Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1430: Early bird, with

The voice of the great elder was extremely affirmative and incredibly unbelievable.

Two completely different expressions made his face extremely complicated.

Gu Xinyue has always been in the city mansion quite deeply, staring at the grand elder's face for a long time, already knowing something and knowing the problem.

"Father, what is in the Magic Light Cave Mansion?"

Let her father, the grand elder of Illusory Light Mansion, a well-known expert in the Middle Territory, have such a solemn and complicated expression, and the things inside are absolutely extraordinary.

The elder shook his head, "Xinyue, you don't know."

"Illusory Light Cave Mansion, no one dares to enter, and no one can enter..."

The words of the great elder, hesitate to say.

"Oh, nothing." The elder shook his head, "God won't help me, what can I do?"

"Gu Lianxing continued his life for several years, and the variables have been born."

Gu Xinyue's eyes were cold when she heard the words, "I blame Xiao Yi, this kid, for breaking me and so on."

"Two months ago, in the dangerous place of the stars, he humiliated me and deceived me again. My daughter could not wait to thwart him."

"Bone bones and ashes? Huh." The elder smiled helplessly.

"This son has become a climate, who can do anything to him?"

"The spies outside the palace reported back that he had brought Gu Lianxing and Gongsun Huowu back."

"I have immediately summoned the elders and plan to get rid of this son in time."

"Unexpectedly, this son will not be damaged under the suppression of my aura, even with my full strength, he will not be able to shake him at all."

The great elder shook his head, his face darkly bitter, "It seems that the rumors from the previous day are true."

"All the assassins in the Heavenly Underworld Palace disappeared while pursuing him, and there is no more news."

"I'm afraid, these guys are already a cold corpse, no, it should be said that there are no bones; otherwise the powerhouse of the Heavenly Underworld will not even be able to find their corpses in the future."

"What?" Gu Xinyue's expression changed.

"The price the daughter paid at the beginning, but even the legendary killers like the Great Elder of the Heavenly Underworld have moved."

"With him leading the team, plus all the gold medal killers, all died, and so cleanly?"

"Is that..."

"Not bad." The elder nodded, "If you say, the major Tianjiao, after the second Wuhun awakening, they will be among the strongest in the middle domain from Tianjiao."

"Then, this little thief, with his own power, without the help of any forces behind him, has become one of the top powerhouses in the Central Region."

"Looking at Zhongyu, he is already a tyrannical one, except for his great power, no one dares to take him lightly."

"This..." Gu Xinyue paled.

She suddenly realized that what she had provoked was a terrifying character.

Gu Xinyue's face turned pale, but she was suddenly ruthless, "Father, this Xiao Yi thief is notorious, and he is also notoriously cruel."

"In time, if you come back to seek revenge with us when your wings are more abundant, wouldn't it be a disaster?"

"Father, why don't we take advantage of this..."

As Gu Xinyue said, she made a hand knife movement.

"When the wings are more abundant?" the elder said in a deep voice, "do you think this child's wings are not full enough nowadays?"

"Even if you use all your strength for the father, I am afraid it is in front of him, it is just like a joke."

Gu Xinyue said without giving up, "Father, we can't, it doesn't mean that others can't."

"Daughter has a way to ask another government to take action."

"If the master of another mansion made the move, this little thief would never survive."

The elder shook his head, "If the Palace Master of the Eighteenth Mansion made the move personally, this little thief would certainly die."

"Don't talk about it now, even if he will become a powerful person in the future, he will not be able to handle the three tricks of the palace masters."

"But, why would you please move the lord of a house?"

"Which government would be willing to provoke such a young murderer?"

Gu Xinyue smiled triumphantly when she heard the words, "I don't need to worry about this."

Gu Xinyue heard the words of the great elder that the lord of a mansion could kill Xiao Yi, instantly showing joy.

"Daughter can invite Heavenly Underworld Palace, and naturally she can also invite other Palaces."

"Heh." Hearing this, the elder couldn't help laughing.

"Xinyue, you are my daughter, I understand you naturally, but you are still too naive."

Gu Xinyue is proficient in scheming, and the city is quite tall. How could her father, the elder of the Tianxing Mansion, be a general.

"You can invite the Heavenly Underworld Palace because it is different from the other seventeen houses. They are a killer force."

"Collecting money to sell their lives, this is their Heavenly Underworld; as long as they can afford the price, their Heavenly Underworld will dare to kill anyone. This is their confidence for countless years."

"But there is another most important reason, and that is to ignore this once Central Territory Killing God, who used to be the general advice of his Heavenly Underworld Palace."

"So they can not be afraid to chase Xiao Yi and ignore the revenge of this Central Killing God."

"Even if they really killed Xiao Yi, they were confident that they would ignore their old feelings and would not really move them; all they need to deal with is Yun Yuanjian, the husband."

"However, countless forces dare to do this, and only his Heavenly Underworld Palace."

"If the Hades collapsed into the sand today, including the great elder and a group of gold medal killers all died, it can be said to be traumatic, they can't make another move."

The Grand Elder paused, and continued, "As for another power, who dares to really lead the two great killers to hold the sword again? Who dares to be the first bird?"

"Even if it was the Northern Yin Sect, I hurriedly revoked the killing order that day, and went back down."

"The bloodbath in the sword region back then, the sweep of the major forces in the shock region, who would dare to forget?"

"Behind this kid, as long as there are two shelters for one day, he will be enough to grow up safely."

"For your father to know Xinyue, you are good at scheming, but in the face of absolute strength, this is just a joke."

At the end, the elder sighed heavily.

"The sky does not help me, the sky does not help me."

The great elder shook his head, his face was already mournful.

Gu Xinyue was paralyzed and almost fell to the ground.

Just at this moment, outside the study, a call rang, "Report."

"Come in, what's the matter?" the elder asked weakly.

A spy stepped forward quickly, a letter, respectfully handed in front of the elder.

The elder took it at will, opened the letter, glanced at it, and then his eyes widened.

After I finished reading the letter, his face was full of shock, and the original grief suddenly turned into ecstasy.

"Good, good, good." The Great Elder said three good times in a row.

"Hahahaha, it seems that the sky is endless for me."

"Father, what's the matter?" Gu Xinyue hurriedly asked.

"Hahahaha." The grand elder's face was completely gray, replaced by ecstasy and domineering.

"On the day of the Blood Light Cave Mansion, Xiao Yi fought the Eighth Mansion Young Mansion with a single sword and defeated him. It seemed like there were no two in the limelight, but he didn't know he was digging his own grave.

"After the young palace masters of the Eight Houses returned to the house, they all suffered losses."

"Among them, He You is the most serious. The awakened black martial arts soul was beaten back for the most part. His cultivation level was reduced to five levels, and his peerless talent was completely lost."

"The old fellow in Illusion Palace is crazy now."

"The early bird we want is now available, hahahaha."

Inside the mansion of the elder, there was a cry of cold laughter, one after another.

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