Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1374: Beast hand show

"Golden Light Forbidden Land?" Xiao Yi frowned upon hearing this.

What the Great Elder of Northern Yinzong said, behind him were two pinnacle sword repairmen standing.

He knew about this.

A few days ago, he had heard about the slaughter of the Northern Yinzong forces when the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong chased him.

When he was hunted down, Xiao Yi also wondered why the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong suddenly stopped to hunt down.

I just figured it out a few days ago.

As for the Golden Forbidden Land.

Xiao Yi glanced at the huge golden pit on the side.

If you guessed it correctly, the name of this huge golden pit is the Golden Light Forbidden Land.

The Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect noticed Xiao Yi's face and couldn't help but jokingly smile.

"Why, don't you know that this place is the Golden Light Forbidden Land?"

"So it's so, no wonder it's so."

The laughter of the Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect became more and more cold.

"No wonder your kid dares to come here."

"Never mind, when death is imminent, the old man will let you die."

"The Golden Light Forbidden Area is the most dangerous place in Golden Light."

"On weekdays, except for those stupid monsters and animals who dare to approach, normal warriors don't dare to approach at all."

"Here, Wanjin Mansion has specified the forbidden area. Without Wanjin Mansion's permission, anyone is prohibited from approaching."

"Of course, there are always fools in this world."

"Those self-righteous young Tianjiao always think that they are powerful and fearless."

"I want to see clearly what's in the Golden Light Forbidden Area, and I want to get the benefits inside."

"Naturally, died here too."

"Jiejie, Huangquan has nowhere to come."

The Great Elder of the North Yinzong jokingly said.

"Benefits?" Xiao Yi directly ignored most of the words of the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong.

"You don't even know this?" The Great Elder of the North Yinzong said with a little surprise.

"Hehe, within the Golden Light Forbidden Land, there are naturally good, and it is a great benefit."

"However, no one can get it, and neither can you."

The Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect spoke like this, looking directly at Xiao Yi, the joking expression on his face became more intense.

"I thought you were like those self-righteous young talents, and wanted to come to this golden light forbidden place to find out."

"It seems that you came here by mistake by mistake."

"Jie Jie, it seems that it is really God's will."

"You little thief, the law of heaven is not tolerated, today the old man will let you fall."

When the words fell, the killing intent on the face of the Great Elder of the North Yinzong soared to the extreme.

An elemental force suddenly condenses in his hands.


A long river of martial arts came in an instant, blocking a hundred li.

"This time, the old man will not give you another chance to escape."

The Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong sneered.

Last time, he thought Xiao Yi would undoubtedly die under the strangulation of martial arts power.

But he did not expect that Xiao Yi was still seriously injured and escaped.

This time, he would never let such an accident happen.

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "This time, aren't you afraid that Yun Yuanjian and Yu will ignore it?"

"Afraid?" The Great Elder of the North Yinzong laughed wildly.

The surrounding area has been blocked by his 9,600 martial arts rivers.

With his martial arts power, it is easy to kill a brat.

"I'm afraid of nature." The Great Elder of the North Yinzong jokingly said.

"Two swordsman kills the gods, look at Zhongyu, except for those few old guys, who doesn't fear them?"

"But, so what?"

"The old man said, this is the Jinguang Forbidden Area within the Jinguang dangerous area."

"How many Tianjiao died here? The old man killed you and threw you into the unfathomable abyss of the Golden Light Forbidden Land. Who knows?"

"Hahahaha." The Great Elder of the North Yinzong said like this, his face becoming more and more proud.

"The dignified Xiao Yi thief, the deputy head of the double halls of the Shura Palace, the city owner of the Sifang City, and the record of crushing all the arrogances of the battle of hundreds of courtyards."

"Today, it will fall here."

"Oh, no, in the eyes of outsiders, you are missing at best."

"After all, no one will know that your body is under the Golden Light."

"Jie Jie, a peerless evildoer, will fall under this no one cares, and be buried in the cold abyss. The old man feels happy when he thinks about it."

Yes, happy.

He naturally felt happy.

After all, Xiao Yi's killing of the elder of the Northern Yinzong was equivalent to provoking the Northern Yinzong.

He, the Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect, a martial arts power who has been famous for many years in the Central Region, even shot and killed himself.

But as a result, the pursuit failed, and he had no choice but to return.

God knows how frustrated he is these days.

This time, Xiao Yi came to Jinguang dangerously by himself. He happened to run into him and gave him a chance to kill him silently. One can imagine how happy he was.

The Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong kept talking coldly.

He was not in a hurry to kill Xiao Yi, he was confident that Xiao Yi could no longer escape today.

He even wanted to see Xiao Yi's cry before his death, or...begging for mercy.

However, Xiao Yi's words in the next second made him suddenly extremely angry.

"In other words." Xiao Yi sneered, and a look of ferocity flooded his face.

"I'm killing you now, and burying you in this unfathomable golden light forbidden area, no one knows?"

"Kill me? Bury the corpse?" The Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong was taken aback first, then furious.

"Extremely ridiculous." The Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect laughed in anger.

"The old man wanted you to live more time. Now, the old man has changed his mind."

Boom...The Great Elder of the North Yinzong waved his hand.

The power of heaven and earth, powerful and powerful, pressed against Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, and flicked out of the big formation.

This Ice Profound Sealing Boundary Formation, but he specially deployed it to seal the furnace, he didn't want to waste the power of the spirit stone because of the attack of the Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect.

"Do you want to escape again?" The Great Elder of the North Yinzong saw Xiao Yi dart up, his hands were raised, and the nine thousand six hundred martial arts rivers rushed away.


A long river of martial arts, rolling over.

Wherever he went, the space collapsed.

Chang He came to Xiao Yi almost in an instant.

At this moment, Xiao Yi slowly stretched out his hand and squeezed it hard.


There was a loud noise.

The powerful river of martial arts, like a fragile river, was instantly pinched and splashed.

The broken river of martial arts turned into a bit of martial arts power, dissipating in the world.

"Huh? Waving to smash the old man's martial arts river?" The Great Elder of the North Yinzong looked surprised.

In his memory, Xiao Yi, who was a few months ago, could only smash his long river with all his strength and the use of secret methods and the strange sword skills.

But now, after months of absence, is it actually waved to pieces?

Look more realistically, Xiao Yi's arm, I don't know when to rise, has changed.

It was not a human hand, but the hand of an unknown monster.

The swarthy scales declared its incomparable hardness.

The claws exuding cold light proved its amazing sharpness.

The little red glow interspersed between the scale armor seemed to contain a shocking explosive force.

Yes, the two beast hands in the Eight Dragons Incinerator were already covered in Xiao Yi's hands.


Third more.

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