Inside the screen of the rebroadcast screen.

Saint Louis Vuitton sat on the high platform, still maintaining an indifferent posture, calmly looking at the revolutionaries.

This upper person, who is watched by everyone, finally has to make a decision.

Bellemel took the phone worm and walked quickly, holding it in front of Saint Louis Vuitton, giving him orders.

Saint Louis Vuitton waved his hand gently, still sitting lazily.

He turned his head to the side, pressed his fist to his cheek, and opened his lips slightly:

"It's really nerve-wracking."

The tone is lazy, as if an elegant nobleman is enjoying afternoon tea.

The sound is not loud, but it resounds on the peninsula, and the entire coastline can be heard clearly!

When the Marines heard the voice that seemed to resound in their ears, their hearts moved slightly, and there was a shock in their hearts.

What is this method?

No phone worm is used.

The voice of Saint Louis Vuitton has been blessed by some means so that everyone can hear it clearly!

At this moment, Saint Louis Vuitton's lazy voice echoed again.

"A group of rebellious bugs, do you think that you can win by catching the lieutenant general?"

"What do you mean?" Betty frowned slightly, took a deep breath of the cigarette between her red lips, and a terrible guess came to her mind.

The dragon's expression changed at the same time, and cold light flashed in his pupils.

I saw Saint Louis Vuitton condescendingly overlooking the revolutionary army, and the voice confided in his mouth:

"The world politics will not accept any compromises, nor will it accept any rebellious waste requests."

this moment.

The coastal front and Logue town are all in an uproar!

"Crazy, crazy?!"

"Is this going to be in front of the whole world, completely disregarding the safety of the hostages?"

People looked up at the broadcast screen. Some felt their mouths were dry, some were dumb, and others felt cold.

"...This Celestial Dragons, whether Marine is dead or alive?!"

Blackbeard's eyes widened, and he exclaimed in a low voice in disbelief. He hadn't expected this to happen.

Do you want to be so cruel? !

Private 343 doesn't care about the life or death of the hostages, but the question is in front of a large group of Marines, in front of a large group of civilians, does this Celestial Dragons care about the reputation taint at all? !

this moment.

Not only Blackbeard, but the revolutionary cadres are also shocked.

How could this be?

Saint Louis Vuitton doesn't care that Marine is chilling with him? ...Betty's heart trembled.

Long frowned, and doubts emerged in his heart. According to his understanding of Saint Louis Vuitton, Saint Louis Vuitton is not the kind of mentally retarded Celestial Dragons.


Long subconsciously felt something was wrong.


Lieutenant General Wilfried, who was held in his hand by him, suddenly spread invisible ripples in the space around him.

In the empty space, a door suddenly opened! !

A tall white suit figure appeared strangely in the portal.

CP0? !

This sudden and weird scene caused almost all the revolutionary forces to appear stunned for a short time.

The tall CP0 suddenly reached out and grabbed it at Lieutenant General Waverard!

"Devil Fruit related to space?" Longyan pupils suddenly shrank, and the crimson color flashed. As he pulled back to Lieutenant General Wilfred, his right hand became claws and struck towards the tall CP0!

At the next moment, Long Flash saw and heard the color of his pupils suddenly shrank, reflecting a cold light, which was an unsheathed rod knife, smashing toward him in the air with the force of splitting the mountain!

This rod and knife exudes a lavender light, as if revealing an incomparable gravity, causing the air to tremble violently, and it is about to be crushed!

The Dragon Claw Fist that struck the tall CP0 had to stop, and changed its direction and slammed into the stick and knife.


The piercing metal clang blasted loudly, and the gravity from the rod and knife suddenly pressed on the dragon, pressing the dragon's legs into the earth!

The owner of the stick knife is slowly walking out of the open space portal.

He is wearing a lavender kimono, his eyes are slightly closed, his mouth is bulging, his mouth is full of chewing, and there is a bar of soba noodles hanging around his mouth.


With a smile, he held a knife in one hand, sucked in his mouth, and sucked in the noodles hanging in the corner of his mouth.

The dragon's muscles and bones roared, and the surging mighty force erupted from his body, pulling out his legs with brute force, and his fierce face became more and more ugly!

He had grasped the right hand that Lieutenant General Wefried grabbed...only a ripped collar rag.

Because of the intervention of the closed-eyed middle-aged man, his movements were still a step slower after all, and Lieutenant General Wilfried was taken away by CP0!

Betty, Lindbergh, Morrie... all changed colors!(Read more @

From the moment when Saint Louis Vuitton's words dazzled them, to the appearance of a CPO with strange spatial ability, to the appearance of this purple kimono man, the process was only a very short moment, and they lost their hands as hostages in one go!

"It's really not the right time for you to come, but fortunately, the three bowls of soba noodles are not wasted." With a smile, his eyes closed slightly, and he chewed the noodles in his mouth, and swallowed it with a grunt.

"Be careful." Long stared at the smile in front of him, and the deep voice came out from his mouth.

He had to remind everyone around him.

The perception of seeing, hearing and color is reminding him that the man who seems to be blind in front of him... is very strong! !

"Do it!"

At this moment, Ossister's low roar broke out.

The battlefield that had been frozen and stagnant because of Lieutenant General Wavered was boiling again!

"Saint Louis Vuitton..." Long stared at Saint Louis Vuitton, who was sitting firmly on the execution platform, with a low and hoarse voice.

The victory that had already been touched, is now turned upside down by Saint Louis Vuitton.

"Do it, rescue Koshiro." The dragon said calmly without a slight irritation on his face.

Since the plan failed, then follow the original plan.

Rescue Shuangyue Koshiro with tough methods!

At this moment, all the Marines moved, and the white coat of justice was flying in the gale.

The revolutionary army was also high in fighting spirit, and launched a charge amidst murderous shouts.

The two camps are like surging waves, suddenly colliding on the coast!

For a moment, the swords and shadows of the entire battlefield flashed, gunfire blasted, and smoke billowed!

at the same time.

The people watching the broadcast screen in Logue town exclaimed.

"Someone came out in the air?!"

They witnessed the scene of the tall CP0 rescuing the hostages, and they had to be shocked by this, and were stunned by the sudden turn.

…The Celestial Dragons sitting on the execution bench had planned all this long ago? !

In the next moment, two groups of forces in the screen screamed for death and collided!


"The war has begun."

Too many people widened their eyes, wanting to see the end of this battle.

However, in the next second, the broadcast screen suddenly went black, and all the pictures disappeared at the same time, leaving only the flashing black and white snowflakes.


People all stared their eyes wide, as if they were about to open their eyes!

The good show just started, so it stopped abruptly?

Someone scratched their heads, cursed in a low voice, and was chopped off when they were most curious, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

"That lieutenant is gone, what else is going to broadcast, is it a waste of someone holding a broadcast phone worm?" Blackbeard looked at the screen that had turned dark and laughed strangely.

The bargaining chip of the Revolutionary Army is cut off, what else can be broadcast?

As for Marine, they just need to broadcast it to the revolutionary army, that's enough.

Some things are not suitable for outsiders to watch. After the battle is over, the results will be published in the newspaper without revealing some things, and they can control the fishing boat to a certain extent.

Blackbeard shook his head and turned to leave.

"Celestial Dragons don't seem to be idiots, there are perverted guys, and they are also very perverted..."

Blackbeard shook his head, carrying a jug of wine in his hand, and chuckled!

Where he walked to.

A man took some ingredients and stood a little further away waiting for Blackbeard.

He has a Pompadour hairstyle and a chef's style of clothing.

This man is Saatchi, the captain of the fourth division of the Whitebeard Pirates!

"Daddy asked us to come to Logue town to pay homage to Roger, but he didn't expect to see such a thing." Saatchi smiled, gently shook his head, and gathered with Blackbeard.

On the other side, the war-torn coastline!


The earth-shaking noise exploded, and the waves splashed, like a collapsed mountain, crashing on the coast.

In an instant, silver-white water splashed in all directions, crystal water drops floating in the air, and the sun shone, reflecting a brilliant and dreamy arc, making the place a crystal clear and bright.


A figure swept back and exited, smashing its body on the ground, and the legs covering Armament Haki made long marks on the surface.

It's a dragon!

He stared closely at the front.

A man with closed eyes wearing a lavender kimono stepped out on the splashing seashore. A purple light flashed all over his body. When the water drops approached him, they were all suppressed by invisible force and fell on him. The ground broke and splashed.

"Is the ability related to gravity..." Long stared and smiled, his face completely sinking.

Who is this man with closed eyes?

There is absolutely no news about him in the intelligence of their revolutionary army.

The key is that this man's strength is exaggerated, he is definitely an out-and-out monster level!

"Are you Marine from Saint Louis Vuitton's troops?" Long said in a low voice, with a solemn look on his ferocious face.

"As expected to be the Lord Dragon, who is pivotal in the revolutionary army, you are right."

With a soft smile, he took a step forward. Within a hundred meters of his body, no matter it was water drops or dust, all fell to the ground, as if he was bowing to the king!

"A few days ago, I was fortunate to be appreciated by the inspector of Saint Louis Vuitton." He smiled and replied.

He still maintains humility and politeness, even when he treats the dragon as an enemy with a respectful title.

Hearing this, Long Wuxu's brows furrowed tightly.

He guessed it right.

Only the people under Saint Louis Vuitton will appear silently and not be recorded by intelligence.

But... a few days ago?

Is that the time after the execution of the Demon Slaying Order? !

The dragon's eyes moved, and he said in a low voice: "Why do you want to join Marine? The world politics is brutal..."

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

I was interrupted by a laugh!

"Marine is certainly wrong, but its existence is orthodox and justice. Your revolutionary philosophy is indeed not wrong, but you should not correct it in the wrong way." A smile narrowed his face, and the knife in his hand was raised, lavender. The glimmer appeared ups and downs.

The tens of thousands of gravitational coverage has accumulated the power of this knife to an extremely terrifying level, even the collision power of a large warship with full horsepower can not match this knife! !

However... at the moment when the knife was about to fall.


An electric arc emerged, rising out of thin air, lingering around the dragon, scorching dazzlingly, and making people subconsciously want to look away.

"It seems that I can't fight against your Excellency." Upon seeing this with a smile, he gently shook his head, put away the slashing Taotao, and walked towards another battlefield.

Long looked down at the lingering arc around him, his eyes flickering slightly.

… Saint Louis Vuitton?

He raised his head and looked at the master sitting on the high platform.

Saint Louis Vuitton looked at Shanglong and opened his lips slightly, and his words once again spread through the entire island by inexplicable means.

"Dragon, do you want to dig a corner in front of me?"

The content of this sentence seems to be angry, but Saint Louis Vuitton actually has a faint smile on his face, a pair of bright black and white eyes, staring at the dragon in the distance.

From his face, he couldn't see the slightest anger, he didn't seem to care about what the dragon did, and every move carried the elegance that a nobleman should have.


A chapter of stay up late codewords~~

It’s been a long time since I asked for flowers and evaluation votes.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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