Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1833: The strongest sword, Shura fights

The monstrous flames ravaged the entire sky.

The purple light and the high temperature full of destruction aura proved that it was one of the strongest flames in the world that burned everything in the legend, the amethyst spirit flame.

"Zi Yan Yi Xiao?" Elder Jingyue squinted.

"Twins, that's how it is."

"Xiao Yi is you, and Yi Xiao is also you."

Elder Jingyue, a very smart person, understood it instantly.

His face was irresistibly horrified.

Twins are the same person?

If such news were to be spread, it would be enough to shock the entire continent.

Elder Jingyue barely suppressed the shock on his face, and what followed was an irresistible killing intent.

Yes, killing intent, his face was full of killing intent, and his body was almost astonishing.

Before the comparison, Elder Jingyue's killing intent on Xiao Yi was even more intense and amazing.

The level of enchantment that Xiao Yi has shown now, the level of excellence, is far beyond his imagination.

These enchanting evildoers, if they are provoked, if they don't cut the roots, they will have endless troubles.

At the same time, Jingyue's heart was also filled with fear.

If he hadn't been'comfortable' before and really let Xiao Yi flee away, then what he will face in the future is likely to be endless revenge from a strong man who is enough to make the mainland tremble.

Of course, the evildoer had already stayed now, and there was no possibility of escape, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"Elder Shengyue, capture him quickly and kill him on the spot." Elder Jingyue yelled coldly.

"Everyone who stands in front of my Holy Moon Sect must die."

Elder Jingyue, there is no light cloud and breeze before.

If it was the revenge of the two halls of Shura and Fengsha alone, his Holy Moon Sect would not care.

But, now it was Xiao Yi and Yi Xiao who had been killed. Then, there would be revenge from the three halls of the Demon Hunting Palace, the Flame Palace, and the Yaozun Palace.

How many forces on this continent can bear the revenge of the Five Halls?

Even if it is as strong as his Holy Moon Sect, let's not say whether it can bear it. I am afraid that even if it can bear it, it will be hurt, vitality, and even more serious consequences.

Elder Shengyue shot instantly.

High in the sky, Xiao Yi condensed the flame with his hands, and there was a ray of fire in his eyes.

At this moment, he is already in the state of Shura Yuhuo, demon way.

He knew very well that just by controlling the fire, he could never be the opponent of the Elder Holy Moon.

The kendo strength he showed before is actually no weaker than the fire control strength. After all, his cultivation base has been completely raised, reaching the peak of peerlessness.

In addition, he also borrowed the power of the Purple Lightning Divine Sword.

And this, just can force the Elder Holy Moon to show 50% strength.

Therefore, the strength of Fire Dao is probably equivalent to about 60% of the strength of Holy Moon Elder.

Now, the elder of the Holy Moon is coming with all his strength to kill.

If you don't use the magic way, I'm afraid you won't be able to catch a single move.

Xiao Yi predicted this way.

However, when the Holy Moon Elder really attacked, this estimate was far beyond his imagination.


With just a palm, there was an explosion in the air, and Xiao Yi was already blasted into the air.

His magical body almost fell apart.

The flames on his body collapsed at this moment.


The moment Xiao Yi was blasted off, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Below, Elder Jingyue squinted at Xiao Yi, who was blasted into the air, "Magic state?"

"The ancient emperor's methods can be controlled and used so quickly? No wonder you can break the ancient emperor's unbreakable situation for thousands of years."

"This kind of talent is really scary enough."

"Unfortunately, you are the demon of the saint after all, you can only die."

far away.

Xiao Yi fell heavily to the ground, struggling to prop up his body.

With just one palm, the elder of the holy month severely injured him.

"Is it still far from enough?" Xiao Yi gritted his teeth.

Even in the state of the magic path, it is far from the opponent of the Holy Moon Elder.

Elder Shengyue stood in the air, looking down at Xiao Yi, as if looking at a weak ant.

"With this palm, the old man will no longer keep his hands, it is enough to take your life."

Elder Shengyue sneered and fell from the sky.

With a palm out, all the escape areas around Xiao Yi were immediately blocked.

This palm hit Xiao Yi's head straight away.

This palm is enough to kill with one blow.

"Ning." Xiao Yi shouted violently, and put out his hands.

Bang... bang... bang... bang... bang... bang...

Six consecutive flames condense instantly.

The moment the flame appeared, it went violently.

The six powerful flames in the world raged swiftly, turning into a monstrous flame covering a radius of 10,000 meters.

Within the flame, the six colors stretched and flickered.

Powerful, amazing and unpredictable.

The palm of the Elder Holy Moon fell from the sky, and suddenly stopped.

In the distance, the three elders Jingyue, Huayue, and Shuiyue suddenly fell into sluggishness.

"It's now." Xiao Yi forcibly resisted the roughness, and stood up, trying to escape.

In his hand, the Holy Disk of Heaven appeared instantly.

As long as he is fast enough, he can quickly break through the big formation, find the weak points again, and leave the formation.

However, this thought has just emerged.

The four elders who had been in a sluggish state instantly returned to normal.

Within the flames, a flash of shock flashed across Elder Jingyue's face, and then he sneered, "Important?"

"If the old man remembers correctly, this is the method of Yandian's second generation chief palace master."

"That's the case. It is said that after the second generation of the main hall of Yandian experienced the ancient war, he suddenly disappeared and disappeared mysteriously."

"If the old man is right, he is trapped in the tomb of the ancient emperor, right?"

"And you, the mysterious twin, got his inheritance in the tomb of the ancient emperor."

The second generation chief of Yandian?

Xiao Yi was equally surprised when he heard this.

Originally, he didn't know the identity of that ancient spiritual sense.

Now, after hearing the words of Elder Jingyue, I know it.

This second-generation chief palace master of Yandian is the most outstanding fire-control warrior in Yandian history, and even one of the legendary palace masters.

The master of the palace even experienced the ancient wars and witnessed the end of the ancient times.

Rumor has it that in the ancient times, the heart of his hand was imaginary, but it burned so much that even the emperor of the demon clan retreated.

It was one of the most powerful pillars of human power among the eight palaces at that time.

However, since the end of the ancient great formation, the legendary palace master of Yandian disappeared mysteriously.

Xiao Yi's heart trembled, now is not the time to think about this.

It can be clearly seen that the killing intent of the four elders has become more intense.

The better Xiao Yi was, the more terrifying the killing intent of these four people.

Whoosh... The figure of the elder of the holy month has struck again.

Without a palm, Xiao Yi's throat was instantly held.

The blood-colored cold light in his hands turned into blood-colored chains, surrounding Xiao Yi's body.

"If you are a monster like you, if you kill it directly, perhaps it will turn you into a pool of blood under the erosion of the power of the blood moon, and become the nourishment of the blood moon array, and it is more valuable."

Elder Shengyue sneered.

"Uh." Almost for an instant, Xiao Yi could feel the terrible erosion of these scarlet chains.

Elder Shengyue's hand made it hard for him to breathe.

The rich meaning of death shocked Xiao Yi's heart.

"Is there really no way?" Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and thought.

In fact, at the beginning, he was sure of dealing with the four elders Jing Huashuiyue.

However, after Elder Jingyue took the shot, he was no longer sure.

That terrifying strength was enough to crush the two palace masters, Chengfeng and Hengtian, and severely wounded them.

The situation changed sharply at that moment.

Since then, the situation has become extremely passive, and Xiao Yi has no way to deal with it.

On the contrary, Elder Jingyue is also a very smart person. His constant heart-breaking words prove that this person has chosen to make things more perfect even with absolute certainty.

Therefore, Xiao Yi couldn't even catch any chance, let alone any way to deal with it.

If it weren't for Qinglin's martial spirit to be a blue dragon beast, and forcibly condensing the blue dragon inner pill to him, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to break the big formation and save everyone out.

But Qing Jiao's inner pill was ultimately transformed by Qing Lin's martial soul power, so Xiao Yi didn't use it much.

At that time, it was only a sword that shook the elder Jingyue, and another sword smashed the weak spots of the blood moon array; therefore, the strength of that green dragon inner pill was not consumed much.

And the most important thing is that although the burst of the Blue Flood Dragon's Inner Pill is strong, the Qinglin itself is too weak and the martial spirit is not fully mature. Therefore, the Forced Condensed Blue Flood Dragon's inner pill cannot contain too much power.

According to Xiao Yi's estimation, even if he has been using the Green Flood Dragon's inner alchemy, at most he can fight for one minute, and the entire inner alchemy will be exhausted.

Even so, Xiao Yi might as well not use it, and bounced back to Qing Lin at the last moment.

The strength of the Qingjiao's inner alchemy has not been consumed much, at least the backlash against Qinglin can be much weaker.

But now, Xiao Yi has already shown his strength, but he can't even do nothing about the elder of Holy Moon, let alone the stronger elder Jingyue.

Even Shura Yuhuo was vulnerable in front of the Elder Holy Moon.

Xiao Yi had only the last hole card left.

Under the body bound by the blood-colored chains, Xiao Yi's hand suddenly clenched tightly, his fists clenched with crackles.

An extremely cold breath suddenly burst out of the body.

The blood-colored chains were instantly frozen under the icy breath.

"How could it be possible to break through the chains of the blood moon?" The Elder Shengyue looked surprised.

What horrified him even more was that the palm of his throat that was holding Xiao Yi's throat was also slowly frozen.

A biting chill made him, a legendary powerhouse who hadn't felt the cold for many years, shuddered in an instant, and immediately stopped.


Xiao Yi's body shook, and the **** chains on his body instantly turned into icy debris, shattering everywhere.

In Xiao Yi's hand, a brilliant blue sword came out without knowing when.

With that extreme sharpness and astonishing chill, even Elder Jingyue in the distance couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

"What a terrible cold breath."

The sword is a Bingluan sword.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's eyes were flushed with blood.

Since they are the four elders of Shura Yuhuo, why can't they be powerful, then what about Shura's sword? Where is the devil in the devil?

Xiao Yi was not sure, nor could he be sure.

He has not dared to use the state of Shura's sword.

He doesn't know whether he can keep his consciousness clear and clear.

The next thing is the crazy slaughter, he will only end when the blood moon formation is no longer living; or, he will be killed by the four elders first.

he does not know.

Shura fought with the sword, and he was still the strongest Bingluan sword.

The consequences are unknown!

His eyes gradually lost their clarity, leaving only a touch of bloodthirsty madness.

"Heh." A grinning smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.


Third more.

Xiao Ba promised to have an outbreak this week, and if there are no accidents, it can be done tomorrow.

Don't worry, everyone, good night!

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