Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1817: The anger of the five chiefs

Mo You was stunned, and the sword in his hand was also worthy of stagnation.

At this moment, the elder of the Jinchen Xuegong jumped over Mo You in an instant, with the golden wheel in his hand, and went straight to eat Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi hadn't moved, just watched lightly.

Today, the same is true.

Seeing the extremely sharp golden wheel attack, his cold eyes did not even change.

But in the eyes of outsiders, this seems to be shocked.

"Dignified Xiao Yi little thief, is that so unbearable?"

Elder Jinchen Academy, sneered in his mouth, golden light appeared above the golden wheel.

"Little friend Xiao Yi, don't panic, the old man is here to help you." Aodonglou shot instantly.

The strength of Aodonglou is undoubtedly extremely strong.

Under the sword in his hand, the speed is also extremely fast.

The other four Xuegong elders couldn't stop him at all.


With a sword, Haoran broke through the air.

Aodonglou's sword steadily blocked the golden wheel, obviously much stronger and easier than Mo You's previous sword.

the other side.

Mo You, who was shocked for a second, reacted instantly.

The figure flickered, and instantly flashed in front of Xiao Yi, guarding Xiao Yi with Aodong Tower from left to right.

"I don't know whether Master has issued this death order."

"But even if I get off, it's impossible for me to sit back and watch the life and death of Junior Brother."

"If you want to hurt me, Mo You's junior, pass my Wangyou Sword first."

Mo You's eyes were cold. In his eyes, the sword intent was overwhelming, and the sword in his hand continued to sound.

At this moment, Mo You's fighting spirit soared to the top.

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi, proud palace master, fight side by side, okay?" Mo You smiled, not afraid of being surrounded by the five academy elders.

Aodonglou, even more fearless, smiled boldly, "Of course."

"It's great to be able to join forces with Xiaoyi's little friend and the famous Wangyoujian, two peerless evildoers in the world."

"Jin Tae hand it to me."

"The remaining four will be handed over to the two little friends."

Jintai is the name of the elder of the Jinchen Academy.

Jin Tai is the chief elder of the Jinchen Academy, and his reputation in the Central Region is not weaker than that of Jiuhan, Ye Shang and others.

And Jintai, at this moment, is the strongest among the five elders of the University Palace.

Aodonglou, as a peerless sword repairer of the older generation, he chose Jintai as his opponent.

"Okay." Mo You nodded and looked at Xiao Yi, "Junior Brother Xiao Yi, you and I fight each other."

"Counting out, this is the first time we have joined forces..."

Mo You hasn't finished speaking yet.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "You can block one person, but you can't block two."

"Uh." Mo You's face was slightly embarrassed, but his face was still wary.

"Let's do it." Aodonglou yelled, and then suddenly came out with a sword.

Jin Tae squinted his eyes and sneered. Instead of continuing to attack, he stepped back.

Afterwards, the golden wheel in his hand attacked, abruptly pulling the sword of Aodonglou.

Jin Tai stepped back and immediately led Ao Dong Lou to follow his direction.

"Let go." After retreating more than ten steps, Jin Tai collected the golden wheel in his hand.

The other four elders of the Academy, who had originally stood in place, immediately besieged.

They are the elders of the three university palaces: Tianzang, Minghuan, and Tianque.

Although the three of them are only peerless 9998 cultivation bases, with the increase, they are already infinitely close to the peerless peak.

Therefore, the three of them joined forces and immediately entangled Aodong Building.

Jin Tai sneered. Obviously, his goal at the beginning was not to fight Aodong Building, but to drive Aodong Building away.

the other side.

A second after Aodonglou shot, Mo You also shot instantly.

The one who fought with him was a sword idiot elder from the Wuchi Academy.

Now, only Jintai and Xiao Yikong are the only ones who have started.

And outside the encirclement.

Gu Feifan and the others, who were frowning or looking confused, suddenly looked cold and angry.

"Elder Shangguan Die, what do you mean?"

It was Gu Feifan who spoke.

Shangguan Die is the former elder on Tian Die Peak of the Tian Zang Academy, ranking first among the hidden elders.

The status is second only to Jiuhan and Ye Shang.

"Elder Xiahoutong."

"Elder Li Ya."

"Elder Linghuqiu."

Linghu Wang and other heads of the Academy also spoke coldly.

Xia Houtong, the chief elder of the Ming Fantasy Academy, has long been known as a phantom powerhouse for hundreds of years, and is also the strongest person in the Ming Fantasy Academy besides the dean.

Li Ya, the chief elder of the Tianque Academy, has been famous for many years. He is a powerful man of fire. He is angry at Tianque and once known as the epicenter.

Linghuqiu, the head of the elder of the Wuchi Learning Palace and Jianchi, was a strong swordsman in the same period as Aodonglou, and was one of the peak sword repairs of the previous generation.

This person is a sword idiot, and one of the peerless sword repairs in the Central Region.

In the peerless realm, there are very few who can beat others in kendo.

"Elder Jin Tai, who gave you the order to take action?" Jin Chen's face was gritted with anger.

Originally, seeing Xiao Yi being besieged and constantly ridiculing him, his expression was also angry now.

However, the five Xue Gong elders who were in a state of confrontation obviously did not intend to stop.

"Asshole." Gu Feifei took the lead in angrily.

"Senior Luo promised us a great promise that if we can break the main game, we will be guaranteed to be at the top of the world within a few years."

"Our team and Heiyun Xuejiao are nothing but assistance."

"Assist is to assist."

"When will the elder of our Tianzang Academy take orders from the dean of Heiyun Learning?"

"Elder Linghuqiu." Linghu forgets his eyes for a moment, "In terms of seniority, you are higher than me."

"But if you don't stop, don't blame me for reporting to Master when I return to the Wuchi Academy."

"Master's anger, I am afraid that you, a peerless sword repairman, cannot bear it."

Linghuwang's master is naturally the dean of the Wu Chi Academy and one of the legends in the world.

"Elder Jin Tai." Jin Chen gritted his teeth, "You are doing this, but you want to put our Jinchen Academy ashamed?"

"Take orders from the Dean of Heiyun Academy? You, the chief elder of the Jinchen Academy, still consider it inappropriate?"

The five academic palace elders still have no intention of stopping.

Xiao Yi glanced at Gu Feifan and the others, frowning slightly.

It turned out that this was the promise Senior Luo gave to these five people. No wonder that arrogant leaders such as Gu Feifei and Linghuwang would be willing to assist Mo You and break the game together.

However, looking at the attitude of these five people, it seems that they don't know the current siege order.

Xiao Yi temporarily retracted his gaze and looked at Jin Tai ahead.

Jintai, walking slowly step by step, didn't mean to stop.

He deliberately slowed down and was gaining momentum.

Steps, every step forward, the body breath becomes a little thicker.

"Little Thief Xiao Yi, I know you are very strong." Jin Tai walked step by step, his steps getting heavier and heavier.

"You can break the ancient emperor's game, get the ancient emperor's chance, and prove that your strength is above Mo You."

"However, you are still just a young evildoer after all."

Jintai's footsteps have become so that every step he takes, the ground cracks, like the ground shakes.

Just a few seconds later, Jintai had walked in front of Xiao Yi.

"Are you scared?" Jintai's golden wheel blasted out.

Above the golden wheel, several streams of light flashed out in an instant, attacking Xiao Yi's throat, eyes, heart and other vital points.

And the golden wheel itself blasted Xiao Yi's head with the monstrous power after grabbing the momentum.

Only then did Xiao Yi take action.

The figure receded slightly and easily escaped several golden streamers.

One side of his head accurately avoided the bombardment of the golden wheel.

Xiao Yi's hand was quickly shot, clasping Jin Taide's wrist.

"Huh? Very fast." Jintai's face was startled.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "The shot is so cruel and vicious, the strength in his hand looks like golden light and sharp, but it contains coldness."

"You are not the elders of the Five University Palace."


Second more.

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