The sun gradually rose to the top of the sky, and the light became hotter and hotter.

It's noon already.

The warship is following the information from the CP agency, sailing along the path pursuing Red Hair Pirates.

Saint Louis Vuitton stood on the deck, he had converged the thunder, and there was no more unpredictable fluctuations in his body, everything seemed so plain.

Just like this sunny weather.

If you put aside the wreckage of the pirate ship on the sea and the sword marks on the deck of the warship, no one would be able to tell that a great battle had just occurred here.

The ship's crew is hurrying to repair the cracks on the deck.

Some large hull injuries need to be repaired at the dockyard, but this level of trauma is not considered a major damage.

With a breeze blowing.

Gion and Laqilu returned from the distant horizon.

Gion stepped on Moonwalk and lightly landed in front of Saint Louis Vuitton. Her face was ugly, and she blamed herself: "My lord, we are negligent. We failed to find Shanks's trail and made Red Hair Pirates evacuated. ."

Laqilu lowered his head, like a defeated soldier, and said dejectedly: "Sorry, sir..."

Hear the words.

Saint Louis Vuitton said in his heart.

Shanks escaped anyway.

He shook his head lightly, not caring much, and said: "Don't blame yourself too much. If Shanks were caught so easily, he wouldn't make a name for himself in New World."

Saint Louis Vuitton knows Shanks' abilities very well. That guy can be said to be the protagonist of this era. He has risen from the end to become the Four Emperors who will dominate the new world in the future, a typical protagonist of the era.

How could such a character be incompetent.

Saint Louis Vuitton can probably guess that even if it can catch up with Shanks and start another round of fighting, the situation will probably remain the same.

Shanks is definitely the Xiaoqiang of Immune to Death, which can be seen from his chest being pierced by thunder and still jumping alive.

Even if the encirclement is formed again, Shanks may break through on the spot. Saint Louis Vuitton will not deny this situation.

But after all, he still has not enough strong people here.

Laqilu and Gion are the only ones who can hunt down. As for Smoker and Hina to hunt down? The two of them are just fresh graduates...

"Continue tracking and look for them." Saint Louis Vuitton waved and ordered again.


At the same time, another part of the East China Sea.

A small island stands quietly on the sea, and there is a small escape boat floating on the coast...

A group of Red Hair Pirates sits around the coast, lighting a bonfire in the middle, and the crew members whose clothes were wetted by the seawater during the escape are drying water stains with the help of the fire.

"Yasopp, are you better?" Beckman looked at Yasopp, who still needed help.

"Well, I'm sorry, it didn't come in handy." Yasopp nodded slightly. He still felt his head dizzy, so that he could not use a sniper to cover the retreat when he ran away.

"Everyone is a companion. Don't put your apologies on your lips. On the other hand, that fat guy is really tricky. His ability may be..." Beckman stopped halfway through his words.

His eyes suddenly turned, and he landed in the direction of the coast.

Not only him, except for Yasopp, who was still dizzy at the moment, all the other cadres noticed the movement, and their eyes became vigilant in an instant.


The blue sea broke open, and a figure rushed out of the water. He had a healthy figure and fished out of the sea.

His toes fell lightly on the shore, and his short red hair was wet by the sea, hanging down in front of his forehead.

On the man's chest, the clothes had been completely dyed red with blood.


Beckman took a cigarette, his eyes lit up suddenly.

After waiting for a long time, it's finally here!

"Come on, someone is following me behind." Shanks looked solemn and spoke extremely fast.

Hear the words.

Beckman's complexion sank, and he stepped on the bonfire immediately, throwing all the unburned residue into the sea.

The other crew members couldn't sit still, got up quickly, and rushed off in a small escape boat.

This escape ship specially used to deal with emergencies once again showed its value, shooting out like an arrow from the string amidst the roar of horsepower.

Almost at the moment when the escape ship exited the coastline, the silhouette of the ship appeared on the distant horizon.

The CP agencies tracked down have followed!

They are like hyenas that have smelled the blood, biting their prey and not letting go.

"Zuo Manduo, drive to the west side of the sea. There are shallow sea reefs over there. We will lead them to hit, Yasopp, have you recovered?"

Beckman took the binoculars, observed the CP organization chasing from behind, and gave orders without chaos.(Read more @

"It's almost there." Yasopp braced himself, picked up the sniper rifle, aimed strenuously, and pulled the trigger.


The bullet roared out of the chamber, hitting the sea near the CP ship, and immediately set off a soaring wave.

After all, Yasopp couldn't fully recover, and he missed the shot.

However, this also interfered with the pursuit of CP ships in the rear to a certain extent.

The CP organization has always been cold-blooded, they are not afraid, and they fired back.


A cannonball exploded almost rubbing the edge of the escape boat, and the violent shock wave brought up the sea water and violently lifted the escape boat away!

"Hurry up, don't forget to take care of the wounded at hand." Beckman's command sounded again!

Red Hair Pirates will be executed immediately throughout the group.

Some people grabbed the supports around them, and some people pressed the wounded with limited mobility onto the deck.

When the escape boat landed on the sea again, no one was thrown out by the centrifugal force!

After going back and forth, the pursuit war broke out again.

This sea area became lively, gunfire and artillery sounded one after another, bringing a noisy roar.

In the chaos, Beckman, as the head of Red Hair Pirates, gave orders one after another, commanding more times than Shanks.


After three hours of fierce battle.

Red Hair Pirates completely got rid of the chase and interception of the CP agency!

"Ha, ha... damn it, luck is so bad." The bald cadre without eyebrows collapsed on the deck, panting violently with sweat, and couldn't help complaining.

"Back? This is our good luck! The East China Sea is arguably the weakest sea area. There is such a Marine team. How much luck do we have to hit to meet?" Shanks leaned on the mast, grinning heartily. .

"Shanks, it seems you still want to make a joke. You shouldn't die?" Beckman took a cigarette, his eyes fell on his chest, a little worried.

The wound that was pierced by the thunder has never been healed, and it has gotten worse after another escape.

"It's okay, isn't this still alive?" Shanks grinned, picked up a can of wine, opened the lid, and poured the wine directly on his wound, purely as a disinfection.

"Captain, are you really okay?" Jesus staggered up.

If this kind of injury were put on yourself, it would be deadly, right? ... Yasopp's eyes were full of worry.

"Captain, I will go to the nearby town to find a doctor for you."

"Shanks, you should take a break first, and stop acting hard."

Not only him, but other crew members also surrounded them, all with worried expressions.

"It's okay." Shanks shook his head, with the same smile on his face. His complexion was ruddy, and he couldn't see the slightest injury.

Seeing his appearance, the crew felt a little relieved.

"Who is that Celestial Dragons just now? It's too outrageous." Someone thought of the previous battle and couldn't help but vomit.

"It's true that the damn thing is outrageous, Celestial Dragons is an exaggeration. There are three Logia on a warship. Those of us who don't have the armed color are all eager to die." The ordinary crew member has an ugly face and a lingering heart.

"Go, go, I have never seen other Celestial Dragons' subordinates so fierce. By the way, that Celestial Dragons just now is different from the idiot Celestial Dragons I met in Drum Country, and the fighting power is too fierce. If he goes New World will definitely become famous." Another cadre wearing a headscarf chuckled in a low voice.

"Okay, let's stop talking. Let's change a place to repair it and get another boat." Beckman saw that the crew was still talking about it, so he stepped forward and interrupted. .........

This escape boat will not last long. Today’s overloaded use has brought it to the brink of scrap. The next priority is to get another pirate boat.

"Yes!" The crew responded one after another and immediately began to act.

The escape boat sailed again, drawing waves on the sea...

Until this time, Shanks untied his shirt and simply wrapped the wound on his chest with a bandage. He listened to the previous words of his companion, seeming to recall the previous battle, and said in a low voice:

"That Celestial Dragons is really tough, and the Marines around him who protect him are probably not as strong as him."

At this moment, Yasopp came up, he squatted down and sat opposite Shanks, and suddenly said:

"Shanks, if you gave up the offense and avoided that thunder spear, it might be much better."

Hear the words.

Shanks didn't say anything, just shook his head slightly.

Only he knew the situation at the time.

That sword was already the pinnacle of the spirit and energy, and it could only attack irreversibly. Once it retreats, the accumulated momentum in front of it would be decimated, and I'm afraid there will be no chance to cut out such a sword again.

How to cover the retreat of the companions?

Although it turned out that he still failed to hurt Saint Louis Vuitton, even if time went back in time and asked him to make another choice, he would not back down.

Because that is the only chance to stop Saint Louis Vuitton!

And the most important point, even if he gave up the attack, Shanks didn't have the confidence to avoid that thunder spear. Saint Louis Vuitton shot too fast and the timing was too tricky.

He thought of this, and shook his head lightly like a mockery, and sighed: "I came back to pay homage to Captain Roger this time. I didn't expect to be so embarrassed. If I let those guys in New World know, I'm afraid I will die of laughter."

Beckman's eyes flickered.

Now that the situation has settled down, he has more time to think about some of the previous details.

"I think I should know who the Celestial Dragons is, and we are not ashamed of losing to him." Beckman thought of a newspaper he saw when he first came to Donghai.

He paused briefly, integrated the thoughts in his mind, and said: "He should be the named Marine Inspector, Celestial Dragons Saint Louis Vuitton!"

"There have been reports in the news that he has successively wiped out many well-known pirate groups in the East China Sea. The methods are extremely harsh. It is said that a death route has been killed in the East China Sea. We have eaten such a Marine... Actually, it is not unacceptable. matter."

Beckman touched his chin with one hand and whispered: "According to my analysis, I am afraid that they will be able to go to the Grand Line. If they go to the New World... Hey, those arrogant guys will probably be silent."

Say here.

A gleam of light suddenly flashed in Beckman's eyes. He looked at Shanks and asked abruptly, "Speaking of which, do you think that fat man's ability is familiar?"

Shanks was silent for a moment, and said, "That's Shiki's ability, Lion Fruit..."

"Do you think too?" Beckman narrowed his eyes slightly.

He was lost in thought.

After a while, he said quietly: "Some time ago, when Shiki was killed, there was a rumor that he died in the hands of Celestial Dragons..."

In the second half of the sentence, he didn't say anything.

But Shanks already understood what he meant.

Golden Lion...It is very likely that he died in the hands of Saint Louis Vuitton! !

Even Saint Louis Vuitton used a certain method to deprive Golden Lion of the ability!

Shanks wanted to think, but suddenly his eyes turned black.

He stood up, stretched his waist, and said, "Okay, it's almost done, I'll go to sleep."


Shanks turned around and walked towards the cabin.

Turning his back to everyone, no one noticed that his face became extremely pale at this moment!

The original ruddy complexion... is just a disguise for the peace of mind of his companions.

Shanks lowered his head.

Seeing the bandage that had been stained red with blood just now, his lips became paler and paler.

"This injury, I am afraid it will leave a scar..."

He whispered faintly with a voice that only he could hear...

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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