Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1572: Missed assessment

"Portrait?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly, then suddenly.

No wonder the staff could recognize him just now.

It stands to reason that he is wearing a mask, and without an accurate face, it is difficult for outsiders to recognize him.

Moreover, there are too many demon hunters or warriors walking in masks in the huge middle domain.

He Xiao Yi was in the crowd, wearing a mask, and he was just a humble ordinary warrior.

However, if these staff members had been prepared long ago and had the portraits to observe, they would probably recognize them from the eyebrows after careful observation.

These staff members were all experienced demon hunters who had walked outside.

Moreover, there is usually the title of an ordinary deacon, which naturally looks good.

Furthermore, Hengyuan region is one of the most famous regions, and the staff here in the main hall are naturally more capable.

"Why is your palace master looking for me?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

This palace master, since he guessed wrong, he will come here, and distribute the portrait, let the staff recognize him, want to come to him for something.

"This is not something that the subordinates know." The staff member smiled awkwardly and said, "I only know, the Lord has ordered that if you really come, I will show you to see you."

After all, the two came to the study in the back hall.

The staff member said, "I have notified the Hall Master, and the Hall Master Yi Xiao Branch can go in by himself."

Having said that, the staff saluted respectfully and walked away slowly.

Xiao Yi frowned and pushed open the door to enter.

Inside, you can see a table of cases, and above the table, an old man is reviewing the files.

The person in charge of the Demon Hunting Palace has always been extremely busy.

Every time Xiao Yi saw these hall masters, he was reviewing the files.

The old man, obviously already aware of Xiao Yi's arrival, put down the file and smiled.

The old man motioned Xiao Yi to stay aside.

Xiao Yi walked to the chair beside the table and sat down.

The old man glanced at Xiao Yi, nodded, and smiled with satisfaction, "It's really terrifying for the younger generation, and the master of the division of Yi Xiao is so young, he has such strength and achievements, it is really remarkable."

Xiao Yi bowed slightly and asked, "I don't know why the Lord is looking for me?"

Xiao Yi didn't want to waste time, so he asked directly.

It stands to reason that he is the title of deputy head of the main hall in Fengcha Hall and Shura Hall.

According to the level, he is at the same level as the palace master, and does not need to bow.

But now he is the identity of Yi Xiao, and this palace master is obviously a senior, he should give an ordinary senior's gift.

"It's nothing big." The old man waved his hand and said, "It's just that the old man guessed that you might come to the main hall of Hengyuan."

"And the old man has never heard of the reputation of the Lord of the Division of Yi Xiao, and wanted to meet him."

Xiao Yi nodded.

Follow his walking route and walk all the way to the east.

This hall master is the hall master of the main hall, naturally he is good at it, and he can guess that he might come to the main hall of Hengyuan.

Xiao Yi got up, arched his hands, and said, "If there is nothing to do, I have to deal with the task, so I will leave."

"Haha." Hearing the words, the old man smiled and motioned to Xiao Yi to sit down and said, "No hurry."

"Su Wen Yi Xiao's sub-Hallmaster acted vigorously and resolutely, and this time I saw it, and I really deserved it."

"However, it's not too late for the time to chat with the old man."

Xiao Yi frowned, nodded, and sat down again.

"A few days ago, there was a summoning order for the main hall of the main hall." The old man said, "do you know about the main hall of the main hall?"

"Zhaoling?" Xiao Yi shook his head, "I don't know."

"Sure enough." The old man smiled bitterly, and said, "About half a year ago, the assessment of the inheritance place on the main hall was opened, and 10 Demon Hunting Palace Tianjiao must go to participate."

"Prior to this, the Lord of the Branch of Yi Xiao had already become famous in places such as Fangcun and Sifang."

"Although I heard that the merits were not enough at that time, the main hall reluctantly judged you to be shortlisted and gave you the tenth place."

"It's just that, afterwards, you disappeared from the main hall of Yixiao branch, and the main hall couldn't find you, so I gave up and gave the tenth place to someone else."

"I never thought, the Master of the Branch of Yi Xiao, you didn't care about this at all, and didn't know." The old man smiled bitterly.

Xiao Yi also smiled faintly.

He was not quite sure about the quota given to him by the main hall of the Hunting Demon Palace half a year ago.

But at that time he went to Fengsha Temple and Shura Temple to participate in the inheritance assessment.

Therefore, even if the main hall of the Hunting Demon Palace gave him a place, he would not be able to go.

But of course, his achievements at the time, in the main hall of the Hunting Demon Palace, were just enough to qualify for the finalists.

Unable to find him, the main hall directly gave the quota to others.

Naturally, the matter disappeared later, and if Xiao Yi didn't particularly understand it, it was not clear.

At this time, the old man continued, "Hall Master Yi Xiaofen is dedicated to hunting monsters and doesn't care about these false names. There is no doubt that he is a responsible and outstanding monster hunter."

"However, the Lord of the Division of Yi Xiao is not a rookie demon hunter who just came out of the cottage. You should know that titles can bring you greater rights and benefits."

"Hall Master Yi Xiao Branch doesn't care about these vain names, but the Demon Hunting Palace can't be ashamed of you either."

"Therefore, the old man specifically mentioned this matter today because he wanted to ask whether the head of the branch hall of Yi Xiao wants to be promoted to the title of deputy head of the hall."

"Promotional title?" Xiao Yi suddenly.

It turned out that this palace master sought him for this.

The old man nodded and said, "You have two choices, or you will be the deputy head of the main hall, and the old man will help you report."

"It's just that the reporting time is longer."

"Either, you can serve as the deputy head of the main hall of the old man, and the old man will also report it for you."

"But the processing time will be much faster."

Xiao Yi thought about it after hearing the words.

The main hall of Hengyuan is just an ordinary main hall, not one of the ten main halls.

Therefore, if you want to report, you need to go through the ten main halls first, and then report to the main hall.

In this case, the processing time would be at least ten and a half days, or even longer; after that, he would have to come back here to take orders and complete the promotion procedures.

It's very troublesome.

And if you serve as the deputy master of this ordinary main hall, you only need to report to the ten main halls.

Time is much faster.

The old man can also help him deal with the troublesome procedures.

"How long will it take to handle the job here?" Xiao Yi asked.

It is said that he is serving in this main hall, but it is just a name here.

The Demon Hunter's whereabouts, whereabouts, etc., will not interfere with the Demon Hunter Palace.

It's just a promotion to a title and more rights.

The old man's eyes lit up and said, "If you serve as the deputy head of the palace here, at most ten days, the old man will be able to handle it for you."

"Ten days?" Xiao Yi frowned and shook his head. "It's been too long. I might not stay in this area for too long."

"This..." The old man looked disappointed.

"Forget it, I would like to thank the Lord for his kindness." Xiao Yi bowed his hands, "The promotion of the title, I will handle it myself in the future."

"But..." The old man frowned.

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "Evil repairs are rampant now, and evil repairs often break out in various regions."

"Beheading is still the most important task in the next stage, and there is no delay."

"Well then." The old man also knew which was lighter and heavier, and nodded.

"Farewell." Xiao Yi arched his hands and turned to leave.


Second more.

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