Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1390: Realize again, Star Fantasy Swordsmanship

Outside the main house.

A group of warriors stopped instantly under the icy aura of Ximen Guye.

Ximen Guye is the third strongest among the Eighteenth Mansion Tianjiao.

The nine-fold cultivation base of the Saint King Realm is enough to disregard any martial artist present.

The strength of a body is even more than enough to reach above the Holy Emperor Realm.

These ordinary saint king realm martial artists did not dare to approach the main mansion for half a minute.

"Xiao Yi, how about you?" Ximen Guye looked at Xiao Yi in the main mansion coldly.

Although the tone is not as tough as when it was against ordinary warriors, it is also cold.

The woman who called her "Sister Yue" also had cold eyes, "Young Master Xiao Yi, I advise you not to touch the bottom line of my Tianxing Mansion and Tiansha Mansion."

Xiao Yi turned a deaf ear and didn't bother to pay attention, he was frowning now.

Because, with his palm resting on the stone altar, he couldn't absorb even half of the starlight power, let alone practice.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Outside the main palace gate, Gongsun Huowu sneered, "Little thief Xiao Yi, you have a good calculation."

"He has been hibernating and trailing, and only violently broke out after the main mansion appeared, and took out the missing star lantern."

"But you can't control the prohibition of the Heavenly Star Stone Altar, nor can you absorb the power of the stars. What's the point of letting you do all kinds of calculations?"

"Except for the blood of the direct family members of the Tianxing Mansion, no one can control the Tianxing Stone Altar..."

Gongsun Huowu said triumphantly, but he was still stopped by two pairs of cold eyes.

"Stupid." Simon snorted coldly at night.

"Stupid." Sister Yue gave Gongsun Huowu a glance.

"Bad." Gongsun Huowu quickly covered his mouth, his face changed.

"Haha." Xiao Yi smiled playfully, "Is that so."

When Xiao Yi's voice fell, Gu Lianxing felt a hint of anxiety in her heart.

And this hunch came true only after a second.

Xiao Yi grabbed Gu Lianxing's arm.

"Lao Lian Xing girl." Xiao Yi chuckled lightly, condensed with sharp sword energy on his fingertips.

The speed of Jian Qi is extremely fast, far faster than the reaction of anyone present.

But when everyone reacted, a blood stain had been drawn on Gu Lianxing's fibrous hand.

Within the bloodstain, blood flowed slowly.

"You..." Ximen Guye ran away instantly.

"Lianxing." Gongsun Huowu exclaimed.

The two shot instantly.

"What a crazy little thief, the repair hurts my Young Palace Master." A group of Heavenly Star Mansion warriors also violent.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "Talking endlessly, noisy."

"Get out."

Xiao Yi waved his big hand, and instantly shot out like a sword dance.

Under the sword qi, there is no enemy of one.

Ximen Guye, Gongsun Huowu and the martial artists of Tianxing Mansion were blasted out of the main mansion in an instant.


On the gate of the main mansion, a huge stone fell suddenly, sealing the gate.

Outside the main house.

Everyone was stunned when they watched the sudden change.

Ximen Guye, Gongsun Huowu and others were very worried.

"Damn it, the entrance to the main mansion is blocked." Ximen Guye's face was frosty.

"Asshole, Xiao Yi, hurry up and release Lian Xing." Gongsun Huowu rushed towards the boulder like crazy.

The whip in his hand turned into red dancing, continuously bombarding the boulders.

However, the giant stone is an integral part of the main mansion; with her strength, how can it be shaken.

"Asshole." Gongsun Huowu's angry expression soared to the extreme for the first time.

"Little Thief Xiao Yi, if Lian Xing is half damaged, my Gongsun Huowu swears that Tiansuo Mansion will never die with you."

The warriors of the Star Mansion were ashamed.

"It's all to blame for our low cultivation base and can't protect Palace Master Young."

"If the Young Palace Master makes a mistake, we can't shirk the blame."

Sister Yue shook her head with a cold face, "Lian Xing is too kind, I shouldn't have believed this Xiao Yi little thief before."

"If this little thief was not allowed to follow before, there would be nothing like the present."

"The vigorous starlight in the Forbidden Sky of Stars is her life-saving thing. She is not careful and hurt herself."

Ximen Guye gritted his teeth, "Strong starlight is still a small matter."

"Then Xiao Yi is already notorious and bad."

"Lian Xing is alone in the main mansion, so he is afraid that Xiao Yi thief will do something wrong."

Ximen Guye's face was full of worry.

Gongsun Huowu's face was flushed red, his fists were clenched extremely tightly, his nails sinking into the flesh, but he didn't notice it.


Inside the main house.

Gu Lianxing was also stunned by the sudden change.

However, on a pale face, there is no trace of fear, just frowning at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi noticed this look and frowned, "What?"

Gu Lianxing frowned slightly, "Lian Xing just doesn't believe that he will see the wrong person."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled and caught Gu Lianxing's arm again.

That arm, as white and tender as fat, is beautiful.

"What do you want to do?" Gu Lianxing showed a trace of panic at this moment.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi asked back, moving his fingertips lightly.

An elemental force burst from the fingertips, and then slipped.

The blood marks on Gu Lianxing's arm disappeared instantly.

In the next second, Xiao Yi caught Gu Lianxing's hand and put it on the stone altar, then let go.

On the stone altar, there were still a few drops of blood that had dripped from Gu Lianxing's arm.

Xiao Yi glanced at it, walked to the other side, put his hand on the stone altar, then closed his eyes and started practicing.

As early as when the blood on Gu Lianxing's arm dripped down the stone altar, Xiao Yi was already able to control the restrictions in the Lord's Mansion through these drops of blood.

But the degree of manipulation is not high.

The stone gate that fell just now is one of the protection prohibitions of the main mansion.

As for the others, Xiao Yi couldn't control it.

If you guessed it correctly, it should be the 18th Sky Star, which was taken by the ancestors of the Sky Star Mansion and branded with aura.

Therefore, the descendants of Tianxing Mansion can control a trace of restriction through the power of blood.

And this entire prohibition in the main mansion was blessed by the 18 high-grade sacrificial artifact-level heavenly stars.

If you want to control the entire prohibition, you need to control 18 stars.

But if you want to control the 18 Sky Stars, you need to break the ban.

This is an infinite loop at all, and only the absolute strength far higher than this prohibition can ignore all this.

But now, there is only one Star-Clock that can be controlled; the natural and controllable degree of restriction is only a little.

But it's enough, as long as it can activate the effect of cultivation.

On the other side, Gu Lianxing put his palm on the stone altar, feeling the power of starlight pouring into his body continuously, and looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously.

When she saw Xiao Yi closing her eyes and cultivating without paying attention to her, she breathed a sigh of relief and smiled knowingly.

After that, he also closed his eyes and began to practice.

On Xiao Yi's side, he also felt the amazing vigorous starlight power.

However, he did not use these vigorous astral powers for absorption, nor did he use it to improve cultivation.

Rather, it is used to...


Third more.

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