Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1550: One pot end


Xiao Yi waved a big hand, and took the Universe Ring and the disc present.

Xie Xiu was present, already dead.

But Xiao Yi's brows were frowned.

He was thinking about something.

Behind him, there were stunned faces, and a series of cold breaths.

There were a few unbelievable murmurs.

"Good... so strong."

"This... this guy, what a perverted strength."

This is the voice of the young man and the warriors.

"Is this the strength of Zi Yan Yi Xiao?" The middle-aged man swallowed.

The holy emperor realm peak monster, black mysterious iron monster.

The peak cultivation of the Saint Emperor Realm led by evil cultivation, and the other dozens of evil cultivation of the Saint Emperor Realm.

In that short period of time, in that dazzling art-like flame manipulation, all turned into nothingness and ashes?

The sound of surprise interrupted Xiao Yi's thinking.

Xiao Yi shook his head, walked towards the crowd, and after feeling for a while, he hit several purple inflammations with his fingertips.

Zi Yan, like a nimble snake, wandered around the people and bound.

Under the subtle control, at the moment when the flames wandered over, the chains of everyone were burned to ashes.

Everyone was also free.

However, everyone was panicked and cautious when they watched Zi Yan walk around them.

After all, they saw the horror of these purple flames just now, and they burned the black profound iron demon to ashes in an instant.

They don't want to be caught in these flames, and they are even more afraid that Xiao Yi will accidentally cause Zi Yan to burn them.

Now that everyone has regained their freedom, they are relieved.

Originally, Xiao Yi intended to untie these chains from the beginning.

However, these chains have some inexplicable cold power.

In order to avoid accidents, Xiao Yi killed these evil cultivators before saving these martial artists.

"Thank you." The middle-aged man stepped forward, arched his hands, and said gratefully.

"I heard of the name of the demon hunter Yi Xiao, when I saw it today, he really deserved it."

"The captain of the guard at the Lord's Mansion in the Lower Black Iron City, Tielin."

"This is my Young City Master." Tielin introduced the young man beside him.

Xiao Yi nodded, and turned away without saying a word.

"Um." The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment and said, "Your Excellency Yi Xiao, today I saved the Young City Lord of my family. If you follow me back to Dark Iron City, the City Lord will have a great reward."

"No need." Xiao Yi shook his head, "Save you, it's just for the mission."

"After you return to Dark Iron City, go to the Demon Hunter Palace and finish the mission."

"That's natural." Tielin nodded.

"Farewell." Xiao Yi said, and Yukong flew away.

In the same place, Tielin and his party looked at each other.

The young man frowned, "This Zi Yan Yi Xiao is an arrogant generation."

"That's natural." Tielin said seriously.

"This person is not well-known in the Black Iron Region, but he is well-known in the Sifang Region, and he is also well-known in the Middle Region."

"It is rumored that all the tasks that this person took over were perfectly completed."

"Since I debuted, I have never failed, and the mission rate has reached an astonishing 100%."

Tie Lin said more and more solemnly, saying, "I still heard that this person defeated a tianjiao in the Ice Palace more than a year ago."

"Ice Palace?" The young man's expression was startled, "The legendary Sejong Gate?"

"Yeah." Tielin nodded, "Furthermore, that Tianjiao is still one of the sixteen envoys with the Ice Venerable Order."

"It's a pity." Tie Lin gave a bitter smile. "This person is good at everything, refining medicine, controlling fire, and hunting monsters. He is proficient in everything. There are also many forces and people who plan to find him to complete the task."

"It's just that this person is accustomed to fascination. If he does not show up, no one will be able to find him."



A stream of flame pierced the sky.

Xiao Yi flew quickly.

Before, he planned to observe more evil cultivation methods in the dark.

It's a pity that a fool in the group of warriors made him have to show up to save people first.

It made him miss the opportunity to investigate these evil repairs.

In fact, the definition of evil cultivation is very vague, and Xiao Yi can't tell.

Say they practice evil skills, **** the blood of martial artists, and use evil methods to improve their cultivation.

But in Xiao Yi's view, there is no righteous and evil in the world.

If he really wants to say this, then the qi and blood he cultivated together, and the blood brake magic scripture, are also evil skills?

The so-called righteous and evil are people's choices.

Or maybe, killing creatures from evil cultivating indiscriminately, slaughter bloodbaths and so on often happen?

No, for Zhongyu, life is the most worthless, killing is everywhere.

A truly powerful warrior, bloodbathed thousands of miles in anger, slaughtering one party is nothing more than an ordinary thing.

Does this also believe that this strong man is an evil cultivator?

Perhaps the only person who judged evil cultivation was the people in the evil monarch's mansion.

But there is also one more point. The cultivation methods cultivated by evil cultivators are all cold and evil, and they also have strange methods.

Of course, perhaps it would be more appropriate to describe evil cultivation in terms of the words ‘destroy humanity’.

Xie Xiu has always slaughtered one party for no reason.

Xiao Yi shook his head and took out a disc.

I felt it slightly, and moved my fingertips lightly, and a sinister black energy gushed out from the disc.

"Evil Dao formation." Xiao Yi muttered to himself, frowning.

If he remembers correctly, the names of these discs are the evil path formation discs.

A long time ago, when he looked up the archives of various temples, he probably saw this information.

But I didn't have any interest at that time, so I didn't go further.

With such a close and true perception now, Xiao Yi's feelings about this evil formation became more intuitive.

There is a barrier inside this thing.

Although I don't know what material it is made of, it should be at the level of the lower-grade holy artifacts.

The surface of the disc is branded with formations.

And inside the disc, there is an inexplicable power, that is, the evil and black energy.

Xiao Yi couldn't say what these black auras were, but in his judgment, they were a kind of power.

Yes, power is similar to Yuanli, but it is more refined and powerful than Yuanli.

Based on this, Xie Xiu can mobilize the evil and black energy in it, whether it is normal fighting or performing martial arts, its strength is enough to crush other warriors of the same level.

If you didn't guess wrong, the barrier he placed in the cave was also broken because of this evil formation.

Otherwise, the two holy emperor realms of White Bone and Evil Bone would not be able to break his barrier.

This evil way array seems to have other magical functions.

Even though Xiao Yi couldn't fully understand this evil formation.

But from this it can also be seen that these evil cultivators have almost one man, and the background of the evil monarch mansion is probably quite amazing.

This force is probably not inferior to those hidden Sejong Sects, or even more powerful.

Xiao Yi's eyes narrowed and his heart felt cold.

"Check you guys out first, and then give it a try."


Half an hour later, Xiao Yi flew all the way at full speed and arrived at Dark Iron City.

The figure flickered all the way and stopped outside the Black Iron City Hunting Demon Hall.


First more.

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