Sister Emmond stood on the edge of the warship's deck and waved at the returning Saint Louis Vuitton.

They knew that Saint Louis Vuitton didn't plan to be punished by bad taste, so they didn't bother to go to Frost Moon Village and just waited for fishing on the coast.

Saint Louis Vuitton chuckled at them.

The mighty Marine troops successively boarded the ship, and the chef began to carefully prepare soba noodles.

The chefs on the Saint Louis Vuitton ship are all top chefs deliberately transferred from the Grand Line.

After the meal, Saint Louis Vuitton once again held today's routine meeting.

The content is very simple, discussed the follow-up actions to capture Shuangyue Koshiro.

"Ding, Host has completed today's meeting, and the small meeting will be hosted for 30 minutes..."

"System settlement, a total of +80 meetings ~ points today."

Accompanied by the ethereal reminder sound.

Saint Louis Vuitton opened the long-lost system panel ready-ready to add points.

During this period of exercise, my physical fitness increased by 10 points, which is not bad.

Host: Saint Louis Vuitton

Physical fitness attributes: 682

Armament Haki: 100

Observation Haki: 100

Conqueror's Haki: 100

Thunder Fruit: 200

【Six Types】: 60

Attribute points: 164 points

(For readers, the 120 attribute points of the previous medium-sized meeting of the killing magic order have been added. Last time, I did not add points for the coherence of the plot. By default, the physical fitness has been added, so the physical fitness is 682.)

It is still all added to physical fitness.

Host: Saint Louis Vuitton

Physical fitness attributes: 846

Armament Haki: 100

Observation Haki: 100

Conqueror's Haki: 100

Thunder Fruit: 200

【Six Types】: 60

Attribute points: 0 points


Saint Louis Vuitton let out a sigh of air, his eyes bright and bright.

It's only a thousand points away from physical fitness.


"By the way, smile, wait a moment."

Saint Louis Vuitton yelled and smiled as he was about to leave the meeting, "I just heard you say that before you met me, you traveled around and challenged the strong swordsman. You should have reached the level of a great swordsman long ago?"

"Underneath I slightly touched the threshold." With a smile, his hands were folded slightly, and he said very modestly.

...A little bit?

To put it this way, I am afraid that few people in this world can reach your ‘slightly’.

1. Versailles Laugh?

Saint Louis Vuitton's heart moved slightly, his face remained unchanged, and a faint smile appeared on his lips. "I am also interested in swordsmanship recently. How teach me?"

He smiled slightly and raised his head unexpectedly, ‘looking’ at Saint Louis Vuitton.

After he boarded the ship, he heard the identity of Saint Louis Vuitton.

It turned out to be Celestial Dragons!

This is very different from the Celestial Dragons in Yixiao's cognition, which made him feel incredible for a time, and it also made him more curious about Saint Louis Vuitton.

"I am honored to be able to teach Supervision Swordsmanship." He smiled and responded, still maintaining his usual humility.(Read more @

"Change place?"

Saint Louis Vuitton chuckled and pointed to the nail plate.

Nodded with a smile, followed behind Saint Louis Vuitton, and walked towards the deck.

Teaching swordsmanship, Saint Louis Vuitton not only screamed, but also called Gion over!

The famous sword gold on the waist, Chen Xieqiu, is also a swordsman with great swordsmanship!

"It just happens to be full of physical fitness recently, so I can just learn..." Saint Louis Vuitton murmured softly.

CP1 fetched the ancient ghost sword for him.

After receiving the ancient ghost sword CP1 fetched for him, Saint Louis Vuitton gently stroked the scabbard with his fingers.

There was coolness and scorching heat from the fingertips, two distinct and opposite touches, but at this moment, they coexist strangely, revealing a palpitating breath.

"Huh?" With a smile, he raised his brows slightly, and he faintly noticed that this knife was somewhat unusual.


Saint Louis Vuitton's wrists are exerting force, and the ancient ghost sword is half an inch out of its sheath, and a trembling sound bursts out!

With a smile, the expression changed again, and a look of surprise emerged from the bottom of my heart!

The trembling just now was too short. Someone might regard it as a clanging sound from the trembling of the blade, but in the perception of a smile, what he heard was a majestic roar!

At this moment, with a clear smile, see, the knife in Saint Louis Vuitton's hand, living in the shadow of a fierce beast engulfed in blue flames!

It entangled on the edge of the ancient sword, raised its head with horns, and its eyes were staring at itself! !

No, it cannot be said to be a foreigner.

It should be that this fierce beast and the knife are basically one!

…Eat Devil Fruit’s knife?

"Inspector this knife is a good knife, but also an interesting knife." He smiled and said with a chuckle.

He thought of a rumor that he had heard before leaving the Quartet.

Not only humans in this world can eat Devil Fruit.

Even weapons are fine!

This knife in Saint Louis Vuitton's it such a special existence?

Hearing the words of a smile, Gion glanced at him in surprise.

With a smile, he could perceive the special nature of the Youhuo Ancient Sword?

You must know that the Youhuo Ancient Sword hasn't transformed into a unicorn shape, it looks like a simple sword from the outside.

The sight of this guy... terrible.

Gion wrote this down silently in his heart.

"Inspector, if you want to practice kendo, it is very important to lay a good foundation. I will tell you from the most basic..." said a smile slowly.

Regarding the practice of kendo, we are initially on the right path!


Time flies.

A week has passed since the warship galloped on the sea.

Already arrived at the destination!

This is a small island near Logue town. It is not suitable for people to live in. The island is full of soaring trees. The ecological environment has a feeling of a primitive forest. One can imagine how many ferocious people live in it. Beast.

The warships berthed slowly, and Marine troops successively landed on the islands.

· ·········· Ask for flowers·······

Saint Louis Vuitton stood on the upper deck and asked quietly:

"How's the matter going?"

Mask No. 5 CP1, who was following by his side, immediately replied:

"Everything is ready. The news that we are going to behead Shuangyue Koshiro here has spread. Our undercover Anko, who is on the edge of the Revolutionary stronghold, can already confirm that the Revolutionary Army has received this news, but we don’t know what the dragons are doing. The revolutionary army has hidden deeper since the last time, and seems to be dormant. It is not certain for the time being whether they will come."

Saint Louis Vuitton squinted his eyes slightly when he heard the words, he looked out at the blue sea.

…Will it come?

Thoughts flashed, Saint Louis Vuitton had already spoken, "Regardless of whether they will come or not, the plan that should be carried out will continue as usual. The image of the execution of Frosty Moon Koshiro will be spread to several nearby islands, um...and those major countries in the East China Sea. ."

"All your orders will be completed." Masked No. 5 CP1 nodded respectfully.

... .... 0

Saint Louis Vuitton nodded.

Immediately, he stepped off the warship and prepared to land on the island.

"Brother Saint Louis Vuitton, wait for us." Yilanft Palace and sister stepped up to catch up on small steps, showing snow-white calves in the flying skirt.

Saint Louis Vuitton looked back at them, shook his head and smiled: "You should be waiting at the 11th branch."

11 Marine branch, the branch near Logue town, is also the branch closest to the island.

Saint Louis Vuitton itself intends to keep the two sisters in the branch. If the revolutionaries come to rescue Frostmoon Koshiro, the island may fall into the flames of war.

Staying in the Marine branch is much safer than here.

"No, the Marine branch is not fun." Yilanft Palace hugged Saint Louis Vuitton's arm and acted like a baby.

"Forget it, you can stay here. You have good talents. You can take this opportunity to exercise and see if you can make a move." Saint Louis Vuitton rubbed her pale apricot hair

"We don't like to fight and kill, wait and see Shuangyue Koshiro beheaded." Yilan Leite Palace leaned back on the white chin, a pair of'salted fish' is the true meaning of life. .

Saint Louis Vuitton saw this and didn't say anything any more, just shook his head and chuckled, leaving them alone.

Everyone has his own way of living, there is no need to force it.

Converge your thoughts.

Saint Louis Vuitton steps towards the beheading guillotine built in advance on the coast!

On the coast of the island, a decapitating guillotine with a height of ten meters was erected in the center.

In the jungle behind, there is a faint reflection of light Madara, which is the light refracted by the scope, and snipers are dormant and lurking.

On both sides of the island, there is a row of warships on standby. There are 10 warships in total, each of which is fully loaded with Marine soldiers. There is no hidden meaning at all. It is a gesture of inviting you to enter the urn.

At this time.

A tall figure came from a distance.

The Marine justice coat dancing behind him.

Ossister Admiral!


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