Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1429: Gu Lianxing's thanks

Palace Lord Tianxing looked directly at Xiao Yi.

The turbulent starlight made Xiao Yi's eyes sting.


A burst of starlight appeared on Xiao Yi, offsetting the dazzling starburst.

"What does Palace Master Tianxing mean?" Xiao Yi's expression was slightly cold.

"What a little thief, Xiao Yi, who knowingly ask?" The middle-aged man shouted violently just now, and wanted to make another shot.

"Elder, slow." Palace Master Heavenly Star gave a soft cry.

Different from Gongsun Huowu's light drink before.

Palace Master Heavenly Star's light drink, instantly stopped the middle-aged man from making a shot.

Obviously, Palace Lord Heavenly Star has absolute prestige.

The Lord of Heavenly Star Palace is not only the master of a mansion, but also the strongest in the Heavenly Star Mansion. In terms of prestige, no one can match.

"Elder, Lian Xing has explained this to me, but it's just a misunderstanding." Palace Master Tianxing said with a light smile.

Speaking of which, Palace Master Tianxing is also a middle-aged person.

However, Palace Lord Heavenly Star was obviously more energetic, and the temperament belonging to the superior was far from comparable to that of the Great Elder.

"Since it's just a misunderstanding, I won't bother the Palace Master and leave." The elder arched his hands and turned away.

The elders looked at the great elder, but did not follow.

"Little friend Xiao Yi, please." Palace Master Tianxing smiled.

Xiao Yi nodded and entered the lobby.


In the lobby, Palace Lord Tianxing sits first.

Xiao Yi sat on the first side.

Instead, a group of elders sat on the sides.

The elders were slightly unhappy, but did not say anything.

At this time, Gu Lianxing and Gongsun Huowu, smiling on their faces, walked in slowly.

"Lianxing, haven't you come to thank little friend Xiao Yi for his life-saving grace?" Palace Master Tianxing smiled.

"Yes, father." Gu Lian Xinglian moved lightly towards Xiao Yi, holding a jade box in his hand.

"Young Master Xiao Yi." Gu Lianxing came to Xiao Yi, holding the jade box in both hands.

The jade box, filled with circulation, is obviously extraordinary.

Xiao Yi only glanced at it and knew that this jade box was very valuable.

It is not difficult to imagine that there must be a treasure in the jade box.

Just at this moment, outside the lobby, another graceful figure came.

However, the figure is obviously a little rush, but is coming quickly.

"Lian Xing, Huo Wu." The visitor yelled, "See Palace Lord."

"Xinyue." Palace Master Tianxing nodded.

"Sister Yue." Gu Lianxing also nodded.

Yes, the person here is Gu Xinyue.

"I heard from my father that Lian Xing is back, but I didn't expect it to be true." Gu Xinyue's face was full of'happy'.

"Haha." Palace Master Tianxing smiled and said, "At the beginning, Tianxing was within a dangerous place, but it was just a misunderstanding, Lian Xing has already explained to me."

"So that's the case." Gu Xinyue nodded, "I also blame me for being anxious at the time. I actually blamed Young Master Xiao Yi."

Gu Xinyue looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi nodded, but his face was extremely cold.

He never believed that it was just a misunderstanding.

According to his observation, Gu Xinyue, the city mansion is definitely not low.

However, he would not stay in Tianxing Mansion for a long time, let alone Gu Xinyue and other characters in his eyes, so he didn't bother to pay attention.

Palace Master Tianxing, obviously noticed Xiao Yi's face, smiled, and said, "Little friend Xiao Yi, don't get Xinyue wrong."

"Speaking of which, Xinyue and Lianxing are sisters. They are naturally worried and impatient, and they misunderstood for a while."

Palace Lord Heavenly Star and the Great Elder were originally direct family members, but cousins.

Naturally, Gu Xinyue and Gu Lianxing are considered sisters.

In addition, Gu Lianxing always calls Gu Xinyue'Sister Yue'.

Xiao Yi nodded when he heard the words, but didn't delve into it.

"Young Master Xiao Yi." Gu Lianxing said, and glanced at the jade box in his hand.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Yi asked indifferently.

Aside, Gu Xinyue glanced at the jade box, her face suddenly changed, "Sky Star Chalcedony?"

The jade box is filled with chalcedony.

Heavenly Star Chalcedony, a very rare cultivation object.

In terms of its value, it is worthy of a middle-grade holy artifact.

"It's the Chalcedony of the Sky Star." Gu Lianxing looked at Xiao Yi and said with a smile, "This is Lian Xing's thank you."

Xiao Yi didn't pick up the jade box, but said indifferently, "What to thank?"

"If Lianxing Girl has never been a friend of Xia, then Xia will accept this thank-you thing."

With that, Xiao Yi stretched out his hand, planning to take the jade box.

Looking at Xiao Yi's indifferent expression, Gu Lianxing quickly shrank his palm, and took the jade box back, "Master Xiao Yi misunderstood, Lianxing just..."

Xiao Yi smiled, his face disappeared indifferently, "If you are a friend right now, and I save you, why should you be thanked?"

"This..." Gu Lianxing hesitated.

Palace Master Sky Star smiled openly, "Forget Lian Xing, little friend Xiao Yi will not accept your thank you."

Having said that, Palace Master Tianxing looked at Xiao Yi, "This Palace Master really did not expect that Xiao Yi, who is rumored to be a fierce reputation, is such a character."

Palace Master Tianxing was full of admiration.

"However, little friend Xiao Yi doesn't want this thank-you thing, but my Heavenly Star Mansion has to accept this love."

"In the future, little friend Xiao Yi has needs, even if he speaks, I will never refuse to do anything that the Star Mansion can do."

"Palace Master Tianxing is serious." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"In addition, I can't be regarded as saving Lianxing Girl."

"Although I repaired her blood and spirit, the conflict between the two still exists in her body."

"I just continued her life for a few years."

"In the future, it will still depend on her own good fortune."

Xiao Yi said frankly.

Palace Master Tianxing didn't care, and shook his head, "Several years, enough."

"At least, it's enough for Lian Xing."

Palace Master Tianxing glanced at Gu Lianxing knowingly.

Gu Lianxing nodded.

Aside, Gu Xinyue's expression changed, "Lian Xing's bloodline and martial soul are repaired?"

"Yeah." Palace Master Tianxing nodded, "Little friend Xiao Yi, really good at it."

Gu, Xiao Yi suddenly picked up the tea beside him and drank it.

"Okay, I can count as a guest in the Star Mansion; Lian Xing girl, I have sent it back safely, so I won't stay any more."

"Farewell." Xiao Yi got up and arched his hands.

"Little friend in no hurry." Palace Master Tianxing waved his hand.

Xiao Yi knew what Palace Master Heavenly Star meant to stay, and said bluntly, "There is still something to do next, I really can't stay longer."

"No, no, no." Palace Master Tianxing smiled, "It's not to stay more, but I heard Lian Xing say that my little friend has been running around for Lian Xing these days."

"It's hard to come to my Tianxing Mansion, why don't the little friends rest here for a night? It's not too late to leave tomorrow."

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded.

Just one night, it is the right to rest for a while.


Tianxing Mansion, the residence of the Great Elder.

In the study, there are only the two elders and Gu Xinyue.

Gu Xinyue spoke a few words to the great elder.

"What?" The great elder stood up, "Gu Lianxing's spirit and blood have been repaired?"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible."

"Father, it's true." Gu Xinyue said angrily.

"That little thief, went through the phantom light, blood light, and the two big caves to repair her spirit and blood."

"It's even more impossible." The great elder said seriously.

"No more than Blood Light Cave Mansion."

"But the Magic Light Cave Mansion is the forbidden area of ​​the Eighteen Mansions, let alone me, even if the Palace Master and other powerful people go, they will definitely die."

"That little thief will never get in, let alone **** the soul power inside."


Third more.

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