Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1841: Destroy everything

Beyond the illusion.

Elder Jing Yue obviously noticed Xiao Yi's gaze.

"Do you still want to fight back? It's not at your own discretion."

Elder Jingyue put out his hands together, and the time in the illusion suddenly soared to the extreme.

In the eyes of the four elders, Xiao Yi within the illusion has not changed.

But in the illusion, in Xiao Yi's eyes, he was rapidly getting old, and his vitality was quickly dissipating.

He seems to be living like years, time flies by.

However, his icy heart is already hideous and furious.

Even if the years have passed, I would never want to change the slightest.

"I said, I won't let you have a life to return to Saint Moon Sect."

Outside the illusion, Xiao Yi's voice was as clear and cold as before.

In the illusion, Xiao Yi's voice was old and hoarse.

But that hint of coldness remained unchanged.

"Since the Holy Moon Sect will be the thing that binds her for life, then I will completely destroy it."

Xiao Yi muttered to himself savagely.

Outside the illusion, the elder Shengyue sneered, "Destroy my Holy Moon Sect? Why are you?"

"With your little trash? With your weak cultivation base? That trash-like strength?"

The words of Elder Shengyue were extremely ironic, extremely ridiculous, and extremely harsh.

But Xiao Yi in the illusion was only hideous.

"With my life." Xiao Yi's mouth was grinning, grinning somewhat terribly.

"Do you know why when I first entered this illusion, I was able to return to normal in a short time?"

Outside the illusion, the four elders frowned and looked at Xiao Yi.

In the illusion, Xiao Yi smiled, of course, it was a sneer.

"Because, even in the illusion, I can still see the faces of the four of you."

"The face that makes me so boring, I want to tear it off."

"Everything in the world is not as ugly as the four of you."

"I'm relatively stingy, so I won't give you time to leave your last words."

Outside the illusion, the four elders suddenly felt, "Boy, what do you want to do?"

In the illusion, Xiao Yi's ferociousness, mixed with madness, did not say anything, but he shouted, "Blood pill, burst."

Yes, he Xiao Yi has no way to break this illusion.

He didn't even know where the power of this illusion was.

Even if he resorted to all means and attacked indiscriminately, I am afraid he would not be able to damage the power of these illusions, because he could not hit them.

But... if you can't hit it, it will be ruined.

Xiao Yi only snorted in his heart.

In the body, a whole blood pill burst out.

Countless vitality forces rushed out.

This blood pill contains countless blood energy, and even absorbed a dragon-shaped blood evil that has been conceived for millions of years.

Xiao Yi's body seemed to be a catharsis without a bank.

Xiao Yi, originally only wanted to explode the blood pill.

But he seemed to forget that in addition to the blood pill, there was a poison pill beside the blood pill.

And this poison pill is not weaker than this blood pill.

In the past, two inner pills were quietly stored in his body.

Now, the blood pill broke out instantly, and the balance between the two in his body broke instantly.

The poison pill also broke out at this moment.

Xiao Yi was startled, but immediately recovered indifferent.

The blood pill erupted like catharsis, he already knew the consequences were extremely terrible, and he might even die.

Nowadays, with the outbreak of a poison pill, it looks not bad.

At this moment, Xiao Yi felt that his entire body had burst open.

He has no time to pay attention to what happened, how his flesh is now.

Because at this moment, he felt the strong breath of death, and his consciousness, almost at this moment, would lose.

However, before losing consciousness, his vague eyes still saw everything in front of him.

The monstrous blood, horror and poisonous, both raged out.

Wherever he goes, the momentum is like a broken bamboo.

The illusion collapsed in an instant.

The four elders closest to him were instantly submerged in a sea of ​​blood and poison.

The blood color and the poisonous, spread over thousands of miles in an instant, even breaking through the entire blood moon formation.

These two inner pills, Xiao Yi had always been jealous and worried.

What is worrying is their sudden outbreak.

Because once it broke out, Xiao Yi himself would definitely not be able to bear it.

The current facts once again proved that his previous guesses were correct.

"Are you going to die? Ha." Xiao Yi smiled helplessly.

He already felt the vitality in his body, it was almost gone.

What will happen next, Xiao Yi doesn't know.

His consciousness has disappeared.

The Purple Lightning Divine Sword that he had held tightly in his hand had already loosened his palm and fell.

The whole world was suddenly white.

After that, only this blood-colored world was left, a scene of violent poisonous raging.


one day later.

Wind brake area, within the wind brake main hall.

An embarrassed figure flew quickly.

It was the Palace Master Chengfeng who hurried back after suffering serious injuries.

Just after falling into the main hall, a wave of violent auras erupted in the main hall.

One by one elders who at least exuded a legendary aura, flashed to the side of the Master of Chengfeng Hall.

"Chengfeng boy? Are you in serious trouble?"

"What's the matter? Such a serious injury?"

"But is there a strong enemy coming?"

Each old man asked in a deep voice.

"Don't talk endlessly, I'm fine." Palace Master Chengfeng waved his hand and said eagerly, "Where is the Palace Master?"

The old men looked at each other.

"Forget it, you are all in retreat and know what a shit." The Palace Master Chengfeng looked anxious, and rushed into the main hall, contrary to his usual calm behavior.

It happened that a branch hall master passed by.

Palace Master Chengfeng quickly grabbed, "Where is the Palace Master?"

"Cheng...Chengfeng Hallmaster?" The sub-temple master was surprised at first, and then quickly replied, "General Hallmaster? After receiving your letter, the chief hallmaster left most of the day."

"Leave? That's good." Palace Master Chengfeng finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Palace Master Chengfeng is not a fool.

Therefore, a day ago, no matter how urgent he was, he still had calculations in his mind.

He and Hengtian Hall Master, who had just left the barren area of ​​the Far East, had already found the nearest main hall, and sent a letter back.

The main hall master must have received the letter and left early for the Far East.

I have to say that the speed of Palace Master Chengfeng is indeed extremely fast.

It took Xiao Yi a full day from the range of the Far East to the depths of the Far East.

But Palace Master Chengfeng, after leaving the **** moon array, left at full speed, only about an hour.

When Xiao Yi rushed to the Far East, it took five days and five nights.

But Palace Master Chengfeng, rushed back to the Fengcha area, counting all the time, it was only one day.

This is still the situation where the Master of Chengfeng is enduring serious injuries, and the speed at the heyday is feared to be extremely shocking.


the other side.

The Shura area not far from the Fengcha area.

The figure of the Lord Hengtian, like a meteorite, fell straight from the sky.

"Presumptuous." Inside the main hall of Shura, there was a loud shout.

"Hengtian boy?" The old men frowned and looked at the Lord Hengtian.

"Don't be long-winded, where is the main hall master?" Hengtian hall master roared directly.

The roar, shaking the entire Asura Hall.

"The main hall master?" an old man frowned. "The main hall master is not in the main hall. What are you looking for?"

"What? No? Then I haven't received the letter I sent back before?" Hengtian Hall's face changed greatly.

An old man shrugged, "The main hall master went to Heiyun to study and teach a month ago, how could he be in the main hall."

"Oh, by the way, just one month ago, you and Chengfeng just left, and his old man set off."

"What? Damn it." Hengtian Hall master gritted his teeth.

"Hengtian, what are you talking about? Who do you mean to die? You are presumptuous." The old man around him scolded.


Fifth more. (burst)

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