Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1391: Ninety-three thousand stars

Within the main house.

Xiao Yi quickly comprehended the astral illusion swordsmanship with this powerful starlight power.

In fact, the warriors who came to the Forbidden Land of the Stars were all for that extremely rapid increase in cultivation.

After all, the practice effect that is hundreds of times, thousands of times, can be called terrifying.

However, to Xiao Yi, this is nothing.

His huge and terrifying qi fountain and small world originally needed such a fast cultivation speed to be considered as a cultivation effect.

Of course, if he practiced here for a few days, he would definitely have a breakthrough in his cultivation.

However, he is more willing to use it to comprehend Star Fantasy Swordsmanship.

After all, for the cultivation base, these starlight powers are just a force used to transform the original power.

In the future, he can use a lot of pills to achieve the same cultivation effect.

But only the feelings of the star illusion, this time is definitely a great opportunity.

Back then, the star magic bottle, no, to be precise, it was the sky star cup; the effect of a sky star cup was so amazing that he could comprehend and control 80,000 stars within three months.

Now, how amazing is the effect of the power of the stars under the blessing of the eighteen stars?

Xiao Yi closed his eyes and wondered, with anticipation in his heart.

Around him, the extreme starlight power quickly increased Xiao Yi's perception. ‘

These stored in the Tianxing Cave Mansion, the ancient starlight power that has existed for thousands of years, plus the increase of 18 high-grade holy artifacts, the effect is extremely astonishing.

Xiao Yi's perception of the Star Fantasy Swordsmanship continued to rise.

That 5,000 times increase in cultivation was all replaced by Xiao Yi's martial arts perception speed at this moment.

one day later.

Xiao Yi opened his eyes slightly, and his face was full of joy.

"It has broken through 90,000 Dao." Xiao Yi said to himself.

I still remember that when he left the Golden Light forbidden area a few days ago, he was able to break through 85,000.

Now, within this main mansion, in just one day, it has once again broken through 5,000 Dao, reaching 90,000 Dao.

In other words, his current level of perception of Astral Fantasy Swordsmanship has reached the ninth level of the Saint Emperor Realm.

At this moment, he was able to fight against the nine-tiered martial artist of the Saint Emperor Realm based on his kendo level alone.


Time gradually passed.

After a long time.

"Ninety-two thousand stars." Xiao Yi looked satisfied.

Before the comparison, he controlled another two thousand stars.

Today, he is capable of fighting the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm based on his kendo level alone.

Star Fantasy Sword Dao, the means to control the coming of stars, is indeed powerful.

However, compared to the speed of controlling five thousand Dao in the previous day; now I have only controlled two thousand Dao in most of the day, and the speed seems to be slowing down.

For this, Xiao Yi had already expected it.

After all, this is the martial arts perception on the Star Fantasy.

The more you perceive martial arts, the more difficult it becomes, and naturally, the speed of enlightenment begins to slow down.

It was another half day later.

This speed continues to slow down.

In half a day, he only comprehended 950 stars.

Counting the previous comprehension, that is to say, he currently controls 92,950 stars.

It's only 50 times short, and it reaches the level of 93,000.

It's just that the remaining 50 lines are suddenly as difficult as the sky, and Xiao Yi's sentiment is hard to get any further.

"How is it possible, the speed is so slow." Xiao Yi frowned.

The ninety-three thousand starlights are probably equivalent to the extremely strong martial arts level in the peak of the Saint Emperor.

Xiao Yi took a deep breath and fell into enlightenment again.

There are only three days in the Forbidden Land of the Stars.

After three days, the cave will automatically hide in the ground.

So he only has one day left.

Time gradually passed.

It was another day later.

Xiao Yi opened his eyes, his face slightly ugly.

During the whole day of comprehension, he only controlled 50 more stars.

Counting the previous comprehension, he finally reached the level of 93,000 starlights.

And now, three days have passed since entering the main mansion.

And the time of this last day, coupled with the increase in the starlight power of these 18 stars, did he only comprehend 50 starlights?

"Awesome, worthy of the Star Fantasy Sword Dao." Xiao Yi frowned.

When his level of enlightenment reached 93,000 starlights, he planned to continue enlightenment again, and he felt pain in his head.

The knowledge of martial arts in the future is too profound, and it is definitely not something he can comprehend thoroughly in a short time.

"But it's a great gain." Xiao Yi chuckled lightly.

In three days, he controlled 8,000 more stars.

If these 8000 starlights were put outside, he was afraid that it would be difficult for him to comprehend thoroughly for a year or a half, let alone control the starlight coming.

After all, these 8,000 starlights are the follow-up level of 85,000 starlights.

Especially the last 50 starlights, in terms of level, are equivalent to the extremely mysterious martial arts knowledge at the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm.

In just three days, Xiao Yi was satisfied with this gain.

At this time, Xiao Yi glanced at the star Gu Lian on the other side of the stone altar.

At this moment, Gu Lianxing's pale color on his face has faded.

A touch of rosy was added to the already white skin.

The breath that was originally weak is constantly becoming peaceful.

"It turns out that these starlight powers are actually your cures." Xiao Yi appeared in a daze.


Outside the main house.

The warriors also stopped practicing.

At this time, the aura of everyone at least improved a level compared to when they first entered the cave.

Three days of cultivating in the cave mansion, a group of warriors, the worst have broken through the double cultivation base, some of the strong have improved the third or fourth level.

You must know that in the later cultivation of the Saint King Realm, each breakthrough will take at least a few years, or even longer.

And now, in just three days, he has broken through his cultivation.

It is conceivable that the effect of the Forbidden Land of the Stars is strong.

Of course, this was thanks to Xiao Yi's Star Magic Bottle, which allowed the 18 Sky Stars to be complete and restarted the prohibition.

The reactivation of the prohibition greatly increased the effect of the increase here.

Otherwise, according to the past situation, in three days of cultivation here, the general martial artist can improve the double cultivation base is already the limit.

Most of them are just about half-repair.

"Three days have passed, it's time to leave."

A group of warriors stood up one after another.

The main gate of the mansion, outside the huge stone.

The three of Gongsun Huowu still looked eagerly waiting.

"Damn it, three days, the little thief hasn't come out yet." Gongsun Huowu looked worried.

"At least half an hour before the cave will automatically sink."

"Lianxing." Ximen Guye clenched his fists.

Sister Yue's face is weird, "Lonely man and widow, staying in it for three days, it hasn't come out yet, don't something really happen."

"Absurd, impossible." Ximen Guye let out a cold voice.

"The little thief, if he really dares to face Lianxing..."

In the latter words, Ximen Guye didn't say anything, but his face was awe-inspiring to kill.

"Little Thief Xiao Yi, why not get out soon?" Gongsun Huowu shouted angrily at the main mansion.

"Three days have passed. If you don't leave, this place will be buried underground."

"You die if you want to die, don't make Lianxing tired."


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