glanced at the sofa. There were no sheets on the sofa, which meant that the person had left.

Staying alone in his room, crying softly.

Keep the voice down as low as possible to prevent others from knowing that he is crying. He dared not let Mei, who cares about him, know how bad his current situation is.


The interrogation of the three people soon came to a result, and the spearhead was directed at the Skrew people.

The Scroo, and the Scroo. For Mark, just hearing this name is enough headache.

If possible, Mark really wants to pull it out by the root, but these guys are too good to be lurking. It is impossible for Mark to install such a device everywhere, and the device is a device, and people are people, sooner or later. There will be problems, and there will definitely be fish slipping through the net.

Mark can also order Narud to create a virus that specifically targets the Skrulls. This virus will only have an effect on the Skrulls. Ordinary earthlings will not be affected by this virus, but it is difficult to guarantee that other creatures will not be affected. Will be affected.

If it is not a last resort, Mark will never use this method, unless he enters a secret war. In the later stage of the situation, it is impossible to distinguish who is the friend and who is the enemy?

In that case, Mark would choose to use this method.

"Guess Peter couldn't help going out?" Tony asked.

Mark naturally understood what this guy meant, and said, "Yes, I saw an unusual brilliance in him. This brilliance makes people like me in the dark shine bright. What do you think? Me? It can be said that when we are all old, he will become the main force and pillar of the new generation of heroes, and will become the same existence as you and me.

And now we need to lead him to the right path, and temper him well, this time it is just my test for him. If you really just care about finding the wanted one, and not doing those things. Then I will not care about him anymore. "

"Let's talk about it, how could you be such a hot person, it turned out to be just a test..." Tony said relievedly.

"But I will really want him and take someone to arrest him personally. What I said is true, and then I will detain him for a period of time to let him know who is the boss in this world. Maybe when we get old I can't control him, but we have the final say at this time." Mark left after speaking.

Tony looked at the little icon in his hand, and finally tucked it back into the pockets of these suits.

The icon is clearly marked with the little spider mark. This is one of the proofs that Spider-Man has joined the Avengers. This proof Tony has never been sent to Little Spider, not because he doesn’t believe in Little Spider, but because he is worried about himself. Sending this mark to him will pull the little spider into a dangerous situation.

He had some worries before, but now his worries have disappeared.

With Mark's protection, even if he is no longer in the future, someone will protect the child until he grows up.

Everyone is caring about this child.

Even if there is no direct relationship, everyone is protecting the child.

The Avengers are like a big family. Natasha and Hawkeye, even if they were sitting at the headquarters, they often paid attention to the little spider who was a man of justice. They lived with him and eliminated the dangers around him.

Others also helped the little spider as much as possible, directly or indirectly, but they never said it.

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