Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1832: Rescue soldiers

"The last two breaths."

Xiao Yi's icy tone seemed to give a final announcement.

"Okay, I promise you." Elder Jingyue gave a cold sigh.

But Elder Jingyue did nothing.

"There is one last breath left." Xiao Yi didn't say anything else, but snorted sullenly.

At the same time, the footsteps crossed a little crack again.

At this moment, the crack that was originally split is recovering at an extremely fast speed.

The Blood Moon Array was originally under the control of Elder Jingyue.

Elder Cunning as Jingyue, but intends to delay time.

Xiao Yi would not give him a chance to delay time.

Seeing Xiao Yi's movements, Elder Jingyue waved his hand instantly.

Streaks of **** cold light lingered on everyone.

Whoosh... the light flashed, and everyone disappeared in place.

Through the cracks, Xiao Yi could already see the people outside the big formation. While he was relieved, he felt like a flick of his fingertips when the cracks were completely repaired.

The Green Flood Dragon Inner Pill in his hand instantly popped a **** moon formation, and after tracing a beautiful arc in the air, it steadily fell back to Qing Lin.

At this point, the cracks in the Blood Moon Array were instantly repaired.


Far East, within the scope of the ancient forbidden group.

The host of Hengtian Hall, Chengfeng Hall, Aodonglou and other people sat down in embarrassment.

The two palace masters quickly mobilized the vitality of their bodies to stabilize their injuries as quickly as possible.

The other Tianjiao quickly took out the healing pills and swallowed them, and sat down cross-legged.

After tens of seconds.

The Lord Hengtian and Temple Lord Chengfeng took the lead to stop meditating.

He took a deep breath, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and leaned to Qing Lin's side.

The two had suffered such serious injuries before, and it is impossible for them to recover in such a short time.

At this moment, in fact, the two are still seriously injured, but they have temporarily stabilized, at least there is no danger of life.

The two also knew that Xiao Yi and Qinglin had an unusual relationship, so they came here first.

"Chengfeng, are you sure?" Hengtian Hall Master frowned and asked.

Palace Master Chengfeng shook his head, "It's hard to tell."

In his hand, he took the Qing Jiao's inner pill and quickly fed Qing Lin to take it down.

After a long while, Qing Lin's already inaudible martial spirit aura gradually became rich again.

After doing everything well, the Master Chengfeng was relieved, but also shook his head.

"This kid's Green Jiao Nei Dan returned to his body, and he has automatically returned to his martial soul."

"It's a pity that his martial spirit is not fully mature at all. Forcibly condensing the Green Flood Dragon's Inner Pill is a fundamental injury."

"At this moment, although the spirit of martial arts is recondensing, I am afraid that it would be nice to restore half of the talents in the past."

Hearing the words, Mo You flashed over and glanced at it.

"Damn it."

Mo You's face was extremely ugly.

In his perception, most of the martial soul in Qinglin's body was damaged, and there was almost no possibility of reversal and recovery.

"Hall Master Chengfeng, you are a legend in the wind attribute, can't even you do it?" Mo You asked anxiously.

Palace Master Chengfeng shook his head, "Martial soul, who accompanies the martial artist throughout his life, is transformed by the rules of heaven and earth."

"Therefore, the martial arts spirit is extremely important. Once damaged, it is extremely difficult to repair; not to mention this kid forcibly fighting the backlash of the spirit collapse."

"I... can't help it." The Lord Chengtian sighed.

At this time, each Tianjiao gradually stabilized his injuries.

"There may not be no way." Ye Liu stepped forward and said solemnly, "Do you remember the last words of Brother Xiao Yi?"

"If he dares to say the word may not be, he must be sure."

"Not bad." Gu Lianxing seemed to think of something, and said in a deep voice, "Back then, Lian Xing's martial arts spirit was also damaged and almost disappeared."

"Young Master Xiao Yi can go deep into the dangerous places of the Eighteen Mansions, Shengsheng will stabilize the martial arts for me and repair most of them."

Mo You nodded when he heard the words, "Junior Brother Xiao Yi, he has always turned the impossible into possible and can always create miracles."

"With his means, there may not be no way."

Not far away, Jin Chen sneered, "But this time, he is completely impossible."

"Being trapped by the four elders of Jinghua Shuiyue in the **** moon formation, letting him use his methods to reach the sky, he will definitely die."

"Under the absolute power gap, any means is just a joke."

When everyone heard the words, their hearts sank suddenly.

"The most important thing now is to find a way to save Xiao Yi boy." The Palace Master Chengfeng, always calm, couldn't help showing anxious expression at this moment.

"I hope he can last enough time."

"Hengtian, you and I will immediately report to the main hall."

"At the speed of the two main hall masters, it doesn't take long to come."

The Lord Hengtian nodded, "I hope that this kid can be unexpected again this time, so that the two main hall masters will come."

The voice fell, and the two of them flew away from the sky, holding on to their injuries.

On the spot, Mo You got up with Qinglin in his arms and glanced at the people studying and teaching, "We will also rush back to study as soon as possible."

Mo You gritted his teeth, his face extremely cold.

"In any case, I will ask Master to take action."

"With the master's ability, as long as he can come, he will be able to rescue Junior Brother Xiao Yi."

"I will also go back to the Tianzang Academy." Gu Feifan gritted his teeth.

Linghu forgot to nod, "How can we die in vain, the chief elder of the Five University Palace."

One team left quickly.

On the spot, Ye Liu and Ran Qi frowned, their faces equally ugly.

But they seemed helpless.

"Our eighteenth house powerhouse, I am afraid that it is not much stronger than the ants in front of Saint Moon Sect." Gu Lianxing sighed.

"In any case, you have to do your best." Ye Liu said.

One by one Tianjiao, Yukong left.

In the Far East, within the scope of the ancient forbidden group, the silence of the past was restored again, leaving only the yellow sand blowing.

From the Blood Moon Array, it will still be this area of ​​the Far East.

However, if you want to enter this large formation that is already isolated from the normal world, the entrance is hard to find.

Furthermore, whether Xiao Yi can survive the arrival of the two main hall masters is also unknown.


Within the blood moon array.

At this moment, only the four elders and Xiao Yi were left.

Xiao Yi was still floating in the sky, and in his perception, the weakest part of the blood moon array had already shifted.

Any big formation must have weaknesses.

He was able to overcome this weakness before, and he was already prepared.

At this time, the Blood Moon Array under the control of Elder Jingyue had obviously repaired the combined Array again, allowing the weak points of the Array to shift.

It was almost impossible for Xiao Yi to split the crack and leave again.

Below, Elder Jingyue, once again regained his previous self-confidence, apparently knowing that Xiao Yi would no longer be able to escape from the formation.

"Haha, Vice-Hall Master Xiao Yi, no wonder there used to be the name of a thief."

"Such cunning and cold-blooded, the old man has seen it."

"Take the old man's relatives, friends, and younger generations as a threat. Hey, he really has the ability."

In Elder Jingyue's tone, there was obviously a little irritated.

The feeling of being threatened and having to follow suit, especially for a legendary powerhouse like him, feels uncomfortable.

Xiao Yi's face was cold, but he was not afraid, "What is it that you threaten me with the two Hengtian Hall Master and Chengfeng Hall Master, and my friend Qinglin?"

"Heh, it's a sharp tooth and a sharp mouth." Elder Jingyue put away his frustrated tone and smiled lightly.

"Those ants ran away."

"Originally, if they didn't obstruct, the old man was not interested in killing them."

"The old man wants to kill, you are the only one, you are still there, it is enough."

Elder Jingyue, with murderous intent and a sneer on his face, "Before the crack disappears, you will return the Qingjiao Pill. Now, what are you planning to survive?"

"Are you doing it yourself, or..."

Boom...a flame came suddenly.

The astonishing purple light and the terrifying high temperature immediately interrupted Elder Jingyue's words.

"Amethyst Lingyan?" Elder Jingyue narrowed his eyes suddenly.


Second more.

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