Looking at the gradual departure of the world politics in the twilight under the warship, Mother Zai's thoughts emerged.

Until the warship completely turned into a little black spot when she was young, Granny Za looked at the female emperor and asked in a low voice:

"What are you going to do?"

The first thought that came to Granny Za at that time was to agree, but the empress refused, but Granny Za also knew that she did nothing wrong.

This is a major event that involves the entire country and requires repeated thinking.

"After I go back, hold a high-level meeting to discuss with everyone." The female emperor said softly, with emotion in her heart. She didn't expect that a person saved by Granny Zai accidentally could get so many resources, and waited until it was enough to make the world. Opportunity for shock.

She looked at the place where the warship disappeared.

The long and narrow eyes narrowed, and there was a whispered whisper in his mouth:

"Disturb the East China Sea, kill Celestial Dragons of Golden Lion, Saint Louis Vuitton..."


At the same time, another starry sky under the night, the other end of the phone worm, where Saint Louis Vuitton is located.

He exposed himself to the night sky, lying on a bench, facing the sky, staring at the night sky shining with stars.


Hang up the phone worm.

Saint Louis Vuitton slowly got up, there was a strong wind blowing on the face, and his clothes were hunting and hunting.

Everywhere he looked, there was cholera, the knife was flashing, the blood was splashing, and some people were screaming, but it quickly subsided, and some people were running away, but they fell to the ground quickly.

No one dares to stop in such a place, because...this is purgatory on earth!

But Saint Louis Vuitton is different.

He is still calm, as if all the noise has nothing to do with him, there is a kind of dusty temperament, but in fact he is the real promoter of this catastrophe!

"It's over in a while." Saint Louis Vuitton's eyes were bright, piercing the darkness, watching the action in the distance, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


He raised his head and looked at the shining stars in the sky.

There are seven in a line, vying for the first to emit stars, hanging in the shady, brilliant and dazzling.

The idea of ​​Seven Warlords of the Sea, Saint Louis Vuitton thought for a while, and finally came up with it.

According to the original trajectory, Shichibukai may only appear in the past six or seven years, that is, ten or eleven years ago when the straw hat boy went to sea.

But Saint Louis Vuitton puts it forward, which means that this period of time has been reduced, Shichibukai...will appear and stand on the sea ahead of time!

There are many things he has to do. The layout of Donghai’s exchange plan this time is one of them. This will encounter obstacles. I am afraid that the elite Celestial Dragons will have to intervene. This is inevitable. Saint Louis Vuitton has no idea of ​​hanging on a tree.

Seven Warlords of the Sea is the next plan.

In the original book, Shichibukai is one of the three powers that stand tall in the sea, namely Four Emperors, Shichibukai, and Marine. The three pillars stand together, which means that Shichibukai has great power and huge interests.

Behind it... there is even the support of Celestial Dragons!

This is Doflamingo, who is also the Don Quixote family.

The bear is also in a sense.

The original work did not clearly state the proponent of Shichibukai's plan, but Saint Louis Vuitton roughly guessed that it is most likely Sengoku, Five Elders!

Because it is inferred from the timeline of the original work, it is the range of eleven or twelve years ago.

Just after Sengoku became the marshal, Shichibukai appeared. Considering that the new official took office, it might be that Sengoku wanted to make a difference, so he made this proposal.

However, Saint Louis Vuitton believes that this possibility is not high, and he believes it is the Shichibukai system proposed by Five Elders.

Although Shichibukai is one of the three powers on the surface, in fact the power of killing is completely in the hands of the world politics, and the world politics can withdraw its rights at any time. If you ban you, you will ban you.

Compared with the Four Emperors, which are also one of the three major powers, the relationship between Shichibukai and the world politics is obviously in a weaker position.

However, the disadvantages belong to the weak, and the benefits are real. Even if the world politics can destroy themselves at any time, the big pirates need to take advantage of the privileges given by the world politics, in the final analysis, they use each other.

Saint Louis Vuitton didn’t think that this kind of mutual use of pirates was something that Sengoku would do. In addition, Sengoku clearly stated that he did not like Shichibukai in the original work, so he felt that the Shichibukai system was most likely to be Five Elders. Put it forward, or other Celestial Dragons with high weight.(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

The benefits behind Shichibukai are too great.

Saint Louis Vuitton didn't make sense to wait for a few years, and simply stepped in now, and directly opened Seven Warlords of the Sea six or seven years ahead of schedule to take the lead in this matter by himself.

Even, choose Shichibukai's candidates yourself.

What is needed is to make Shichibukai a part of his power.

On the side, Bermel as an adjutant, heard the conversation between Saint Louis Vuitton and the empress.

Her eyes flickered, her heart thoughtful.

Three days ago, Saint Louis Vuitton actually said this!

And he is now perfecting, and even the candidates for Seven Warlords of the Sea are already looking for them step by step.

There is one person that Bermel currently knows.

Beihai's recent well-known supernova character, the deputy head of the Nine Snake family, Buggy, "Two Thousand Daoization"!

Now it is estimated that there will be one more person who can sit on these seven top seats. No, it is more accurate to say that it is the force.

Nine Snake Pirates!

Bermel was surprised. A Hydra family, a Hydra Pirate group, are all Hydra? Is this an accident?

"Sir, is there any relationship between the Nine Snakes family and the Nine Snakes Pirates 〃 ¨?" Bermel couldn't help but asked.

Saint Louis Vuitton looked sideways, glanced at her, and smiled.

Buggy was his person, which Bellemel actually didn't know. He called Buggy over that day, and only the CP agency had contact with him, and no one else was there, so naturally she wouldn't know.

Saint Louis Vuitton explained with a smile:

"It doesn't matter, but the name has some origins."

He did not go on.

The battlefield in the distance is over.

Marine started to clean up the field, Rachel and smiled and they came back.

"Kill another pirate group." Lakirou walked forward with his head upright, clutching a huge hare leg snatched from the pirate group over there, and his face was filled with a grin of food satisfaction.

"Smoker will be back soon." Saint Louis Vuitton glanced at him and smiled.

"Found it?" La Qilu's eyes lit up, he was really worried that Tie Hanhan died in the Calm Belt, and now it seems all right?

"Yeah." Saint Louis Vuitton nodded slightly. "He was rescued by a pirate."

Lakilu scratched the back of his head when he heard the words, an unexpected color appeared in his small eyes, but there was nothing to say.

No matter what saved Smoker.

He is fine.

"Fat and drink, it's time to continue. Before Smoker comes back, kill a few pirate groups and let that guy come back to drink northwest wind." Lakiru chewed on the hare's legs, and smiled as he spoke. Said: "Right, Mr. Yixiao?"

"It's so good." Smiled and nodded.

Saint Louis Vuitton looked at the two who were becoming more and more harmonious, chuckled, and said nothing, and re-exposed his thoughts.

He proposed Seven Warlords of the Sea, and currently only told people like Lazilu and Bermel, and has not put all this in front of Five Elders for the time being.

But let's do it step by step.

He still has a lot of things to do, and it is impossible to finish them all at once.

"." To take your time, you need to make a final conclusion about the East China Sea." Saint Louis Vuitton's eyes narrowed slightly, and the voice echoed leisurely.


The warship in the distant port has honked.

Everything is ready, you can embark on the next journey!

The storm that swept the East China Sea continued to wreak havoc, the blue sea was bleeding, the sky seemed to cry because of it, and the rainstorm would last for seven days and seven nights.

Under the rain curtain, Saint Louis Vuitton led many of his men to fight one by one revolutionary stronghold!

This is a precise strike. Too many hidden strongholds have been dug out. Even though the revolutionary army had already begun to evacuate and dormant under the instructions of the dragon, Saint Louis Vuitton's speed was faster, and he almost targeted and suppressed it with a frenzy at no cost. The Revolutionary Army took down one stronghold after another.

Even the hidden location of Ivankov was dug out.

That time, facing the culprit who slaughtered the Shemale Country, Ivankov's choice was to retreat!

At a distance of tens of thousands of meters, Ivankov had received the information in advance and boarded the evacuated ship without even fighting Saint Louis Vuitton!

That time, with tears in his eyes, Ivankov withdrew (the good king's) under the desperate cover of the revolutionary army. This battle destroyed an old leather cadre, and the blood stained the sea.

Ivankov's retreat became a key turning point for this operation. After this time, the revolutionary army stationed in the East China Sea, whether or not traces were found...all moved and retreated!

This shocked the world.

The Revolutionary Army completely abandoned the East China Sea. This sea area will become a pure land, and it will also become a forbidden area for the Revolutionary Army. No Revolutionary Army can set foot!

Around the world... some people are discussing whether the arrest of the dragon will silence the remnants of the growing revolutionary army.

Some people say that the dragon is the hope of the revolutionary army, but now that this hope is taken off by Saint Louis Vuitton, the decline of the revolutionary army is inevitable.

It is also said that the revolutionary army still has a strong man, and that the mysterious leader has not yet appeared, and he will not let the revolutionary army be planted like this.

Others say that the revolutionary army has no leaders at all. The leader is actually a dragon. The so-called leader is pushed out to disturb the sight of the existence.

but no matter,

One thing will not change.

That is... the revolutionary army, defeated the East China Sea folder!

Three months later.

After completing the mission, Sengoku boarded a warship and returned to Naval Headquarters!


ps: Forward~~Puff!

Gui beg the readers to give some flowers evaluation votes! .

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