Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 985: Wasteland

Chapter 1004

Scientists from various countries collected samples of occupied land for research and found that the fertility of the land and the survival rate of various microorganisms in the land were moved to the original 1%.

I even want to plant some weeds that are quite tenacious.

That is almost impossible because there is no nutrition that can provide weeds.

This piece of land has become a wasteland completely wasteland.

If you simply want to live on this land and the undamaged buildings here, you can move in, but it is impossible to restore to the previous environment.

Mankind has begun to realize the seriousness of sufficient damage to the earth.

One small meeting for three days and one meeting for two days. For this group of people who can only command behind, there is nothing they can do.

And Mark was specially invited here today. Mark didn't use holographic projection this time, and made a perfunctory call.

Instead, he personally arrived at the scene, and representatives from other countries also arrived at the scene to show their respect.

The venue should be in the UK, and the British representative took the lead in speaking.

"I am very glad that you all arrived on time. With the unremitting efforts of mankind, we have successfully regained the lost land in France and 50% of the land in Germany, but I have to say a very unfortunate news. As of now, we have received services. Among the land in China, most of the land can no longer be used normally and has become a complete wasteland.

The destruction of the human world by insect swarms is not only the reduction of population, the destruction of economy, and the destruction of culture. Even the land where we live is also being destroyed.

The land that has been destroyed, we are now scientists from various countries are trying to restore the quality of the land as much as possible, but this cannot be guaranteed. So what I want to say is that in the next battle, human beings must not give up, and we must try our best to keep the insects out of our land.

The current situation in Germany is already obvious. I suggest here that the abandoned lands of Germany and France should be set up as war zones to reduce the damage to the land. "

This time, it is not only European countries participating. Countries from all over the world have come here to participate in the conference. They frowned upon what the British representative said.

As for the reason, it is naturally because of impotence.

When these words are said, they are indeed inspiring, a feeling of arrogance.

But reality is not a fairy tale. In reality, there is no way to do it. The result and price of impossibility is a large number of casualties and a large consumption of resources.

The good result of this is to ensure that the land in Europe is not destroyed.

Ask us to fight the enemy together and defend this planet. Naturally, it is reasonable. Everyone knows the truth about the coldness of the lips and the teeth. But now you have to fight for the value of your land. If you don't give up, many people will not agree.

"I don't agree!" the Indian representative said. "Our soldiers in India will never die on the land of another country for this reason. We can fight for the earth, but it is definitely not for this reason. This kind of unnecessary sacrifice is a waste of life and resources. "

Indians speak very confidently. For the first time in so many years, they straighten up and speak loudly.

The Japanese representatives sitting next to them were also very envious. If it weren’t for Japan’s severe losses in recent disasters, they would also like to stand up and say this hard, but now they can’t stand up. Until now, they still Receive economic support from various countries.

"How do other countries judge?" The representative of the United Kingdom asked when looking at other countries.

The Eastern European Union Army, headed by Russia, is now forced to stand aside with Britain. They actually want to support what India said.

However, after considering the situation in Poland and Russia, they did not want their land to become that way, so in this case, they supported Britain.

"I support what the British said!" The attitude of the Russians made many people's hearts sink.

As one of the five permanent members, Russia and the United Kingdom still have considerable weight. The current situation in France is not optimistic. There are already a lot of land that has encountered this problem, so without thinking about it, they must be on the side of Britain and Russia. Yes, the only thing now depends on China and the United States.

The U.S. representative gritted his teeth and stood up and said: "We, the United States, oppose such behavior! The life of the coalition forces of all countries and soldiers of all countries is life. We must not make fun of life. As long as human beings are not dead, as long as human beings are still there, then the land is It can be restored. I can use scientific methods to restore the land to its original state, but it is absolutely impossible for the lives of soldiers to do such things. Mankind has not yet reached the final moment of life and death. French and German land is not human. This is my opinion on the last land. Who is for and who opposes!"

The U.S. representative actually wanted to agree with Russia, Britain, Germany and France.

But before the meeting, Mark personally found the US representative and talked to him about the importance of this matter and the final result, which may lead to changes in the world pattern.

After understanding the seriousness of the problem, the representative of the United States spoke this passage under a lot of pressure.

Mark was also hitting the iron while it was hot and stood up and said.

"I support what the representative of the United States said. So far, there are still a lot of human land, and there are still many lands that we have not developed. Although we have not resolved territorial disputes, there will certainly be new planets in the future The new living place, the earth will eventually become a land where all nations gather.

A little bit of land disputes is completely wasting the current potential of mankind. They have entered the age of aerospace. Why are they still struggling with a little bit of land value? As long as there are disciples, there will be an infinite universe, and there are countless stars waiting for us to discover, waiting for us to open. They are all arguing over such a little land on this small planet.

I suggest that all the insect swarms in Germany should be wiped out. After ensuring the safety of the rear, my company will lead the fleets of various countries to explore new planets suitable for humans. "

The Chinese representative also stood up and said at this time.

"We are willing to assist Mr. Komunen to explore this mysterious universe together. As Mr. Komunen said, we don’t know how many planets are suitable for human habitation. The land owned by any planet is There is much more land than we are fighting over now. So we must now unite and eliminate the swarm."

China's successful assist in this attack made Mark excited. He originally thought they would continue to paddle and chose to abstain.

I didn't expect it to be you, rabbit!

The Anglo-American German-French speakers had to give up this situation, and he had not considered it. As Mark said, it is completely unnecessary to entangle these lands now, and there are more planets waiting for them to explore.

"Mark you are responsible for what you say."

"Of course I will be responsible for what I say. I am a person who has always done what I say, and I am definitely not a fraudster."

"If this is the case, then we will discuss how to clean up the Zerg in Germany as soon as possible."


Mark's participation in this meeting today is not only to announce the news of exploring the universe, in fact, there has been a fleet to explore the universe before, and Mark has also found many planets suitable for human habitation.

These planets are not occupied, mainly because the planet is too small and the resources on it are not too much, so they did not choose to develop.

On the whole, the above resources are very rich, but for some cosmic empires, those resources are not even as good as the cost invested, but for the current human beings, it is really enough.

It can be said that Mark or human beings caught the last lucky train.

When the battle is over, Mark can immediately take out a part of the planet and share it. At that time, Mark will be able to fully open up his influence. Mark does not have to rule all mankind, but he must influence all mankind. That must be done. of.

Without influence, there is no right to speak. So sooner or later, I will fall into passiveness. Only by setting up his own person and making himself a hero of mankind's development, the future of mankind, the pioneer of the universe era, Mark will not fall into the altar.

Even if the true relationship between himself and the Protoss is reported in the future, humans will no longer discriminate against Mark and Protoss at that time.

Of course, some people feel that there is a huge technological gap between humans and Protoss, and they have no ability to discriminate.

But discriminating against a person or a race does not need to consider so much, it is just personal feelings.

This is the core issue.

The result of the discussion at the meeting was that the European Union Army took the lead in attacking, other European and North African countries attacked from the east, and other countries attacked from the Baltic Sea in the north or the Mediterranean Sea in the south.

The main nest underground.

Alsace's injury has recovered more than half, but now his combat effectiveness has not been restored to the original level. He slowly stood up with the sorrow of the insect. Every step was quite difficult, and he could feel the pain in his body. .

He vowed to double the pain Mark left on him, so that Mark also tasted the great pain he endured.

Seeing the scarce number of insects and the few larvae left, Arthas fell into hesitation.

He was hesitating whether to let the submarine fleet brave the firepower of Mark's golden fleet to enter the earth's atmosphere.

In Alsace's view, the small planet Earth is not worth the sacrifices so much.

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