Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1834: Unknown half an hour



Is that... the sound of water drops?

The sound of water drops?

Click, click, click...

Suddenly, the sound of water droplets ceased, and there was silence instead.

Xiao Yi didn't know whether it was the sound of water droplets.

He couldn't even be sure that what he heard was really a sound?

His consciousness is blurred; his six senses can't even be sure whether it still exists.

In the ears, only emptiness gradually remained; in the eyes, only a white light remained.

The only thing he can be sure of, and feel real, is the deep feeling of coldness.

It's cold, it's cold, it's extremely cold.

Xiao Yi felt for the first time that coldness can make people so uncomfortable.

If he could control his body now, he would probably curl into a ball without hesitation.

This coldness burst from the body.

Gradually, it seemed that his entire little world was frozen by ice.

The cold, from the inside out, then eroded his blood and internal organs.

It's cold and still hasn't stopped.

Spilled from the blood, frozen his bones, and then leaked from the flesh.

This feeling, in this vague state, still feels so real and so clear.

The white light in his eyes, I don't know whether the frost covered his entire eyes.

The emptiness in his ears, I don't know if the snow and ice cover everything.

He doesn't know, he doesn't know anything.

Perhaps, he is already a piece of ice?

Perhaps, he is under the snow-capped mountains that have not melted for tens of thousands of years, frozen by ice?

He still doesn't know.

The only thing he wants to do now is to curl into a ball, trying to keep a little warm.

The moment this thought appeared, it easily shattered his mind, causing him to slowly close his eyes.

Perhaps, after closing these eyes completely, he didn't have to bear the cold that he couldn't bear.

Following the thoughts in his mind, he did.

However, just when his cold and tired eyes were about to close completely.

A pair of indifferent gazes pierced his eyes.

What a pair of eyes...

Xiao Yi didn't know how to describe it.

I just feel cold, absolutely cold.

At that moment, his eyes were stung, and even his vague mind returned to normal at this moment.

The eyes that were about to close suddenly opened.

In the eyes, within the white light in the distance, there seemed to be the shadow of a Luan bird.

Xiao Yi wanted to see it more realistically, but in front of him, the cold wind howled and the white snow habitually blocked all his vision.

The shadow of the vague Luan bird was gradually submerged in the wind and snow.


Xiao Yi suddenly remembered something, his eyes opened wider.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's vision became clear and his mind returned to normal.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted out blood.

Settling down, in front of me, there are the four elders.

And he, at this moment, is supporting the ground with a sword.

Looking at the ground, the blood he vomited was mixed with ice particles.

Strands of cold air floated from the blood.

Xiao Yi frowned and looked directly at the four elders of Jinghuashuiyue who were dozens of steps away.

At this moment, the faces of all four of them were full of horror, even a little panic.

No one knows what these four people have just experienced.

Xiao Yi didn't know either.

He didn't even know how long time passed and what happened.

When the Bingluan sword was condensed from his hand, when he held the sword in the state of the magic way, his consciousness had completely fallen.

Is it a massacre? Crazy? Xiao Yi didn't know.

He had long expected that Shura's swordsmanship and the demonic state of demons would be the most severe backlash, and it would be the most prone to eroding the minds of warriors and even losing their minds.

Not to mention that he fought with the strongest Ice Luan sword, and mobilized the extreme ice power in the sword.

Therefore, he has never dared to use this state.

Especially when everyone was there before, and when he was seriously injured, he didn't dare to use it.

Because he didn't know whether that would have more terrible consequences.

If you say that after he wakes up, what he sees is the corpses everywhere, the old friends of the past, all died under his own sword.

That feeling, I'm afraid it will make him smash.

In fact, as he expected, he didn't know what happened.

All I knew was that the four elders in front of them were frightened, and all of them were wounded, with blood all over their clothes.

It's better than the four elders, I'm afraid I don't know how many years have not been injured, how many years have not been so embarrassed.

The strongest elder Jingyue looks better, but his sleeves are also covered with blood.

Looking at the surroundings, Xiao Yi couldn't help but shrink his pupils slightly.

Here, is it still in the previous blood moon array?

Originally, the Blood Moon Great Formation isolated the Far East from 100,000 li and even wider areas.

Before, the two of Hengtian Hall Master and Chengfeng Hall Master smashed countless high mountains and thick rocks in battle.

But nowadays, where are there signs of half a mountain and a rock, and a lonely place with yellow sand blowing in the far east.

Yes, it's just a piece of ice and snow.

On the ground and in the distance, there were all shocking huge sword marks.

Yes, everything is devastated and full of holes.

What happened just now?

Xiao Yi still frowned. He had expected that his consciousness would dissipate long ago, so he left a trace of vitality in his body before he fell into madness.

This strand of power is useless, only slowly dissipating.

Under Xiao Yi's precise control of Yuanli, this silk of Yuanli will dissipate in about half an hour.

Xiao Yi glanced inwardly, this trace of vitality was still slowly dissipating, but only a little remained.

In other words, just now, he fell into a state of confusion, and only half an hour passed.

However, in this short half hour, the scene within the entire blood moon array has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In front of him, the four great elders were all injured. Although they were looking directly at Xiao Yi, they did not move.

A trace of fear flashed across their horrified faces.

The look with panic, seemed to be looking at a terrible demon.

Perhaps, in that short half hour, they were fighting with a real demon.

And why this demon suddenly stopped moving, they didn't know.

They only knew that the half-hour frantic battle just now was enough to make them unforgettable for a lifetime.

"Vice-Hall Master Xiao Yi..." Elder Jingyue called out first.

Elder Jingyue, in addition to his tyrannical strength, is undoubtedly an old monster with a brilliant mind.

His call was just a temptation.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, the corners of his mouth, pretending to show a smirk, "Ha".

A lifeless chuckle, but the four elders in front of them changed their faces and took a step back unconsciously.

Xiao Yi saw the movements of the four people in his eyes, and he said in secret.

It seemed that within half an hour of losing consciousness just now, the combat power exploded was quite terrifying.

But that's all there is to it.

Because he has returned to normal, dispersing the state of magic.

His combat power has also returned to normal.

And this also makes him in his current situation, very bad.


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