Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1818: What is sacred

Not far away, the Aodong Building, who was fighting with the three elders of Minghuan, Tianque, and Tianzang, still paid attention to Xiao Yi's side.

Seeing Xiao Yi evading Jin Tai's attack in an instant, and even holding Jin Tai backhand, he was instantly happy.

"As expected of Xiao Yi's little friend."

"I want to know, how can it be a general generation to be as famous as that little friend of Yi Xiao."

However, when Aodonglou heard what Xiao Yi said, his face was shocked.

"Not the elders of the Five University Palace?"

On Jintai's side, hearing Xiao Yi's voice, his eyes were cold, but he sneered, "I don't know what you are talking about."

"I heard that Xiao Yi, your little thief, is very cunning. I saw it today and it was true."

"That's witty." Gongsun Huowu said loudly in the distance.

"I knew Young Master Xiao Yi would not be afraid of these people." Gu Lianxing smiled, "Brother Ye, don't take risks."

"Yeah." Ye Liu nodded, "I should have thought that Brother Xiao Yi has always been so calm and must not fear them."

Gu Lianxing said, "Brother Ye saw that Young Master Xiao Yi was besieged just now, and those who besieged him were all famous and powerful men, so he was in a hurry."

"This guy, the strength seems to be a lot perverted." Ran Qi curled his lips on the side.

Xiao Yi's side.

Xiao Yi still clasped Jintai's arm with one hand.

As strong as Jintai, he couldn't even pull his arm back at this moment.

Xiao Yi glanced at the golden wheel in Jintai's hand, squinted his eyes, "Don't admit it, do you?"

"If I'm not mistaken, you didn't keep the record of Jin Yue Fei Liu just now."

"It's the profound martial art of Jinchen Academy, you haven't practiced it yet."

"Forced to imitate, one's own power is contrary to martial skills, resulting in a great reduction in power, and when it is played, its power is even weaker."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled indifferently. "The chief elder of the dignified Jinchen Academy, Jin Yuefei hasn't practiced home? Are you a lie?"

"You..." Jin Tae's expression changed when he heard this.

In the distance, Jin Chen heard the words, seeming to think of something, and his expression also changed.

"No, Elder Jintai is taciturn, how could he use threats like you did just now, with ulterior motives."

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly.

Originally, he clasped Jintai's hand and suddenly folded.

Jin Tai seemed to know Xiao Yi's next move, and quickly wanted to forcibly pull away.


A cold force suddenly broke out.

Jin Tai shook Xiao Yi's hand forcibly, and quickly retreated.

Xiao Yi's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he tapped his fingers lightly and swiped across.


In an instant, Jintai took a few steps away.

Xiao Yi sneered, and glanced at the thing in his hand, it was a ring of heaven and earth.

It was the Qiankun Ring that was taken from Jintai's hand just now.

Xiao Yi glanced at it and frowned again.


In the hands of the Universe Ring, rays of light emerged.

Five figures were thrown from the ring of the universe.

When the warriors around the scene saw this, their faces were shocked.

You know, Qiankun Ring can't pretend to be a person, only a dead thing.

In other words...

The warriors of the major forces present, as well as the chief disciple of the Five University Palace, instantly reacted, and their expressions suddenly changed.

Slap... slap... slap...

There were five soft sounds in a row.

Five figures, no, to be precise, five corpses fell on the ground.

See it more seriously, the faces of the five corpses are exactly the same as the faces of the elders of the five university palaces including Jin Tai.

"Elder Jintai."

"Elder Xiahoutong."

"Elder Linghuqiu."

"Elder Li Ya."

"Elder Shangguan Die."

The five chiefs, including Gu Feifei, were also smart people, and naturally reacted to what happened in an instant.

The five people looked at the five corpses on the ground, their expressions were extremely horrified, and at the same time, a touch of grief surged.

These, but the elders of their school, are the elders who have guided them in their cultivation and are very good to them.

Especially Linghuqiu, in addition to being Linghuwang's elders from the Academy, he is also the elder of his Linghu family, and can be regarded as the grandfather's generation.

The sadness on the five people's faces instantly turned into anger.

The five people looked at Heiyun Xuejiao and Mo You together.

"Heiyun learns and teaches, you are so cruel." Linghu Wang's body trembled, it was uncontrollable under extreme anger.

"Heiyun learns and teaches, I see how you will endure the anger of our Five University Palaces in the future." Gu Feifan's fist cracked.

"We..." Mo You, who was fighting hard in'Linghuqiu', looked shocked.

I have to say that Mo You's kendo strength is really not weak.

The'Linghuqiu' who was fighting against him was obviously also a strong swordsman, and he was also a peerless swordsman of the older generation with extremely deep swordsmanship.

But Mo You, not only did not let the wind fall, but stabilized him.

However, it was in this dazed moment that the'Linghuqiu' who was fighting against him took advantage of the gap and slammed Mo You back.

Xiao Yi took a few steps forward and easily accepted Mo You.

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi, we don't have..." Mo You looked anxious and wanted to say something.

Xiao Yi nodded and looked directly at the five'Jintai', "You are also not Heiyun learning and teaching people."


The faces of the five Jintais changed for a while, but within a few seconds, a forbidden force appeared on their faces.

The faces of the five have changed.

However, there is a mask on the faces of the five people, and they are not visible.

The figures of the five people were similar to the dead five university palace elders.

But the five elders of the University Palace are all elders.

And these five people are just middle-aged, obviously not the elders of the five university palaces.

"Who are you?" Aodonglou's figure flashed, and he withdrew from the fight, asking coldly.

Xiao Yi frowned as he looked at these five people.

He hadn't made a move before, but he felt something was wrong.

Now he knows where these things are wrong, it is the breath of these five people.

Changing the face is not difficult for a powerful warrior. What really determines the identity of the warrior is the inherent aura.

Xiao Yi didn't know the breath of the elders of the Five University Palace.

After all, he had never met with them, nor was he familiar with them.

But the breath of these five people, he felt a little inexplicable from the beginning.

It seems that above the breath, there are some vaguely weird powers covering it, making it difficult for people to perceive thoroughly.

For no reason, what did these five university palace elders deliberately make their breath so erratic?

Obviously, something is wrong.

And now, the identities of these five people also make Xiao Yi frown.

Since they wanted to kill the elders of the Five University Palace on purpose and came with a concealment of their identity, they would never say anything related to their forces before.

They dared to say that it was Senior Luo's death order.

It just proved that they are not senior Luo people.

So, who are they?

The masks on the faces of the five of them are obviously standard masks.

In Xiao Yi's impression, there was no information on the forces of this mask dressing.

In addition, these 5 people were able to silently kill the chief elder of the Five University Palace, using their identities?

"Jie Jie." At this moment,'Jin Tai' Jie Jie sneered.

"As expected of Xiao Yi, the well-known Deputy Hall Master, he really has some abilities."

The moment that Jiejie's cold laughter appeared, all the martial artists present changed their colors.

"Evil repair?"

"Jie Jie."'Jin Tai' smiled coldly, "Your brother Yi Xiao killed the people in my Evil Monarch's Mansion and destroyed my branch of the Evil Monarch's Mansion."

"If you can't find anyone else, let's find one of your twins."

"Kill Xiao Yi first, and then punish Yi Xiao in the future."

"Since we can't hide it now, we don't have to hide our strength."

Bang... bang... bang... bang... bang...

The breath of the five people soared instantly.

The breath of'Jintai' directly soared to the limit of peerless peak.

The other four people immediately soared to the peak of peerlessness.

Obviously, this is the true strength of these five people.

"Xie Xiu? No, you are not." Xiao Yi shook his head.

He could tell at a glance whether it was evil cultivation.

Pretending to be evil in front of him is just a joke.

"Where are you sacred? If you capture you, you will know."


Xiao Yi took a step gently.

The moment the foot fell, the sky was full of sword energy, raging out.

"His, so strong sword energy." Aodonglou took a breath.

Under the sword aura, the five'Jintai' who had soared in strength were actually unable to move.

"How is it possible that you are also a Peerless Peak cultivation base?"'Jin Tai' face changed drastically.

The martial artists of the various forces around, also took a breath, "With the sword energy alone, easily defeat the five peerless peak powers?"


Third more.

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