"Boom, boom, boom"

Intensive bombing caused sea water to splash everywhere, raising clouds of pitch-black smoke.

Saint Louis Vuitton's eyes condensed slightly.

moment! In the black smoke, three large ships shot through and galloped across the sea with gunfire!

The revolutionary army broke out of the bombing range of the artillery fire and rushed straight towards the coastline!


Saint Louis Vuitton frowned.

Two Pirate Ships?

No, these two well-known pirate groups in the East China Sea were wiped out by bounty hunters some time ago. Saint Louis Vuitton has seen relevant information.

"Have you invited a bounty hunter."

Saint Louis Vuitton's eyes flickered, and he whispered softly, "The dragon is smarter than Whitebeard..."

He calculated the revolutionary army and set up this grand feast so that they had to come. In fact, the current situation is very similar to the beginning of the war at the top.

But the similarity is only the beginning, the process is completely different.

Dragon's approach is very clever. Whether it is hiring bounty hunters or kidnapping the hostage Marine, this is obviously a stop loss and a counterattack.

Look at Whitebeard again... directly lead the white group to the top, saying that it is brave if it sounds good, and criticizing it if it is bad.

To be honest, Saint Louis Vuitton didn't understand. What was the Whitebeard Pirates thinking? Whitebeard himself is already old, hasn't used some tactics, purely relying on strength to save people?

Even Marine knows about Yin Whitebeard, so Whitebeard was stabbed by the "Sword of Dutiful Son"...

In contrast, Long's approach is very flexible.

This is the difference between the Pirate and the Revolutionary Army?

Pirates and Marine fight, most of the time they are going straight back and forth. They fight if they can't fight, and they run away if they can't fight.

However, the revolutionaries are confronting world politics. In addition to dealing with Marine, they also have to deal with the all-pervasive CP organization. The IQ is not high, and the few methods may have been defeated long ago.

Thinking of this, Saint Louis Vuitton chuckled and couldn't help it.

He personally still likes Whitebeard's character and attitude. After thinking about it, he wanted to wash Whitebeard. As a result... I didn't understand how to wash it. I thought it was funny.

Whitebeard, who can become Four Emperors and has the title of the world's strongest man, is mentally retarded? impossible.

But why don't you know how to learn to learn dragon.

Saint Louis Vuitton was not mocking, but from the bottom of his heart, he felt that all members of the Whitebeard Pirates had something wrong with their brains and rushed to Malin Vando.

"Why did the sir suddenly laugh?" Bermel blinked.

"Think of something funny."

Saint Louis Vuitton changed his position and looked at Bermel, "If you were placed in the position of the revolutionary army, would you choose to charge directly?"

Bermel was taken aback when he heard the words, and shook his head in surprise, "No, isn't this an idiot behavior?"

Even if he knew there was an ambush, he rushed forward, and he didn't want to die fast enough? … Bermel thought to herself, she was surprised why Saint Louis Vuitton would suddenly ask such things.

"Hahahahahaha." Saint Louis Vuitton got the answer and laughed heartily.

The Whitebeard Pirates, I can't wash it for you... Saint Louis Vuitton shook his head in my heart.

At this moment, Bermel said in a deep voice: "Someone has come ashore!"

Saint Louis Vuitton looked up.

I saw that several figures broke through the curtain of dense smoke, rushing to the coast of the island with a powerful force of thunder, standing still in the smoke and waves of gunpowder!

Morrie, Lindbergh...There is one other person, he is huge, like a small mountain, standing here is covered from the sun and casts a large shadow.

"That's...'Tyrant' Bassoro Bear?" Bermel's eyes shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously exclaimed.

She knew that this man, with a bounty of more than 200 million, was a murderous pirate of the famous Grand Line!

It is rumored that the people who fight with him will disappear out of thin air if they can't escape a few strokes, and their abilities are extremely strange.

Bermel really did not expect that the bear would be a revolutionary man! !


A vigorous and terrifying aura burst out, and several cadres of the revolutionary army took action at the same time, Mo Pei's power shook the coast, and even the sea water along the way was splashed!


As if a meteorite descended on the battlefield, he intercepted the bear's eruption in the air, and he clenched his right fist into a dark-colored armed condensed, breaking through the water and wind. The majestic breath caused the entire coastline to tremble violently, as if in an earthquake. !

In the current Marine III Admiral, in addition to Sengoku who is a fruit capable person, Zephyr and Ossist are both strong in physical skills!


The bear was not afraid, his palm with a pink mat gently pressed the air, but what he brought up was a hurricane comparable to a cannonball piercing through the air!


The shock erupted from the collision between the two is like a mountain collapsing, and the vibration makes the earth tremble and crack sharply, and the sharp wind and air waves are whizzing and rolling, tearing and billowing black smoke!

The defensive Marine was stumbling, and someone was smashed into the air. The snipers in the jungle pulled the trigger at the same time, and the densely packed leather army and bounty hunters launched a charge.

At the same time, several figures in Marine rushed out from different directions, all of them attacked and killed the cadres of the revolutionary army who landed on the coast with Ling Li's murderous intent!

"Meeting again." Huo Shao Shan dipped his cigar, his voice was low, and his usual gentleness was changed. The overbearing sword was unstoppable. It exploded in front of Lindbergh, and there was a hideous gap in the ground between the shaking and the mountain.

"I don't want to meet you at all."

In the dust splashing, Lindbergh rose into the air and said with a curled mouth.

The other side,

Gion stepped through the dust, and the famous sword came out of the sheath around the waist, instantly covering it with jet-black armed color.

"Exhibitionist woman, you are not so lucky this time." Gion dragged a long knife, a pair of peach blossom eyes filled with icy coolness, stepping towards Betty step by step.

"It's you..." Betty bit her cigarette, her eyes flashed dimly under her sunglasses, she thought of Karas who was in front of her that day.

If it weren't for Karas to block himself, it would be himself who was executed last time!(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

But... the enemy is in front, Betty didn't rush forward to fight Gion, but took a half step back.

In the smoke behind her.

A tall and straight figure is slowly walking out.

He has vicious features and red tattoos on his face-he is a dragon!

At this moment, Long's carrying Lieutenant General Wefried's collar, just like this, dragged him to the center of the battlefield!

The dragon's eyes scanned the surroundings, passing the Marines one by one, and finally looked towards the execution platform in the distance.

His eyes... and Saint Louis Vuitton's eyes facing each other!

The dragon's eyes flickered slightly.

As Saint Louis Vuitton had guessed, he protected Lieutenant General Wilfried from the gunfire! !

At this moment, Betty, who retreated to the dragon's side, inhaled slightly, loudly shouting through the entire battlefield.

"Listen to all Marines, Lieutenant General Waverard is in our hands. If you don't stop, we will kill him on the spot!"

The entire battlefield suddenly stagnated!

A pair of pupils shrank sharply, and all Marines could see clearly, and Lieutenant General Wilfried was caught by the dragon!

…Lieutenant General Wavered was kidnapped? !

Thoughts flashed in my heart, Marines inevitably stagnated!

Ossister lifted his foot and kicked the bear's elbow as quickly as an electric light, and brute force his tall body to retreat three steps, and the sound of footsteps resounded across the battlefield.

At this moment, Ocist did not pursue, he looked in the direction of the dragon, his eyes flickering slightly.

In some hidden corners, he saw the sneaky figures of the revolutionary army, all holding video phone worms in his hands, spreading out the words of the dragon abducting Lieutenant General Wilfred in the shooting field! !

Marine's live broadcast of the execution of Frosty Moon Koshiro.

The Revolutionary Army is also broadcasting live hijacking of Lieutenant General Wilfred.

This is the counterattack of the revolutionary army!

"Tsk." Ocist gave a light sip.

Just now, I didn't know what to do, and killed the revolutionary army with the hostages, and fooled the past.

Now this method is no longer feasible, and Lieutenant-General Waverard is held in the hands of the dragon like this, and all Marines have seen it.

So...that the status of Lieutenant General Wilfred is false? Kill him?

This is also impossible.

He saw the change in Marine's expression at the scene, saying that Lieutenant General Wefried was fake. He was shooting himself in the foot. Everyone could tell that this was the real Lieutenant General Wefried.

What's more difficult is that the Revolutionary Army also spread the picture, killing the hostage stigma... it is really difficult for Marine to deal with.

"What is he going to do?" Ossist's eyes flickered and turned to look at Saint Louis Vuitton who was sitting on the execution platform.

At this moment, not only Ossister, but also the cadres of the Revolutionary Army looked at Saint Louis Vuitton on the stage.

The Celestial Dragons, who stands on top and overlooks everyone, is the real decision maker.

Even Ocistor Admiral has to obey him!

Saint Louis Vuitton is still calm.

He turned sideways slightly, looked behind him, and said quietly:

"Can you cut off the signal?"

The voice fell.

The shadow space behind Saint Louis Vuitton suddenly opened.

A tall masked man walked out in white clothes, a white cowboy hat, and a rose in his suit pocket.

In his hand... he held a small phone worm.

He is the CP0 who participated in this operation!

The tall mask CP0 bent over Saint Louis Vuitton’s ears and whispered: "My lord, I’m sorry, we are not doing well, we can’t cut it off..."


Saint Louis Vuitton frowned slightly.

The Revolutionary Army...come prepared?

At the same time, the live broadcast images that could not be cut off are quickly spreading to the corners of the East China Sea.

Logue town!

In the empty square, three large broadcast screens were set up, surrounded by civilians, they rubbed shoulders and whispered.

"." I heard that Marine is going to be executed this time by an important cadre of the Revolutionary Army." Someone whispered.

"The terrorists of the revolutionary army are finally going to plant. I really hope they can die soon so that the world can be peaceful." The old man echoed emotionally, and his saliva and stars splashed as he spoke.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Fire suddenly broke out in the screen, accompanied by a violent noise!

"It's probably fighting!"

Someone yelled.

His voice just fell.

The rebroadcast screen suddenly flashed.

On the screen...Long carried Lieutenant General Wefried out of the billowing smoke! !

"Oh my God, what is that?"

At this moment, everyone in Logue Town saw this scene, their eyes widened, and their hearts were upset by stormy waves!

… Marine, was kidnapped? !

"Listen to all Marines, Lieutenant General Waverard is in our hands. If you don't stop, we will kill him on the spot!"

Betty stood beside the dragon, and the loud shouts pierced the air and echoed through the battlefield.

At this moment, there was a flash of light in her eyes. The collision of this action was not too many, but it was terrifying. Both Marine and the CP agency were fighting against them.

Someone even touched it just now to cut off the live broadcast route!

Fortunately, there is Morrie guard in the rear, otherwise it was about to be cut off just now.

There are not many confrontations on the bright side, but in the dark, the current is always surging, and they will be defeated if they accidentally move. Fortunately, every step they take is to the right place.

Betty's eyes were burning, and she scanned everyone Marine.

Now, they have won the war and took the vanguard!

Logue town is quiet now...

Many people grew their mouths and watched this scene blankly.

"As soon as the Revolutionary Army comes out, hehe, Marine is going to follow."

In the crowd, a certain pirate opened his mouth with a smile. He was missing a front tooth, and his mouth was a little leaky when he laughed.

(Okay, okay) At this moment, the Marine action in the screen is a bit stiff, all of which are looking at Saint Louis Vuitton.

The people in front of the broadcast screen also followed Marine's gaze and looked towards Saint Louis Vuitton.

"Who is that? He looks so young, and the Marines are all looking at him... Are the Marines waiting for him to make a decision?" Someone in the crowd whispered.

"You don't know him?" Everyone was surprised. "He is Marine's inspector. During this period of time, we have been crossing the East China Sea. The pirates in the East China Sea are almost wiped out by him alone."

His voice just fell.

The pirate who was missing a tooth grinned and said: "These are nothing, what is really terrifying is his other identity..."

Missing a front tooth, the pirate paused for a while, and the smile on his mouth widened, "Jiehahahaha, he is Celestial Dragons!"

This sentence sounded like thunder on the ground, blasting in everyone's ears!

"Celestial Dragons..."

In the crowd, the exclamation sounded one after another, and too many people opened their eyes and showed horror.

The pirate with missing teeth, who had broken the identity of Saint Louis Vuitton, stared at it, looked into the distance, and smiled:

"Even the red hair is at a disadvantage in this person's hands."

The Pirate without Front Teeth thought of the memory of his fight with the red-haired Shanks, and his eyes grew deeper.

Hearing these words, someone next to him looked carefully at the pirate with missing front teeth.

After a while, the person's pupils shrank suddenly, and his footsteps slammed back, as if avoiding the plague god, staying away from the pirate.

He recognized that the pirate with no front teeth in front of him turned out to be Blackbeard!

"Blackbeard" Marshall · D · Teach West who once left three scars on Shanks' eyes!

At this moment, Blackbeard didn't care about the changes of the people next to him.

He looked at the picture on the broadcast screen, his pupils suddenly widened, his expression was obviously dumbfounded!


Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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