Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1778: Confident

"You guys." First Yun's face was cold.

"Is this a threat?" Hua Ruo Lian narrowed his eyes.

Gu Feifei just wanted to say something.

Sikongyu preemptively said, "Threat? Don't dare. You are the arrogant of the Three Halls, we dare not threaten."

"Furthermore, we have not forced you to stay. If you are unwilling to help each other, you can leave."

"It's just." Sikongyu paused and sneered.

"Dignified and eight hall martial artists, now in the danger of this beast tide, abandon the companions who once came to the cave together..."

"Oh no, or not a companion, but it is true that you are afraid of these monsters."

"The reputation of the Eight Palaces, tut, is just a mere vain name."

"What is the Demon Hunting Hall, what is the Yandian Yaozun Hall, what is the Shura Fengsha Hall, it's just shit."

"What are you talking about?" First Yun three people suddenly shouted, showing murderous intent.


A purple electric sword gas suddenly leaped into the air.

Mo You's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he blocked him instantly with a sword.

The black sword light was able to block Ziming Zidian.

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi."

The shot was Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's purple electric divine sword that had blocked the giant gate of kendo had already taken back.

Slowly turned around and looked straight at Si Kongyu.

"Si Kongyu, what you said just now, if you have the ability, you can say it again."

"I'm going to kill you, you see, Mo Youbao can't keep you."

The cold words were filled with amazing killing intent.

Even the distant Mo You was shocked when he heard it, "Junior Brother Xiao Yi, don't get angry first."

"Our purpose is just to break this main game, not really malicious."

"Little thief, be careful." Gongsun Huowu suddenly exclaimed.

The sharp claws of a giant beast hit directly.

Originally, Xiao Yi was blocking the giant kendo gate. He suddenly took the sword. The giant kendo gate lost its resistance.

This is a monster beast with a peerless 9996 strength. Under one claw, how powerful is it.

"Young Master Xiao Yi."

"Brother Xiao Yi."

"Xiao Yi."

There was an exclamation, and it sounded instantly.

Xiao Yi's cold eyes still looked directly at Si Kongyu.


Xiao Yi didn't look back, but the purple electric divine sword came out in shock and returned with a sword.

The sword fell, and the giant claw instantly cut off.

On the claws, thunder and electricity kept screaming.

"So strong." Everyone was taken aback, and their gazes at Xiao Yi turned into a deep shock.

That is a monster with a peerless 9996 power, defeated by one sword?

In the distance, Si Kongyu felt the cold gaze and couldn't help shrinking his body, hiding behind Mo You.

"Not good." Suddenly, another exclamation came.

In the direction Hua Ruo Lian resisted, she was suddenly pierced by such a tide monster.

The star fantasy sword array collapsed in a burst.

The first Yun, Ye Liu, Ran Qi, Changsun Chilie and others could no longer withstand the impact of the tide monster beast.

Boom... Ran Qi tried to block, but as a result, he was blown away instantly.

Even more, he resisted forcibly and directly spewed out blood.

A monster came directly.

"Brother Ran." Ye Liu exclaimed.

Whoosh... A figure passed quickly, and instantly took Ran Qi.


The purple electric sword aura flashed past, instantly dividing the monster in front of him.

In the distance, Mo You frowned, "Junior Brother Xiao Yi, you can be safe when you enter my black cloud formation."

Xiao Yi frowned.

Qing Lin shouted loudly, "Xiao Yi, don't think too much, come in first."

锵... 锵... 锵...

The sky was full of purple electric sword energy, pouring down.

First Yun, Ye Liu and others have already gathered.

With a sword in his hand, Xiao Yi forced the way to go to the black cloud learning and teaching team.

In the distance, Si Kongyu sneered, "The words just spoke loudly."

"Isn't it coming to the black cloud array for shelter?"

"Hmph, now you have no choice. You can't stop these monsters. Unless you join hands with us, you will have no life to leave here."

"Asshole." The first cloud looked cold.

However, there was a bang...

An ancient demon blasted with a punch, even surpassing Xiao Yi's sword, and blasted heavily on First Yun's chest.

"Puff." The first cloud spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Regardless of the first cloud or the eldest Sun Chilie, both are peerless 9891 cultivation bases; while Ye Liu and Ran Qi are both peerless 9990 cultivation bases.

Their strength, even if they explode with all their strength, is at the top of the world around 9993.

In addition, the increase in the high-grade peak holy artifacts is only at the peerless 9995 level, which is already the ultimate strength.

Naturally, it was impossible to be the opponent of these peerless 9996 Dao Monster Beasts, or even directly defeated and wounded by a punch.

And Xiao Yi, relying on his kendo strength alone, it is not a big problem to deal with these monsters, but it is difficult to protect everyone after all.

At least it can't protect everyone.

Roar... roar... roar...

The intensive roar of monsters, the roar of ancient monsters, and the loud tramp of monsters resounded throughout the main game.

Xiao Yi and his party were almost completely trapped in the siege of this tide monster.

"Damn it." Changsun Chilie put out his hands together, and the Yanlong Fire Fighting Technique was fully utilized.

The flames of terror raged for a hundred meters.

However, the effect is obviously not great.

Roar... roar... roar...

A burst of monsters shocked, and the flames dispersed easily.

Peerless 9996 Dao is already an extremely high level of strength.

Coupled with the fact that the monsters are so dense, it is like a tide of beasts.

Nothing can be dealt with by Changsun Chilie.

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi, I'll help you." Mo You snorted softly, slashing with a sword.

The extreme black light turns into two hundred-meter sword energy.

After the sword qi passed, the monsters and puppets were instantly annihilated under the black light.

The road that was originally covered by monsters was abruptly split.

"Enter the battle first." Xiao Yi said, and slammed Gu Lianxing and Gongsun Huowu with a palm.

First Yun, Hua Ruo Lian, Changsun Chilie, Ye Liu, and Ran Qi nodded and jumped into the battle instantly.

Without the demon beast's obstacles, that point of distance was just a flash for a warrior of this level.

Ye Liu's eyes were quick and quick, just standing still, he instantly took over Gu Lianxing and Gongsun Huowu.

Of course, at this moment, it was enough for the monsters to gather again, and the whole main game was densely packed, and the water was impenetrable.

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi."

"Xiao Yi."

"Vice Hall Master Xiao Yi."

The first Yun and others who had entered the black cloud formation were shocked.

Mo You was about to make a move to open an open passage again.

"Don't worry about me."

Xiao Yi's indifferent words came straight.

When Mo You heard the words, his actions were stagnant.

"Huh, what a mad little thief." Si Kongyu snorted coldly, "Senior Brother Mo You, if he wants to find his own death, he will die, you can do what he does."

It was the time when Si Kongyu's voice fell.

In the distance, like Xiao Yi under the siege of a tide monster, purple electricity surged, walking across the siege like a leisurely courtyard, and easily stepped into the black cloud formation.

First Yun and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Mo You smiled, "As expected of Junior Brother Xiao Yi, he is truly powerful."

"In addition." Mo You glanced at Si Kongyu, "Correct you, I am not a disciple of the Tianzang Academy, brother, so I can't bear it."

When Sikongyu heard the words, he curled his lips and said nothing.

"Don't talk nonsense." Xiao Yi looked at Mo You, "You tell me that the main game is already suffering from monsters, and the strength is constantly increasing. What are you using to keep blocking?"

Mo You didn't care about Xiao Yi's cold tone, but smiled, "Junior Brother Xiao Yi can rest assured."

"As long as I dare to call for your help, I am confident."


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