Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1840: Bind her for life

Everything in Xiao Yi's eyes kept changing.

The surrounding space began to twist.

The surrounding scene suddenly became bizarre.

Sometimes, the space shuttles, sometimes, the light flies.

Xiao Yi only felt dizzy and dizzy, sometimes instinctively feeling that he was in an illusory realm, sometimes as if he was floating in the ocean, sometimes as if he was climbing up a mountain, his body falling straight.

There is no end between the falls, as if leading to the abyss.

In his ears, Weng continued to sing, like a hundred birds vying, like a low voice of fish and insects, and like a roaring beast.

This kind of thing, all this cut, made Xiao Yi upset.

It seems that everything in this world is being added to him.

The countless pictures made him dazzled and uncomfortable.

This kind of uncomfortable burst from the bottom of his heart made him almost crazy.



The four elders slammed, spanning hundreds of miles, and came to a place not far from Xiao Yi.

The four of them sneered and looked directly at Xiao Yi in the illusion.

"Awesome, really amazing, no, even amazing." Elder Shuiyue exclaimed unconsciously.

"Yeah." Elder Huayue nodded, "This kid, although he is not a young man, he is only a young man in his twenties."

"It's really amazing to be able to push the four of us to this point."

Four of them are now wounded and covered in blood.

The strongest Elder Jingyue, his chest and clothes were shattered, and he was embarrassed to the extreme, and the hideous sword marks on his chest were still oozing blood, which proved that his embarrassment was more than just a simple expression.

And the two elders Shuiyue and Huayue were bloodied all over their clothes, and they were already seriously injured.

The weakest Holy Moon Elder even broke his arm.

The four elders of Jinghuashuiyue, the dignified Sacred Yuezong, joined forces, and dealt with only a pragmatic young man who ended in such a mess.

If this matter were passed back to the Holy Moon Sect, it would be enough to shake the entire Holy Moon Sect.

This young man is more amazing than anyone thought.

"It's a pity that he finally stopped in front of my Saint Moon Sect's path." Elder Jingyue's tone sank.

"It's a pity that he is seeking his own death after all."

"It's a pity, everything has settled now."

The two elders Shuiyue and Huayue nodded their heads when they heard the words, "I thought that we wanted to take this kid with our strength, but it was just a matter of grabbing them."

Elder Huayue gave a wry smile, "Unexpectedly, this kid forced the four of us to be so embarrassed and almost defeated."

Now these four people are naturally very embarrassed.

Just now, if he hadn't hurriedly used this illusion formation, I am afraid that he would have been defeated by Xiao Yi now.

"However, all this is settled." Elder Shuiyue smiled.

"I just didn't expect that he could really force the four of us to join forces to play the strongest illusion."

"Now that he is in the illusion, he no longer has the power to recover."

On the side, the Elder Holy Moon was steadily relieving his broken arm.

At this time, standing up slowly, his face became colder and hideous.

"Hmph, the old man has to see this kid being driven mad in the fantasy realm with his own eyes, so that he can relieve the old man's hatred."

His dignified Holy Moon Elder, actually suffered from a broken arm.

And the one who broke his arm was just a hairy boy, which made him not angry.

"Crazy?" Elder Huayue shook his head.

"It's cruel to treat an outstanding evildoer like this."

"However, who made him so overbearing to provoke our Holy Moon Sect."

Elder Shuiyue chuckled, "Within the illusion, he will endure the changes of everything in the world, and within a few dozen breaths at most, he will no longer be able to bear it."

"The dignified twin is driving mad just like this, blame, blame him on himself."

"Huh?" However, as soon as Elder Shuiyue's voice fell, the four elders all changed their colors.

In the illusion, Xiao Yi, who had originally shown pain on his face, suddenly calmed his face and recovered his composure.

"How is it possible." Elder Shuiyue's face was startled, "Return to normal while I wait for the illusion?"

"What an amazing Jianxin, what a terrible endurance."

Within the illusion.

In fact, Xiao Yi has been suffering from the constant changes in his surroundings, and the illusion in his eyes and ears changes rapidly.

This is almost an inhuman torture.

The so-called flowers in the mirror, the moon in the water, and illusory objects are the most gratifying.

This beautiful mirror can almost outline everything in the world, although it is only illusory.

The illusion has its own terrible things.

Just like just now, Xiao Yiming was so angry and bloody, but he was suddenly trapped by the illusion and could no longer move.

In fact, it is not trapped at the spatial level.

Rather, Xiao Yi himself didn't even know whether his feet were moving.

He felt like he was flying fast, but in fact, he was probably stepping on the spot, so a hundred miles would pass quickly, but he couldn't step on it anyway.

It's like in today's illusion, this weird everything.

Xiao Yi couldn't even tell whether this was illusory or real.

Between the virtual and the real, there are many thoughts and worries, afraid that it will be enough to torture people to death.

Beyond the illusion.

"How did this kid do it?" Elder Huayue frowned.

Elder Jingyue sneered, "No matter how he does it, he can't change much."

"In our illusion, unless his Dao Xin can be stronger than the four of us combined, otherwise, he will never want to get out of the illusion throughout his life."

Within the illusion.

In fact, Xiao Yi could always see the four elders outside the illusion, and could also hear the words of the four.

The words of the four people also changed his expression greatly.

This is also the scary part of the illusion.

This illusion, created by the four elders of Jinghuashuiyue, was originally an extremely clever illusion method.

Coupled with the Dao Heart of the four people, I am afraid that this illusion has become an unsolvable dead end.

It is not difficult to get out of this illusion. As long as the Dao Heart is hard enough, not moving like a mountain, and higher than these four people, it can be broken instantly without being affected.

But should Dao Xin be stronger than these four?

For Xiao Yi, who could not live for decades at best, it was almost a fantasy.

The Four Great Elders, the weakest and youngest Holy Moon Elder, are all old monsters who have lived for 80,000 years.

What about the stronger two elders Shuiyue and Huayue? One hundred thousand years? Still hundreds of thousands of years?

And the strongest Elder Jingyue? Longer, longer, terrible.

For decades, I am afraid that in their lives, they will only retreat for a while and sleep for a long time.

The gap between Xiao Yi and them was astonishingly large.

This is also the reason why he couldn't help these four old monsters before even if he used all the means.

These four old monsters have lived for too long, their cultivation base is too strong, and their strength is too terrifying.

Beyond the illusion.

Elder Shengyue seemed to have thought of something, and sneered, "In my opinion, it's better to add something to the illusion."

"What?" Elder Shuiyue asked suspiciously.

Elder Holy Moon grinned, "For example, the passage of time."

"At the fingertips, ten thousand years."

"This kid, in the blink of an eye, he will be like an old dragon. Not only will he drive mad, but he can die all at once."

Yes, die.

The terrifying part of the illusion is fully demonstrated here.

In the illusion, if the warrior thinks that he is dead, he is dead, he is really dead.

The fact is not dead, and the fact is not old.

But in the illusion, the mind of the warrior is indeed as if ten thousand years have passed, it is indeed worthy of old age.

When the mind is disintegrated and the vitality is dissipated, it is dead.

"This blink of an eye opened his eyes and ended himself, it seems to be a good choice." Elder Shengyue sneered.

Elder Jingyue nodded, "That's it, don't waste time."

Elder Jingyue nodded lightly.

However, this is tantamount to the most miserable way of death for people in the illusion.

"Vice Hall Master Xiao Yi." Elder Jingyue looked at Xiao Yi in the fantasy realm.

"The old man has to admit that you are a great arrogant."

"So, the old man will give you the last ten breaths and leave a last word."

"Last words?" In the fantasy realm, Xiao Yi shook his head, "No need."

"Wait, this illusion, I will use my sword to split it alive."

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth, and the purple electric sword in his hand was **** again.

With a sword, slashed heavily.

However, the illusion has not changed at all.

Two swords, three swords, four swords...the illusion, there is no change.

"Fool." Elder Holy Moon smiled contemptuously, "Are you sure you were smashed into the power of the illusion, not in the air?"

Xiao Yi didn't say a word, but he cleaved with only one sword and one sword while changing the direction.

"It's useless." Elder Jingyue shook his head, "A futile move, why use it in vain."

"Since you haven't left any last words, the old man won't talk to you too much."

"Strange, blame yourself for having to touch the bottom line of my Holy Moon Sect, and for having to find a dead end."

"Otherwise, you such an outstanding evildoer, no one would like to stand by and watch the fall."

Elder Jingyue slowly stretched out his hand.

The passage of time within the illusion has already begun to change.

Either he was a little touched by Xiao Yi's perseverance in the illusion, or he admired the bottom line of Xiao Yi who dared to pursue the Holy Moon Sect and provoked the Saint Moon Sect in order to rely on it.

Elder Jingyue opened his mouth slightly, and said softly, "Don't worry, the saint will live well in my Saint Moon Sect in the future."

"My Holy Moon Sect, not only will not treat her wrongly, but will treat her very well, do everything to cultivate her martial arts path."

"In the future, the Saintess will inherit our Holy Moon Sect and stand at the pinnacle of this continent."

"So, you can die without worry."

Within the illusion, Xiao Yi's constantly waving sword suddenly stopped.

"You keep killing me, you have to kill me, just for Yiyi?" Xiao Yi asked indifferently, his tone not hurriedly.

Within the illusion, time passes faster and faster.

Elder Jingyue nodded, "Yes, you won't die for a day, after all, you are the devil of the saint."

"If you don't die for a day, she will not be able to inherit the Holy Moon Sect with peace of mind."

"Dare to stop the obstacles before the saint's inheritance is the enemy of my Holy Moon Sect; even if you are the successor of the Shuangdian Main Hall, you can only die."

Speaking of this, Elder Jingyue suddenly murdered with awe-inspiring intent.

"In the future, under the leadership of the saint, our Holy Moon Sect will meet..."

In the illusion, Xiao Yi suddenly shrank his pupils, "This is called treating her very well? Do you want to tie her for life?"

Elder Jingyue's face became cold, "Since I have obtained the opportunity of my Holy Moon Sect, I should pay a little price, and this loneliness, what is it?"

"To achieve martial arts in the future, this life is not a waste of time, and harmony is the bondage?"

"Is she willing?" Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

"You are dead, she will be willing once the devil is eliminated." Elder Jingyue smiled'kindly'.

Xiao Yi's eyes changed suddenly in the illusion.

His gaze became so hideous for the first time, so it made people... trembling!


Fourth more. (burst)

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