Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1375: Kill the martial arts power


The rivers of martial arts, under the control of the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong, violently attacked Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yiyi was not afraid, and blasted out with a punch.

On the fist and arm, flames erupted, surrounding them.

Amazing power, with one punch, the martial arts river was shattered.

Xiao Yi threw out his hands together, and every punch he made was surrounded by fire and violent.

And under each blast, another river of martial arts must be blasted away.

Nine thousand six hundred martial arts rivers are strangling continuously, but as a result, they are only being blasted away continuously, and there is no way to help Xiao Yi.

"How is it possible." In the distance, the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong showed horror.

"Those arms are animalized?"

"Everyone in the world has said that Xiao Yi, your little thief, is a fire beast and a waste martial arts soul. It turned out to be another monster, so powerful."

"Beastization?" In the distance, Xiao Yi was taken aback when he heard the words, then sneered.

Yes, his hands at this moment looked extremely animalized.

The so-called beastization is the owner of the beast spirit, mobilizing the power of the spirit, so that the phantom of the spirit can act on itself.

This is nothing unusual for a beast spirit martial artist.

In the past, Xiao Yi had also fought many beast spirit martial artists, and they were often beasts, and when the spirit entity was condensed, it was the time when the strength of this beast spirit martial artist was fully utilized.

However, Xiao Yi is not animalized now.

Beastization relies on the power of Wuhun.

The two beast hands nowadays, but the real monster beast corpses, were just transformed into his hands through the power of the Eight Dragon Incinerator.


Suddenly, there was an explosion in the air.

Xiao Yi glared sharply with his left foot.

Under the explosive power of horror, the figure leapt across instantly.

In a breath, Xiao Yi traversed the long river of martial arts.

Wow... Wow... Wow...

The long rivers of martial arts collapsed instantly.

A stream of water rushed, splashed, and dissipated from the long river.

"How is it possible, so fast." The Great Elder of the North Yinzong widened his eyes.

This is the ‘how is it possible’ that he has repeatedly said several times in a short period of time.

In his eyes, Xiao Yi just now was just a glare, and suddenly turned into a stream of flames.

The flame streamer rushed past, and instantly washed away his martial arts rivers.

"Why, dignified Northern Yinzong Great Elder, that's what it can do?"

"Just say how is it possible?"

Xiao Yi floated high in the air and sneered.

With a ferocious smile, there was a cold indifference.

The Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect was taken aback for a moment, and then furious, "Smelly boy, in front of the old man, it is not your turn to be rampant."

The angry declaration, mixed with the power of heaven and earth, is like the words of the gods.

The surging weather situation instantly erupted from the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong.

The breath of momentum connects the breath of heaven and earth, just like the momentum of heaven and earth.

With a radius of hundreds of miles, the situation changes instantly.

In the sky, raging thunder gradually became; on the ground, rivers and rivers flowed backwards and mountains collapsed.

From a distance, Xiao Yi looked at this terrifying aura and narrowed his eyes.

He knew that the current Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect was already completely angry.

And under this rage, the strength of the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong exploded.

It is not difficult to imagine the terrifying extent of a furious martial arts mighty power and strength.

The power of martial arts is already a power of one party, with towering methods.

In history, there are not many battles between the martial arts powers that have been recorded.

But every battle in the record must be the end of the world.

Now, a martial arts great power has gone violently.

However, it was not the same martial artist who fought with him, but only a young man in his twenties.

"Have you gone crazy?" Xiao Yi sneered.

He naturally knew how terrifying the martial arts under anger was.

However, he was not afraid.

On his hands, the power contained in the dark scale armor gave him enough confidence.

He didn't know how to describe this feeling.

Just instinct told him that his hands seem to have infinite power now.

That powerful arm seems to be able to crush the world.

The reason why he didn't hesitate to squeeze the martial arts power that hit him just now.

It was because he had directly the so-called power of the rules of heaven and earth, under his hands, at that moment, it seemed fragile.

"Smelly boy." The great elder of the Northern Yinzong has reached its peak at this moment.

The strength of the martial arts majesty is fully demonstrated.

Mountains and rivers, all under his momentum, trembling non-stop.

"The old man will not only want to bury you in the golden light forbidden ground, but also have you dead."

Cold and angry words resounded through the sky.

Xiao Yiyi was not afraid, "Come if you have the ability."

Bang... bang... bang...

Purple flames appeared out of thin air, and then turned into a sea of ​​fire.

In the sea of ​​flames, purple flames roamed out wildly.

The palm of the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong has already been played.

The Ziyan Dragon and Palm Wind collided instantly.


The full blow of the martial arts power is indeed powerful, and the purple flame dragons are easily scattered by the wind.

But only a few seconds.

Before the thousands of Purple Flame Wandering Dragons were completely blasted away, the power of the palm wind had already stagnated.

The terrifying high-temperature flame instantly burned the palm wind.

"Huh? Amethyst Lingyan?" The Northern Yinzong Great Elder's expression changed.

"Your beastly martial soul has the power to control purple flame?"

"No..." The Great Elder of the North Yinzong seemed to remember something.

"Most half a year ago, there seemed to be a famous fire-controlling Tianjiao in Sifang City, whose name was Yi Xiao."

"With one hand, Ziyan defeated all the great princes of the Quartet, and even the eighteenth mansion princes, including one of the sixteen envoys, were defeated one by one."

"If the old man remembers correctly, Xiao Yi, you are also famous in the Quartet."

"When you became famous, it happened to be when Yi Xiao disappeared."

"So that's the case." The Great Elder of the North Yinzong narrowed his eyes, then sneered more and more.

"Xiao Yi, Yi Xiao, it seems that the old man is going to let two peerless evildoers fall in succession today."

"Happy, happy."

When the voice fell, the great elder of the Northern Yinzong exploded again.

One after another, the original strength, has become a dragon, pouring out.

Yuan Li is extremely vigorous, obviously Bei Yin Yuan Jin.

Bei Yin Yuan Jin, under the pure cultivation of the martial arts power, became more and more astonishing.

Coupled with the power of the rules of the world.

These lines of Yuanli wandered around the dragon, instantly flaring their teeth and dancing claws, just like shattering the world.

Bang... bang... bang...

Xiao Yi put out his hands together, one by one, a sea of ​​purple flames filled the entire sky.

Within the sea of ​​fire, thousands of Ziyan dragons, with the momentum of swallowing the sky, rushed out violently.

The confrontation between Ziyan Youlong and Yuanli Youlong suddenly arises.

One is from the powerful flames of the world, transformed by amethyst spirit flame.

And it was increased by the horrible fire control power of the unknown pair of beast hands.

The first is the pure elemental power of the martial arts power, which is transformed by the Northern Yin Yuanjin.

And there are countless martial arts power increases.

The confrontation between the two and the entanglement of the swimming dragon caused the high altitude of the golden light to collapse instantly.

The invigorating vitality and the terrifying flames converge to a scene like the end of the day.

There was a roar, one after another, shaking the sky, resounding non-stop.

After a whole number of minutes, the popping sound suddenly ended.

Under the violent face of the Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect, it suddenly turned into a touch of pain.

His old and sharp eyes looked at his chest incredulously.

The chest, I don't know when, has been pierced by a ferocious black beast hand.

On the beast's hand, the sharp claws scattered with cold light were extremely shocking.


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