"Master Saint Louis Vuitton." Ossist walked up to Saint Louis Vuitton, bowed slightly, showing full respect.

This time, the world government attaches great importance to this action. In order to wipe out the revolutionary army, one of the three Admirals standing at the top of Marine was dispatched!


Saint Louis Vuitton looked at it and nodded indifferently, "Wait for you to deal with the main combat power of the revolutionary army, I hope you don't let me down."

Ossister smiled, "Don't worry, I won't let the adults down."

With that, Ossister turned and left with a smile.

And the moment he turned around, a gloomy color flashed in his eyes.

This time, he didn't want to come, but Sengoku was too busy with other tasks. Zephyr, for some reasons, although he was Admiral, he taught the recruits more often.

Three of the two of Admiral can't come, he can only come to help this battle!

Bermel looked at the back of Ossist's departure. She thought of the unpleasantness that Saint Louis Vuitton had had with this Admiral before, and said with some worry:

"Ocistor Admiral... will he work without effort?"

Saint Louis Vuitton shook his head slightly, "If it's a matter of back, he might be lazy to release water, but if I release water on this matter..."

He didn't go on.

If Ossist really wants to release the water, not to mention whether Saint Louis Vuitton will let him go, even the Celestial Dragons standing behind Ossist will not let him go.

The revolutionaries attacked Celestial Dragons, which touched the bottom line of Celestial Dragons.

The whole world knows that Celestial Dragons are inviolable. This is a deterrent created by a drop of blood over the past 800 years, and no one is allowed to destroy it.

Celestial Dragons can fight internally on their own, but if outsiders come to destroy the reputation of Celestial Dragons, it will definitely be all Celestial Dragons uniting to the outside world. This is something that even Celestial Dragons who have enmity in private will comply.

Celestial Dragons can stand for eight hundred years in the world for no reason.

Although this group has a sense of superiority, its cohesion is extraordinary. I am afraid that in the whole world, no ethnic group can compare it.

"Wait for you to pick the weaker and give him the strongest." Saint Louis Vuitton said with a smile at Laqilu and the others who were following him.

He planned to throw all the hard stubble to Ossister and give him all the dirty work. Who made him the only Admiral present?

"Hey, no problem."

Laqilu barked his teeth and laughed, "I can kill a few more people by then, and get more merits, hahahahaha!"

"By the way, where did the smile go?"

Saint Louis Vuitton raised his brows. He didn't see a smiling figure. He was there when he got off the warship just now. Why did he disappear after a shake?

"...No, play dice over there." Lakilu pointed to the distant place near the jungle with a weird face.

Through the bushes, a figure wearing a lavender kimono could be vaguely seen, and it was a smile as expected.

He squatted in the bushes, shaking his arms, obviously shaking a dice.

"You didn't go to play?" Saint Louis Vuitton looked at Lakiru unexpectedly.

When he laughed, Saint Louis Vuitton knew that he was good at gambling, so he took the initiative to play two dice with him. At first, he smiled and justly refused, saying that Marine would not gamble when he was marching.

Saint Louis Vuitton said don’t care, it’s okay to relax when there is no task.

Then... I laughed as soon as I laughed, and the technique of rolling the dice is called proficiency.

This guy, his favorite to eat is soba, and his favorite to play is gambling.

From that day on, I would find someone to play on the boat twice as soon as I was free. When I looked for it, I found Rachiru who had a similar smell. Rachiru was not keen on gambling, but he did not reject it.

This guy who is going to kill the thief as soon as he enters the stage has grown up from a young boy to a big boy, and he would have been playing with these flowers and flowers.

Now, when Lachlu heard that Saint Louis Vuitton asked about this, he grinned and said: "A smile lost to me the one-month salary that the adult gave him yesterday."

Saint Louis Vuitton: "..."

So, if you laugh, you lose all the money in your pocket, so you don't want to play with Laqilu?

This guy's gambling luck really has nothing to say.

and many more.

No money……

"Then who is he playing with now?" Saint Louis Vuitton murmured.

It's weird, there are people who would play dice with a joke for not betting money?

"With those two boys Ace and Sabo." Lakiru shrugged, somewhat speechless.(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

With a poor smile, there was no salary, and the gambling addiction had to go to play with the children.


"Huh?" When Saint Louis Vuitton heard it, he immediately became interested, "Go and see."

At the same time, the cat smiled in the bushes with a wretched smile.

He squatted on the ground, holding the dice tube in his hand, and opened it with a snap.

Six, five, six, big!

"Oh, Ace won again." He patted his forehead with a smile, and his wretched smile remained the same.

"Yeah!" Ace jumped up and cheered, and took away from the stump with a smile, putting a brush to make a childlike ‘money ticket’.

Standing next to Huoshaoshan, Sabo narrowed his mouth, pushed Ace away unconvinced, and sat next to a smile, muttering in his mouth: "I'll listen to it this time!"

"If you come, you will come. I will definitely win this time." Ace was squeezed away, not angry at all, but chuckled, his little face full of pride.

Sabo narrowed his mouth, even more unconvinced.

But there is no reason to refute.

He doesn't know why, this guy Ace can guess the size every time, and he almost won all his "money"!

Just now, I was addicted to gambling with a smile, but it was a pity that there was a jingle in my pocket, so I could only hide here and play with it, purely for self-entertainment.

I don't know when, Ace and Sabo suddenly come over, they are still there to guess the size.

With a smile, I was happy, and I had a plan, so I just let the two little guys alone, let them take turns to listen to the dice and guess the size of each other.

The Huoshao Mountain on the side witnessed the whole process.

Since he was injured in the last attack, he has been training on the Saint Louis Vuitton ship for this period of time, and finally recovered in the last two days. He immediately asked Saint Louis Vuitton to participate in this operation.

At this moment, Huoshaoshan's face is shocked!

Sabo may not understand why Ace keeps winning.

But Huoshaoshan can see it.

That kid named Ace... unexpectedly awakened from seeing and hearing! !

How big is this? !

At this age, I have awakened to see and hear, is it acquired or born? In either case, it is incredible.

"He is Roger's child." Huo Shaoshan said silently in his heart.

The thing about Ace... he knows it!

Very few people know this in Marine, only Garp, Sengoku, Tsuru and their faithful factions.

Originally Huoshaoshan should not have known, but as Saint Louis Vuitton's camp, he was still told the truth.

Roger's child...is the talent so amazing? !

Huo Shao Shan took a deep cigar, his eyes turned slightly, moved away from Ace, and looked at Sabo.

Sabo looked serious, listened carefully to the sound of rolling in the dice tube, smiled softly on Sabo's head, and whispered to Sabo how to distinguish.

This scene is not only like a gambler, but also like a teacher teaching his students!

Huo Shao Shan's eyes turned again and looked at the other three children beside him.

Jabra lay on the rock and fell asleep, with one foot on the outside, there was a sense of freedom and unrestrainedness.

Lu Qi stood on the canopy of the tree, looking at the sea in the distance, his gaze was like a sword, and his sharp edge was exposed.

Blueno is holding his chin and sitting quietly, like a rock in concentration.

Huoshaoshan's gaze was full.

None of the children around Saint Louis Vuitton are ordinary... Is this Saint Louis Vuitton’s ability to recognize people?

At this moment, Ace's laughter sounded again, interrupting Huoshaoshan's thoughts.

"Look, I won again." Ace stuck in his waist, with a very arrogant look, and there was a faint flash of crimson light in his eyes.

That's seeing and hearing color!

"Oh, Sabo is going to lose it all." He scratched his head with a smile, with a wretched smile on his face.

There are no more children's bills on the stakes.

Sabo was so angry that he blushed. He was neither reconciled nor could he find a way to win Ace.

Huo Shaoshan is watching the children laughing and playing, and is also looking at the dice with a smile!

Vigilance emerged in his heart. This middle-aged blind man was definitely not easy. His super-sense perception told him that this was a tiger sniffing the rose, and once his minions were exposed, it would surely make the enemy tremble.

I heard from Gion a few days ago that I laughed at the person that Saint Louis Vuitton had recently pulled over, and Saint Louis Vuitton was about to promote him to the rank of lieutenant general in one breath!

This matter has now been sent to Kong, and after the approval is down, you can cross a large number of military ranks with a smile and be promoted to lieutenant general!

It's just that the importance of the Naval Headquarters is far more important than the Cao Chang given by Louis Vuittons in the past, plus other elite Celestial Dragons deliberately stumbled behind.

This approval is temporarily stuck and has not been issued yet.

However, Huo Shaoshan believes that a smile will soon be able to get the rank of lieutenant general!

"This ability to recognize people... even Ms. Crane is not as good." Huo Shao Shan muttered in a voice that only he could hear, biting his cigar.

Crane's eyes are first-rate. There is no doubt about that. As Marine's staff, her strongest thing is by no means standing, but her mind and vision.

But in terms of looking for talents... Huo Shaoshan also has to admit that the crane is not as good as Louis Vuitton!

Huo Shaoshan's thoughts reached this point, and he stepped forward. He planned to communicate with Yixiao to see if he could know some details of this blind man.

"Sabo, don't just listen with your ears, you have to see, see with your "heart"..." He smiled and taught Sabo, when Marine came with three bowls of freshly baked soba noodles.

"Mr. Yixiao, this is the Chinese meal prepared by Chief Saint Louis Vuitton for you." Marine put down his noodles, with a respectful tone.

Although Yixiao is not a lieutenant general, it seems to everyone that Saint Louis Vuitton only needs to export, and that is a certainty. Naturally, we should respect this figure who will become their chief in the future.

"Thank you." With a smile, his nose moved, and he smiled and blossomed when he smelled the aroma of soba noodles.

He picked up one of the bowls of noodles and took a sip of it, with a happy smile on his face, like a great satisfaction in life.

But at this time!


The harsh sirens suddenly resounded across the sky!

Huoshaoshan's steps stopped.

In the distance, Saint Louis Vuitton, who was about to come here, also stopped.

There was light in his eyes, he slowly turned around and looked at the sea in the distance.

"come yet?"


Comes with a picture of Fujitora's wretched smile! .

Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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