Seeing that the warship slowly entered the Naval Headquarters port.

The office building in Sengoku's eyes became clearer.

At this moment, he lowered his head slightly and stared at the phone bug in his hand. The phone bug has a special appearance, with short blond hair, bright red lips, and tattoos under his eyes.

"How's the progress over there?"

Sengoku pushed the toad mirror on the bridge of his nose and asked in a deep voice.

"Not much progress, I will continue to stare at Doflamingo." The phone worm opened his mouth, and a man's voice appeared.

"Well, pay more attention to yourself when you are stalking. Rosinante must stay sensible at all times, and protect your own safety as your priority."

The phone worm nodded slightly, and the voice came up again:

"I know, I will pay attention."

"Well, then I'll hang up first. We can't talk on the phone for too long, otherwise Doflamingo will be suspicious of you."

Sengoku gave a last word, and immediately hung up the phone bug, put it in his jacket pocket, stepped out of the warship, and walked towards the empty office.

Three months have passed, and the Naval Headquarters has not changed much. Soldiers patrolling and exercising can be seen everywhere. They salute Sengoku and nod with a smile.

Soon, Sengoku came to the door of the empty office and pushed in.

"came back?"

The man who corrected the document raised his head and greeted Sengoku with a smile.


Sengoku nodded lightly, a faint light flashed in his eyes, and suddenly said, "I heard about the East China Sea."

Hear the words.

Sora put down the file that was being reviewed and looked up: "What do you think of this matter?"

"It's beyond my imagination."

Sengoku sighed and walked slowly to the chair opposite to the desk opposite to the sky and sat down, crossed his fingers with his hands on his knees, and relaxed his back against the chair.

With a wry smile, "I'm actually prepared for the Celestial Dragons' ability, but after realizing it, I found that I still underestimated it."

He looked at the sky, his eyes darkened, and his tone of voice went down: "We will do it, and most of it will not be able to reach the level of Saint Louis Vuitton. If this attack continues, I am afraid that no pirates in the East China Sea will dare to come up for a while. Now, this has greatly interrupted the second words of this evil age, and these... it only took him more than four months before and after."

Sengoku sighed slightly: "First, accurately capture the location of the pirates, dispatch the CP agency to lurch, mislead the pirates' path, let them gather by themselves, create infighting, and then take action to destroy them."

"At the same time, I spent a lot of money to offer a reward to all the East Sea Pirates. Their bounty was all raised and bounty hunters swarmed. We Marine can't do this, and only Saint Louis Vuitton can do it. "

"In the past four months, he was not only against the pirates, but also against the revolutionary army, and even the extravagant nobles..." Sengoku didn't say anymore, watching Kong slowly said, "At first, he said he wanted to take the East China Sea, The East China Sea is silent. I never thought it would be such a result. This is truly silent, much better than I expected.

Having said that, Sengoku flicked and sighed again:

"I underestimated him."

"You also make mistakes in judgment." Kong smiled.

Perhaps in the eyes of the pirates, the most fearful of Sengoku is the terrifying combat power of Sengoku, the status of the Buddha, and the strong suppression of everything, but as Sengoku working with Sengoku, he even more understands how terrifying Sengoku's wisdom is!(Read more @

This man's intelligence is not inferior to his combat power, and every step of Marine's planning can be regarded as complete, and there are very few cases of judgment errors.

"It is recommended to make such similar mistakes several times, and it is best to do it once in the first half and New World." Sengoku said with a smile on his face, rare jokingly.

After speaking, he added again: "I think the East China Sea's military budget can be increased."

While saying this, the Sengoku lens reflected light, slowly saying:

"Now the momentum of the East China Sea is very good. Because of the actions of Saint Louis Vuitton, the entire East China Sea is chanting the name of the World government. Now if conscription is opened and the flag of justice is hunting, I believe that many young people will choose to embark on the Marine road. Instead of doing something to break the pirate!"

"At that time, taking the East China Sea as the base point, forming a trend of expansion, and suppressing the past to other sea areas, using points to form a surface, this is definitely a good thing."

After listening to Sengoku's words.

Sora nodded first, but then shook his head slightly. In Sengoku's puzzled gaze, he whispered softly: "Your idea is very good, I thought of it, and... he thought of it too."


Sengoku was startled, and the next moment he thought of who he was in the empty mouth!

Saint Louis Vuitton, who personally suppressed the East China Sea and set off a major wave!

Thinking of this, Sengoku fell silent. Even those who were far away on the Grand Line could think of this. The Saint Louis Vuitton at the center of the storm must be able to think of it, and faster than them.

this moment.

Sengoku's thoughts quickly diverged, and his thoughts flashed, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he whispered, "He intends to use Tokai Marine as a hotbed of his faction?"

He thought of a terrible possibility.

Saint Louis Vuitton wants to develop his own faction and fight against other elite Celestial Dragons, which he has known for a long time.

And now... the East China Sea has been cleared by Saint Louis Vuitton, many things have been removed, and vacancies have emerged.

Saint Louis Vuitton's opportunity has come.

If he inserts his own hands at this time to control the foundation of the East China Sea, it is equivalent to those who walk out of the East China Sea are all under his command.

This may not be seen in the early stage, but the time is quite terrifying, because talents are constantly accumulating and growing, and besides talents, there are materials to support...

Looking at the entire world today, which individual can completely control a sea area?

Not to mention controlling a sea area, an individual controlling a country is already great!

"Not bad." Kong nodded, bright light flashing in his eyes.

He took out a document from the folder, handed it to Sengoku, and said:

"He gave out a full 80 billion Baileys and wanted to form 50 branches. No, he recruited Marine in his name, and during this time he also cleaned up a batch of corrupt Marines. The branch in the East China Sea now has a total of two hundred and sixty. One, the people in twenty branches have been cleaned by him."

Said this, Kong shook his head and laughed, "Although these branches belong to Marine in name... But in fact, besides Saint Louis Vuitton, who can intervene in? They have long been named Saint Louis Vuitton."

"80 billion?? Twenty cleaned branches, fifty new branches... a total of 70 branches, he wants one-third of the entire East China Sea to be his power?!"

Sengoku stared at the file in his hand, his eyes widened, and he couldn't stop exclaiming!

…This handwriting is too big.

Normally, to control this level of power, the time it takes to accumulate at least over the years, but Saint Louis Vuitton forcibly relied on its powerful capital to accelerate this process!

What is the concept of 80 billion... Looking at the entire world today, the single-person bounty of the forefront part of the big pirates is only about 3 billion!

(Four Emperors did not appear at this time)

The next moment, Sengoku turned his gaze away from the document, looked up at Sora, his face solemn: "He did this, no one else would agree to it."

The ‘others’ in his mouth are the top power holders living at the top of the world, Mary Geoise, and the contenders for the supreme power seat—the elite Celestial Dragons!

Saint Louis Vuitton's appetite was so big that he swallowed everyone's cakes in one bite.

Hearing this, Kong chuckled: "Of course, I have received some news from here... the other Celestial Dragons have already intervened!"

"They want to dismiss Saint Louis Vuitton's decision, reduce the number of establishments of his branch, and allocate the manpower to his branch'under the name' when recruiting...hehe, they are also competing against him collectively. , The whole Mary Geoise is surging."

Sengoku listened to Sora's words and couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile.

This level of is a headache to think about.

"If you say that, I'm more curious about how he intends to deal with this matter?" Sengoku raised his waist and asked aloud.

"He? He didn't have any ideas, and even left Donghai. I heard from the CP agency that his next plan is to go to Beihai...well, it's for a while."


Sengoku stared!

Is this...serious?

As he was about to speak, there was a intensive running sound from the promenade outside the office.

"Marshal Sora, Master Saint Louis Vuitton is back!"

The messenger hurriedly pushed open the office door and said loudly!


ps: Now on the high-speed railway, see if you can make another chapter before 12 o'clock in the evening. If not, it will be after midnight.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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