Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1571: Sweep

One month later.

The eastern area of ​​the middle area is the Hengyuan area.

The central city, Hengyuan City.

Xiao Yi quickly stepped into the main hall of Hengyuan of the Demon Hunting Hall, and was about to go to the mission office to hand in a mission, but saw that the mission office was full of demon hunters.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Yi had to wait a little.

But at this moment, a staff member of the task office suddenly squinted his eyes and looked towards Xiao Yi.

The staff seemed to have thought of something, his expression changed, and he walked quickly, ignoring the demon hunter who was waiting in a long queue for the task.

"Hey, what are you doing."

The several demon hunters who had been queued to the front of the task area said dissatisfiedly.

The staff ignored it, but walked towards Xiao Yi quickly.

"Dare to ask your Excellency, but the Lord Yi Xiao Branch?" The staff came to Xiao Yi and asked in a deep voice.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yi frowned and asked back.

"Is it really the Lord of the Branch Palace?" The staff member smiled and hurriedly saluted.

Xiao Yi waved his hand, indicating that he did not need to be polite.

When the demon hunter heard this, his face was startled, "Zi Yan Yi Xiao?"

In almost an instant, the eyes of all the demon hunters around were all focused.

The Hengyuan region is an extremely vast area, and the number of demon hunters is extremely astonishing.

The demon hunters gathered here in the main hall of Hengyuan are also densely packed, almost squeezing the main hall into a leak.

But at this moment, it was all the demon hunters who took a step back and gave way.

"Yi Xiao Branch Hall Master came to the main hall to hand over tasks? Please first."

"Yes, yes, please, the master of the branch of Yi Xiao first."


The main hall, which was originally crowded, immediately opened a passage.

The demon hunters who had lined up at the mission office had actually given way.

When everyone looked at Xiao Yi, they were not dissatisfied, but were full of admiration and surprise.

"This..." Xiao Yi was stunned when he saw this.

In the crowd, a demon hunter frowned, "Who is this? What a big air."

"Let me wait for a group of demon hunters to make way for him? Even if he is the title of the sub-temple..."

The demon hunter, who hadn't finished speaking, had been watched by unkind eyes from all around him.

Seeing the unkind gaze around him, the demon hunter couldn't help but shudder, and quickly stopped speaking.

Beside him, a familiar demon hunter whispered, "Idiot, who made you talk more?"

"Hall Master Yi Xiao Branch is also something you dare to ridicule?"

"Why? Is this person very big?" The demon hunter was surprised, "What kind of backing is behind him?"

The demon hunter who is familiar with him smiled, "The background is not very big, and there is no backing."

"But the master of Yi Xiao Division, is now the great man in our Demon Hunting Hall, and I wait for the demon hunter to admire everyone."

"Why, don't you know?"

The demon hunter shook his head, "I closed the door a few days ago."

"Tsk tusk." The familiar demon hunter smiled, "Then you have missed a lot of things these days."

"Do you know what Palace Master Yi Xiao is called now?"

Without waiting for the demon hunter to ask questions, the familiar demon hunter was already excited, "Evil repair nightmare."

"Do you know how many evil cultivators have been killed by Palace Master Yi Xiao Branch these days?"

This time, before this familiar demon hunter spoke, other demon hunters around had already spoken.

"That's countless."


A line of excitement came out.

The demon hunter who spoke at the beginning was stunned, his face full of shock.

When did the evil cultivation that everyone heard of, become so casual from the mouth of the warrior, and even understate it?

When did the frightening evil repair seem to be extremely embarrassed?

He found that he had really missed a lot of things during these days of retreat.

The excitement around me is still in my ears.

"When the Lord of the Division of Yi Xiao first took action, he set a record of destroying four evil repair divisions in two days."

"Although it was silent for ten and a half days later, it was just the eve of the evil cultivation nightmare."

"I know this." A demon hunter answered excitedly.

"After that, Yi Xiao divided the Hall Master, but swept all the way with the momentum of the wind and the remaining clouds."

"Everywhere you went, the Xie Xiu branch was destroyed one by one, and the Xie Xiu beheaded one by one."

"It is said that the path of evil cultivation is secretive, but the Lord Yi Xiaofen is more fascinating than them, and they don't know how they died."

"It is said that the evil repair methods are unpredictable and hide in dangerous places, but they are not worth the monstrous purple flames of the Lord Yi Xiao Branch."

"The flames burned for thousands of miles, and even an evil repairer would never want to escape."

"In just one month, it has swept through nearly a hundred regions, all regions have been cultivating evil spirits, and the suppression has been wiped out."


"Hiss." The demon hunter who started talking, took a breath at the moment.

"In just one month, the evil repair that swept through nearly a hundred regions?"

Xiao Yi was slightly embarrassed as he listened to the endless words around him.

He was not a pushy person, so he walked straight to the task, planning to leave after handing over the task.

Yes, this month, he swept nearly a hundred regions.

With his current strength, spanning a region, but a few hours are enough.

Especially after discovering another anti-sky effect of the Eye of the Moon, and perceiving the area in the form of the power of heaven and earth, those evil cultivators have nowhere to hide.

Naturally, it is easy for him to find these evil cultivations.

Sweeping all the way, those evil cultivators and all the evil cultivators in the area were killed one by one by him.

He knew that Evil Monarch Mansion was a giant.

With his strength alone, it was really hard to shake.

But seeing one killing one, until these evil cultivators dare not act rampantly, and dare not appear at will, it is temporarily in line with him.

These days, he walked all the way east.

No, now I have come to the Hengyuan region.

The Hengyuan area is not a well-known area in Zhongyu, but it is also one of the first-class areas.

Its area is extremely vast, and it is similar to the Sifang area.

In the east of Zhongyu, Hengyuan Region is in the middle part, and it is also a famous region.

And he made a special visit to the main hall here, and naturally it was to hand over the task.

Many of the evil repairs are on the wanted list of the Eight Palaces.

The Demon Hunting Hall, Yan Hall and Yaozun Hall are Alliance Halls.

He handed over here, and he could directly take the quest points and quest rewards of the three halls.

After receiving the task, you can leave and continue chasing Xie Xiu.

At this time, Xiao Yi walked towards the task.

Just at this moment, a staff member walked quickly and said, "Yi Xiao divides the hall master, the hall master would like to please."

"Hallmaster?" Xiao Yi frowned.

The main hall is naturally the person in charge of this main hall.

Although he didn't know what was going on, Xiao Yi followed the staff to the back hall of the palace.

On the way, the staff showed awe and admiration on their faces.

"Hall Master Yi Xiao has a reputation, and his subordinates didn't expect to see you today."

"You knew I was coming?" Xiao Yi said with some doubts.

"Yeah." The staff replied, "The lord said that according to your style, you usually complete a lot of tasks, and you will go to the main hall of the area along the way to hand over tasks."

"Our Hengyuan area is the largest area nearby."

"Therefore, the lord guesses that you will come here, and he told us to write down the portrait early so that we can recognize you in time."


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