The sky is getting late, the high-hanging Hyuga falls on the blue sea level, and the afterglow shines the sea and Amaterasu into a gorgeous golden color, which looks like a fire floating on the sea from a distance.

A warship flying the flag of the World government gallops over the sea.

In front of the warship, two small Cp agency escort ships led the way and followed the trail of Red Hair Pirates.

Saint Louis Vuitton has not stayed on the deck.

He returned to the cabin and sat on a comfortable chair, sipping light tea slowly.

Through the window, a gorgeous sea view came into view.

Saint Louis Vuitton likes the sea, especially sunrise and sunset. In his opinion, birth and closing are the best things in the world. The value and light of life will explode at these two nodes.

Tuk tuk.

The room door was knocked suddenly, and a Cp1 walked in and bowed his head in front of Saint Louis Vuitton.

"My lord, the whereabouts of Red Hair Pirates have disappeared."

Hear the words.

Saint Louis Vuitton retracted his gaze out of the window, put down his tea cup, and shook his head slightly.

Still failed to catch these guys.

However, this result is also expected.

In addition to Shanks accident in Red Hair Pirates, there is another guy who is very difficult to deal with. He has both brains and strength, and can even be regarded as a character who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Shanks.

He is Beckman!

With Beckman as the command, it is not difficult for Red Hair Pirates to get rid of the tracking of the CP organization.

"Don't worry about them, the route will be changed and continue to the Kingdom of Goya." Saint Louis Vuitton said lightly.

Because Red Hair Pirates deviated from the course, it's time to get back on track.

"Yes." CP1 bowed back.

Cp1 had just left here, Gion and Cp1 passed by and walked in quickly.

"I once heard Sister He say one thing, their captain red-haired Shanks, used to be a crew member on Roger Ship 19."

Gion sat down in front of Saint Louis Vuitton, frowned, and said, "At that time, Shanks was just a kid that no one noticed. I didn't expect to grow up now."

"Being a member of Roger's crew is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

Saint Louis Vuitton took a sip from his teacup, thinking of the ‘Joker’ Buggy who was thrown into the North Sea by him and was also a member of Roger's crew.

Buggy is not a fuel-efficient lamp either. With his luck, Usopp has to kneel down.

It can be said to be the number one luck king in the world.

Unique luck color Haki? ... Saint Louis Vuitton raised his brows lightly.

"Roger left behind a bunch of disgusting guys." Bermel frowned, and she made no secret of her disgust.

"Roger is indeed the source of cholera in this world. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't have started the era of great pirates. The phrase that the star chasers of the era said before Golden Lion's death is not wrong." Saint Louis Vuitton nodded slightly.

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Speaking of Roger, he thought of Buggy, the "king of luck" who went to Beihai soon to help him develop the dark world.

Thought of this.

Saint Louis Vuitton waved away and said to the maid: "Get the phone bug for me."

"My lord, whose phone bug are you going to take?"

"Buggy." Saint Louis Vuitton smiled lightly.


North Sea!

Islamic State.

This is the Fox family, the largest mafia family resident in the Islamic State!

The Fox family has been secretly ruling this country for nearly 30 years. It seems that the Islamic State is still ruled by the king class, but in fact the contemporary king has already become the puppet of the Fox family.

Thirty years later, the entire Islamic State is trembling in the shadow of the Fox family. No one can resist, and no one dared to resist.

The Fox family is the supreme ruler of this country and can easily take anyone's life.

But it is such a gangster that makes the Islamic State tremble.

At this moment, blood is flowing into a river!

The streets paved with bluestone slabs were completely stained red with blood, the houses were lit by fire, and there were mutilated corpses on both sides of the road.(Read more @

"Hahahahahaha, tremble at the feet of my uncle." Buggy stuck his waist in the middle of the street, arrogant laughter resounding throughout the sky.

"Run away, this person is a crew member of One Piece Gol·D·Roger!!"

"Their strength is too strong, flee, flee here!"

In front of Buggy, with Bloodline stained on his body, the Mafia members in black suits fled like a bereaved dog.

"Yes, yes, that's the feeling, this is what the uncle wants..."

Buggy opened his arms, facing the raging fire and wind, and enjoying the thrill of being feared shouting his name, the expression on his face was extremely refreshing.

"call out--"

The two figures shot out from behind Buggy, with the sound of breaking the wind, and rushed behind the fleeing Mafia, hunting them cruelly.

It is Alec and Lucas!

Just a few breaths.

All the fleeing Mafia fell to the ground and turned into cold corpses, and the blood on the floor became a bit brighter.

Deeper in the station, some remnants tremble more and more when they see this scene...

"Hahahaha, no one can stop my uncle from conquering the North Sea!" Buggy laughed, his eyebrows were flying, and there was a faint tendency to split.

What he has done in Beihai these days, Buggy feels that he has reached the pinnacle of his life!

Counting the Fox family, this is already the third mafia force he has eroded away. In total, I am afraid that thousands of people have died in his hands!

After Buggy nibbled out the background of these Mafia families, its power has expanded to an unprecedented level. It can be said that within a few days, it has emerged in the North Sea and squeezed into the sight of the underworld emperors in the underground world of the North Sea.

"Captain Buggy, I found the patriarch here." Moqi was covered in blood and carried a middle-aged man out of a house.

This always funny man is smelling of blood all over his body at this moment, and the murderousness he carries makes people remember his identity-the pirate!

"This uncle, please, let me go. I can give you the whole family. I only ask you to save me." The middle-aged man knelt on the ground, stubbornly kowtow to Buggy for mercy.


Buggy felt the fear of the other party, and only felt a rush of blood rushing to his brain, and the whole person became light and light.

This is the scene he wants in all his dreams!

Easily squeeze the lives of others, the other party chanted his name, kneeling down and begging for mercy.


"kill him."

Buggy's expression instantly became fierce.


The blood mist splashed, the middle-aged man's eyes suddenly trembled, and his body fell weakly.

On his neck, there was a bloodstain resembling a centipede, and blood flowed out slowly...

Moqi grimly dried the blood on the knife and put it back in the leather case.

"Now, the Fox family is also in our bag." A strong excitement appeared on Buggy's face, and the red nose seemed to become more vivid.

Their power has expanded again!

It is enough to be called the four words of strong soldiers and strong horses!

Buggy knows deeply that he can gain a foothold in Beihai in such a short period of time, and even have such a position, because of the big man behind him.

Saint Louis Vuitton!

Saint Louis Vuitton sent him Lucas and Elli with strong strength, and the secret support is even more nonsense. A group of CPs acted as backers to back him and provide intelligence support.

And there is also the New World underworld emperor, and the Queen of Happy Street, Streisey, do secretly support!

With the help of such a huge backing force, in Buggy's view, he can be one of the underground emperors of the North Sea and the top giant in the North Sea by giving him at most one month's time to recruit and buy horses!

Even... it can compete with the Don Quijote family, Germa 66 and other underground existences! !


Buggy imagined his own ambition to dominate the North Sea, and laughed triumphantly, his brows danced, and his expression was extremely exaggerated.

At this moment, Kabaji stepped on a wheelbarrow and walked over with a phone worm.

"Master Buggy, the phone worm rang."

Buggy was halfway laughing, and was suddenly interrupted by this sentence. The laughter was stuck.


Buggy turned her head in irritation, her eyes looking bad.

He also plans to wait and continue to frighten the remnants of the Fox family and make them shit!

"...It's an adult," Kabaji whispered.

Buggy's expression froze, as if a bucket of ice water was poured from head to toe, and the enthusiasm in his cavity instantly extinguished.

His sight shifted slightly and fell on the phone worm.

The phone worm craned its neck... So, is this especially already switched on? !

Doesn't this mean that what I said was heard? ... Buggy's lips trembled so much, he suddenly felt like he had become a little shorter? Look down quickly.

Oh, it's not that I am getting shorter, but my legs are weak and I can't stand firmly.

this moment.

Buggy used the fastest speed in his life.

The palm flew out, caught the phone bug, and said with a sneer:

"Hahaha, I said that when I woke up today, I felt the sun was so round. It turned out that Lord Saint Louis Vuitton was coming to call me. Good evening, Lord."

A little further away, the frightened Mafia remnant huddled in the ruined wall. They saw Buggy with a flattering smile. They only felt that their head was hit by a heavy hammer head-on, and their eyes turned black.

Buggy...a terrible figure who can easily kill their family.

And he would please people like this? Even... still a little scared? !

"Buggy, you seem to be very happy..."

The phone worm opened his mouth, and the calm and indifferent voice of Saint Louis Vuitton came.

"Of course I am happy to be able to receive calls from adults, eh, in the past two days in Beihai, I have been a little dizzy and dizzy all day. I didn't expect to hear adults' voices all at once. Ben... I love to listen to it in my life. The voice is the voice of an adult."

Buggy was holding the phone worm, as if he was confessing to his own father who had been dead for an unknown period of time, and threw out the flattering words.

He flattered for several minutes, and then cautiously tentatively said: "My lord, I just..."

Halfway through the conversation, Buggy figured out something, spoke straightforwardly, and decisively admitted that I was wrong: "I just had a brain problem, and Buggy didn’t dare to forget the favor of the adult. I swear to fight for the adult, and the adult told me to go east. I am absolutely afraid to go west..."

Buggy said a lot more, and finally pulled the topic back on track abruptly, and said, "My lord, I don't know what's the matter with me?"

The phone worm was silent for a moment.

Then he opened his mouth and heard the voice of Saint Louis Vuitton, "Hehe, I have a lot of these words, but I don’t hate it,"

"How is your progress?" Saint Louis Vuitton asked quietly.


4D update today! .

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