Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1549: First retreat

"Demon Hunter, Yi Xiao?"

With a few simple words, a group of warriors muttered to themselves, there was no change in their expressions, they were still just anxious.

"Boy, you shouldn't show up."

"I wasted the opportunity to send news back to Dark Iron City."

"Damn, it was a rookie who came to save us. We are dead."

The warriors seemed to have the urge to question Xiao Yi.

It's just that they are bound and unable to move.

But the middle-aged man frowned, as if thinking of something.

When he saw the purple flame in Xiao Yi's hand, his face changed a bit.

In the next second, he suddenly looked happy.

"That group of purple inflammation... Demon Hunter Yi Xiao... it's him, it must be him."

"Young City Lord, we are saved."

On the other side, dozens of evil cultivators showed a fierce glow almost instantly after hearing the words.

But their steps unconsciously stepped back.

Only the evil repair headed, his body trembled.

Obviously, this group of evil cultivators are extremely familiar with the word'Yi Xiao', and they immediately thought of who came.

As for Xiao Yi, his eyes were placed on the black profound iron demon and those chains.

Originally, he didn't want to show up so quickly, he planned to learn more about evil cultivation methods.

However, now that he appeared, it was time to settle the battle.


The purple inflammation in Xiao Yi's hand burned more and more vigorously.

Dozens of evil repairs took a step back unconsciously again.

Upon seeing this, the old man snorted coldly, "Huh, what about Zi Yan Yi Xiao."

"A hairy boy, no matter how enchanting, his strength is limited."

The old man's eyes became more fierce, and the disc around his waist was instantly held in his hand.


Inside the disc, black energy burst out, and countless black sharp blades shot out.


Xiao Yi did not move, a sea of ​​flames was already gushing out.

The black sharp blade that struck was submerged in the sea of ​​fire.

Almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, countless black sharp blades were all burned.

At this moment, the old man came with the black blade and blasted out a punch.

"Holy Emperor Realm peak." Xiao Yi saw the old man's cultivation at a glance.

I think so, if this leader of the evil cultivator does not have the peak cultivation base of the holy emperor, it is impossible to co-operate with other evil cultivators to trap the giant black iron demon.

Even if the evil cultivation methods are extremely strange, they are useless under absolute strength.

"Heh." Xiao Yi yelled coldly and blasted out a punch.

On the fist, flames surround.

With the six levels of cultivation in the Holy Emperor Realm, coupled with the astonishing vitality in the body, it was enough for ordinary flames to exert great explosive power.

Not to mention that this is the strongest flame in the world.

That burst was enough to make Xiao Yi's fist amazing.

Boom...a roar.

Xiao Yi didn't move at all, but the old man was beaten back dozens of steps, full of flames.

"Ah." The old man cried out painfully.

With a surge of vitality, he tried his best to offset the flame on his body.

"How is it possible." The old man gritted his teeth, "You Yi Xiao has only disappeared for more than a year, so your strength has grown like this?"

"Have you investigated me?" Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

The old man didn't answer, but looked at the evil cultivation behind him, "Don't be afraid, this kid is at most about the peak strength of the Holy Emperor Realm, slightly stronger than the old man."

"We rallied to attack, this kid will undoubtedly die."

Under the ghost mask, the old man could not see Xiao Yi's cultivation.

Only from Xiao Yi's attack can guess the strength.

A group of evil cultivators showed embarrassment, "Master Rudder, let's take action, what should we do with this evil animal?"

A group of evil cultivators still held the chains in their hands, trapped the Black Profound Iron Demon, and couldn't tell.

Hearing this, the old man narrowed his eyes and looked at the black profound iron demon instantly.

"Naughty animal, if you want to survive, kill this kid for me."

"I promise, I will let you live later."

The Black Profound Iron Demon, as the peak demon beast of the Holy Emperor Realm, has long understood human nature and understood the words of this evil cultivator.

The Black Profound Iron Demon was silent for a while, then nodded.

Although instinctively will not believe the words of human beings, it has no choice when it is about to be enslaved.

"Retract the big array." The old man yelled coldly.

A group of evil cultivators immediately retracted the chain.


Almost the moment the chain disappeared, the huge body of the Black Profound Iron Demon had already attacked Xiao Yi.

The Black Black Iron Demon thought about resisting.

But from its point of view, this group of evil cultivators seemed more terrifying, and the means that could forcibly absorb its spiritual intelligence also made it even more frightening.

Therefore, it would rather face Xiao Yi.

However, he obviously chose the wrong opponent.

The huge body came, and Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

The strength of the Black Profound Iron Demon was not at all weaker than the Golden Light White Ape he had dangerously encountered in Golden Light.

Although this black profound iron demon is now completely wounded and its strength has dropped a lot, it is definitely a very strong beast.

The idle peak of the Holy Emperor Realm, under normal circumstances, I am afraid that it is not the enemy of this evil animal.

It's just that these evil cultivation methods are weird, and it's just trapping it.

"Purple Flame Domain, start." Xiao Yi shouted in a low heart.

At the beginning, when his cultivation base was low, he could only rely on Star Fantasy Sword Dao to deal with these enemies in the late Saint Emperor Stage and above the peak.

That's because Star Magic Sword Dao has the power to mobilize the starlight in the sky.

In the past, Xiao Yi could only rely on this, relying on starlight power to give himself amazing combat power.

That is not my own power, but the power of starlight.

But now, his cultivation level has been improved, and he can respond to the enemy with his own strength.

Moreover, the Ziyan realm is already constructed with thousands of complete martial arts, which is no longer the same.


Xiao Yi blasted out with a punch, and flames surrounded it.

The punch is out, the space is shocking, and the power is amazing.


There was a loud noise.

The flame spread the black profound iron demon instantly.

The head beast was instantly in the flames.

Boom... There was another explosion.

The flame exploded and roared.

Just a few seconds...his...

A huge beast turned into ashes.

Amethyst Lingyan has the effect of burning everything, and nothing can be stopped.

Even though the black profound iron demon's body is extremely hard, it is not the enemy of Zi Yan.

With the sufficient power blessed by Xiao Yi and the increase in the purple flame field, the power of Amethyst Lingyan was terrifying.

A demon beast at the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm was actually easily killed in a flash.

"How could it be possible." The evil repair old man's face changed drastically.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed.

At extremely fast speed, it turned into a flame phantom.

Phantom, fingertips pointed out again and again.

Every time it is clicked, it is a flash of fire.

In just a few seconds, Xiao Yi returned to the place.

The evil cultivators present watched in horror at the light on their chest.


The next second, there was a burst of sound, continuous.

The flame exploded in an instant.

The sound of the explosion fell, and there was no evil repair.

Only the universe rings and discs everywhere.

Dozens of evil repairs were all burned into nothingness.

This is not an angry finger, but Xiao Yi's application of flames.

The upgrade of the fire control beast's grade has greatly increased his fire control ability.

He had long wanted to try today's flame methods.

The first battle after the retreat was quite satisfactory.

Boom... Xiao Yi raised his arms lightly, dissipating the surrounding flames.


Third more.

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