Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1779: Glazed phantom

"How many of you can help me."

Gu Feifei arched his hands at First Yun, Ye Liu and others.

"Suwen, the first deputy hall master, the deputy master of the grandson, and the young master Yao are the most outstanding tianjiao of the three halls."

"It also allows Gu to see three abilities."

Gu Feifan's tone was slightly provocative.

The first Yun three sneered, "Gu Feifan, you, the chief of the Tianzang Academy, are also considered to be figures."

"Nowadays, with this kind of agitation, do you want to inspire us to take action?"

Gu Feifan frowned when he heard the words, then smiled faintly.

"I've heard that Dongli Sword Palace compares to the front, the three, but they were completely defeated by that Yi Xiao."

"Na Yi Xiao, he is arrogant."

"Not long ago, I made a noise in the Tianzang Academy again."

"If we join forces today to break the ancient emperor's cave that no one has been able to break for thousands of years, it will surely suppress the flames of Yi Xiao."

Gu Feifan arched his hands again.

The first Yun and the three also sneered again, "Gu Feifan, are you just so sweet?"

"I waited for the three people, and I was defeated by Yi Xiao, and I was convinced."

"It's your Tianzang Academy, Tianjiao, who seems to be resentful."

"You..." Gu Feifan's face was already cold.

He is the chief of the Tianzang Academy, and also the premier Tianjiao evildoer in Zhongyu.

So obviously with the meaning of friendship, the first Yun and the three people did not get in, and they were still mocking, so how could he tolerate it?

Si Kongyu sneered, "Three, if you don't want to stay here, get out of the big battle if you have the ability."

"Humph." First Yun snorted coldly, "What did you do when we were in the battle?"

As soon as the first cloud's voice fell, he glanced at Hua Ruo Lian and Changsun Chilie.

The three of them glanced at each other and nodded, "Save people."

In the big formation, no one except Che Mo You could stop the first Yun and three people.

But at this moment, Ye Liu took the lead and stopped the three of them.

"Ye Liu, what are you doing?" First Yun frowned and asked.

Ye Liu shook his head, "It doesn't make sense to save people now."

With that, Ye Liu looked at Gu Feifan, "Your purpose is just to get us into the battle."

"Other Tianjiao, let go now, you don't care at all."

In other words, even if the first cloud trio didn't make a move now, Gu Feifan and others would no longer embarrass other Tianjiao.

Other Tianjiao can leave now.

"Not bad." Gu Feifan nodded.

"The black cloud formation is a purely defensive formation. It is maintained by those who enter the formation. The vitality of those who enter the formation will turn into a rock cloud and surround it."

"The stronger the player, the stronger the maintainer's power, the stronger the big team."

"You are already in the battle, the minor cultivation bases of other Tianjiao are useless, you can leave."

Si Kongyu answered, "In addition, you also have to help maintain the big formation."

"These arrogances, even if the word "out" is called out today, it takes time to trigger the effect."

"Before that, you will obediently help protect the big formation, hahahaha."

Si Kongyu's face was full of pride.

The first Yun and the three of them reacted, their expressions were hard to see the extreme.

But they have no choice.

Whether it is those Tianjiao who are going to leave or all of them are going to leave, the first thing to ensure is that the big formation will not be broken by the tide monsters.

Otherwise, before they have time to leave, they will be torn to pieces by these countless monsters.

The surrounding monsters are like tides, all reaching the level of the peerless 9996 Dao.

Except for Mo You, no one can deal with it alone.

"Humph." First Yun and others coldly snorted, but they still sacrificed their vitality to maintain the big formation.

Five people, including the first cloud and Ye Liu, joined, and the black cloud formation instantly became thicker, more powerful, and unbreakable.

At this time, in the main game, there are still two leaders who are comprehending the restriction.

One is the Ao Yinfeng side, there is a huge black cloud guarding it.

Inside the Heiyun Formation, there are the disciples of the Five University Palace and Heiyun Learning, of course, there are also a group of Xiao Yi, First Yun, Ye Liu and others.

In other words, within this big formation, almost all the leaders are included at this moment.

Among the Tianjiao evildoers who came to the ancient emperor's cave this time, the most outstanding group of warriors are here.

The other half was Ling Hong's side.

On Ling Hong's side, there were a group of Young Masters of the Eighteen Houses and a team of followers Tianjiao.

It stands to reason that the strength of today's tide monsters has reached a peerless 9996 level, and they will never be able to support it.

But at this time, there was a blue water screen around Ling Hong and his party.

The light curtain, like water waves condensed, like an illusion like a dream, extremely gorgeous.

The light curtain, seemingly thin, is actually as solid as a rock.

Despite the impact of countless monsters, it only caused the light curtain to produce ripples, and there was no sign of collapse.

Xiao Yi glanced at him and frowned secretly.

If he didn't read it wrong, it should be the treasure of Shuiguang Mansion, Liuli Magic Cover.

"Brother Mo." At this time, Gu Feifan shouted.

Mo You nodded when he heard the words, "Now I can only wait."

"18 prohibitions, we have broken 13."

"After Ling Hong and Ao Yinfeng's restrictions are broken, they will reach 15 levels."

"By then, the last three prohibitions will be broken."

"Wait?" Si Kongyu frowned, "Can't you just start to break it?"

Si Kongyu's tone was slightly urgent.

"There is a **** cloud formation, it is not a problem for me to wait to protect this proud wind."

"And with your strength, Brother Mo You, you are not afraid of these monster puppets, you can go directly to break the restriction alone."

"With your talent, Brother Mo You, the speed of comprehension must be faster than Ling Hong and the others."

"As long as Senior Brother Mo You breaks the remaining 3 restrictions one by one, plus Ling Hong and Ao Yinfeng also break the restrictions, 18 restrictions are considered to be broken."

"This main game will also be broken by then."

Si Kongyu's tone became more excited.

"Sikongyu, what are you in a hurry?" Tong Ye said coldly, "could it be the great opportunity and treasure in the main game?"

"Let Senior Brother Mo You break the three prohibitions alone? You can tell you the loss of such a risk."

"Aren't you greedy?" Si Kongyu glared at Tong Ye.

"Okay, stop arguing." Mo You waved his hand.

"If I can take the lead in breaking the ban, I will take action."

"However, within the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion, there are rules and regulations of its own."

"Before our 15 teams came in, 15 bans were triggered; here in the main game, if the corresponding number of 15 bans are not broken first, it is impossible to understand the other three bans."

That was the test of the ancient emperor's cave. If you didn't break the corresponding 15 restrictions, you would not be qualified to comprehend the remaining three.

"It's almost here, don't worry." Mo You said.

"Oh, yes, it's almost time, don't worry." Xiao Yi also said, smiling faintly.

However, the smile is obviously inexplicable.

Mo You glanced at Xiao Yi, frowned, thoughtfully.

Ye Liu glanced at Xiao Yi, grinning across his mouth.


Second more.

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