Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 984: Microbial bomb

Chapter 1003

"What did you find in there?"

Tony's dancing and dancing is a bit funny, but Mark has no time to laugh at him now. Mark just wants to know what he found inside?

"I found that they have a large number of microbes coexisting, and these microbes can grow rapidly in a special culture environment. I have tried other ways to further increase the number of these microbes, and then they can spread across a wide range.

After my tests, I found that as long as they have enough energy, they will multiply at an extremely fast speed, which means that as long as they are equipped with a small reactor, they can multiply and expand at the fastest speed. "

"Can you make this into a weapon now?" Mark asked.

"No problem at all! It only takes a little time and I can finish it."

A familiar ding sound came from a distance, which was exactly the same as a microwave oven.

Mark was confused and asked Jarvis: "Tony forgot to warm his daughter again?"

Jarvis dutifully replied: "In order to ensure that he can respond in the first time, Mr. has changed all the prompts to the sound of the microwave oven."

Good guy, I’m just a good guy. After turning from a scumbag to a dad, the whole person has changed!

How could Mark say he was sour?

How could this kind of thing be sour? This kind of thing is completely reckless, just reckless.

Moreover, my life cycle is still very long. I will definitely have children in the future. I don't need to worry about being compared with human beings with a life span of only a hundred years. I still have time.

How can this kind of thing come out by thinking? I won't think about it!

I said that my health is very good now. It is always a price to pay for something. Just like a professional commentator who has mastered the law of causality, it has not yet been...

Tony walked out of the room after a while, holding a transparent glass jar in his hand.

It's just that the wall of the glass jar has thickened a lot, and it is estimated that it cannot penetrate with ordinary pistol bullets.

"what is this?"

"This is the new weapon I just developed. It can take effect directly when it falls from a high altitude, or it can take effect by detonating the explosive device on it with a single arm. After the explosion occurs, the liquid inside will be directed at extremely fast speed. The surrounding area quickly disperses, causing a slowing effect on all units in the blast's range of influence. Of course, the slowing effect for body functions and mechanical operations is also retained."

Mark looked at the detachment that directly transformed the insect swarm technology into human technology, and felt that this guy was really a metamorphosis in the legend.

You must know that human technology has only created mechanical cockroaches, and Tony has created even subspecies here.

Does human beings have technology to cure such subspecies? Of course not!

If there were, it would not be impossible for even professional technology organizations like Yu Moyan to imitate them.

"Tony, we still don't know what kind of enemy we will encounter in the future. If we encounter a similar second in the future, we will all be pleased at that time!"

"Of course, let me deal with similar problems. I am quite good at this aspect. I can also understand now that it is not enough to rely on the strength of one person on the battlefield. I will gradually Hand over all the frontal combat to the drone, and I will concentrate on my research work to ease your frontal pressure as much as possible." Tony has already made his own plan.

If it was Tony on the original timeline, he would definitely rush to the forefront without hesitation.

Because he knew that the world needed his power, without his existence, it would inevitably be plagued by disasters.

But this world is very different, and there are people stronger than him in this world.

There is a close friend like Mark who held it up for half a day. As long as Mark doesn't fight, then he is willing to stay behind to help Mark.

Of course, my children are born and grow up day by day, which is also part of the factor.


Mark took the prototype sample he just made and was going to test the actual effect. He wanted to see how powerful it was and whether it could be compared with the original one.

Mark didn't expect Tony to make something beyond the original.

Because it is a product imitated by human technology after all, it will still be difficult to surpass the original version, but Mark underestimated Tony's genius brain.

In the experimental field, a large number of insect swarms are constantly running around in the center of the field. They scurry around, trying to avoid things coming from afar.

Most of them are inferior, without any sane bugs.

There are also some insect mothers that have been successfully captured, and they have become one of the targets of the test. A large number of weapons are also produced here, and the main goal is naturally to target these bugs.

Previously, the weapons used by the Mark Security Team were not produced from here. The solicitors separately planned an experimental site. The insects in Dali ran quickly, and Mark needed to test their speed of action.

As the insects ran faster and faster, the ground began to roll. The insects did not realize that they were still running fast on a huge treadmill.

Mark dropped the sample in his hand, and the automatic countdown soon started, and a large amount of purple liquid exploded and sprayed around the moment he landed.

Microbes affect all bugs in the range.

And the deceleration effect is very good. Mark was also very surprised when he saw the result. As he had thought before, it was already very good to reach the original height.

However, the deceleration effect it produces far exceeds the original version and is even better than the original version.

Mark immediately contacted Tony.

"If mass production, how long will it take?"

"There is a lot of mass production. As long as there is enough energy in time, they can react in a very short time, and it will not be a long time. The real waste of time is to put them in bottles and then deliver them. On the frontline battlefield."

"You don't need to worry about this, I will notify the wizards to solve this problem."

"In this case, there is no problem."

"How about? Is the effect great?" Tony had already calculated the result through the computer before.

It's just that he can't be sure whether the result is true.

Some things must be actually tested before the results can be obtained. Tony’s laboratory does not have such a test target, so he can only let the Mark test and wait for the result of the Mark test.

"The results of the test are very good, even surpassing the original. I really don’t know how your brain was made, I can only say it’s great! Tony, you have made a great contribution to all mankind. Seriously, In the future, you should try to avoid the battlefield and stay behind to maximize your value."

Tony was bound to be unhappy when he heard this before, and then had a good argument with Mark, but now he doesn't have that many ideas.

Most of the work can be handled by Christmas. Christmas is far better than him in controlling drones. Some difficult movements cannot be done by himself, but Christmas can be done easily.

Gradually realized that he has been eliminated by the times.

He didn't feel angry or regretted because of this. On the contrary, it was very good to have such an existence and protect the world.


Mankind has obtained new equipment on the battlefield. When facing those fast-moving Zerglings, mankind is no longer waiting to die as before.

On the contrary, human beings can now take the initiative to attack, thus agreeing to the initiative and superiority, and they can easily push those springworms to the ground and rub them.

Because Zergling's only advantage is fast mobility.

After humans obtained the microbial bomb, they were successfully suppressed.

The same is true for other Zerg units, they lose their speed and attack advantages. Although the huge Thunder Beast can resist a little bit, it can resist not much.

Slow action will give mankind more opportunities to attack. Human heavy artillery positions can also vent one more round of firepower.

An extra round of attacks is an extra round of survival time, which is to reduce the number of insect swarms rushing to your own square as much as possible.

It's not a trivial matter.

Tony Stark took out this new technology in the future, focusing on the accumulation of Tony Stark in various countries. Everyone wants to know what he still hides and what is in his mind Take it out?

If you can get everything from him, can you unify the world?

In this era of chaos and chaos, everyone is daydreaming, almost all of them are moving towards a unified world.

Mark admitted that he had thought about it, but in the end he gave up the reason, naturally because Mark himself could not take on the important task of the world.

Mark still manages one or two cities, but if he manages a world, then forget it.

The company is still a hands-off shopkeeper, let alone managing an entire world.

In just two days, the countries have been in contact with Tony, and they are eager to reach long-term cooperation with Tony.

But Tony refused the "request" without hesitation. In his opinion, they just focused on the things they created and wanted to use them to gain benefits.

They are not like Mark at all, they just cooperate with themselves and become friends.

Because of Alsace's severe weakness, a large number of Zerg units were transferred away.

Mankind took advantage of this opportunity and did not lose the land on its own. The whole of France was successfully recovered, and 50% of the German land was recovered, but the situation of the recovered land is not optimistic.

Because the land has been destroyed too seriously, the land now has no way to be as suitable for human habitation as before.

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