Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1842: just this?

Heiyun learns and teaches, learns and teaches deep.

From time to time, some disciples passing by, glanced from a distance, did not come close, just showed doubts.

Because, it has been a whole month, they have not been able to get close to the depths of learning.

At the same time, they have also been unable to find seniors to teach martial arts for a whole month.

Because, at this moment, all the predecessors of learning, elders and deacons, are gathered in the depths of learning.

Just at this moment, the deputy dean slowly walked by with his hand.

The deputy dean didn't pay attention to the distance, but smiled wryly, "Counting the time, those little guys should almost be back."

"I don't know what baby they got this time."

A disciple came to face him and saw the vice-president’s wretched smile. There was a chill in his heart, but he still saluted and asked in a low voice, "Associate president, how do I feel the atmosphere of our learning and teaching this month? There is something wrong."

"What's wrong?" The deputy dean curled his lips when he heard the words, and glanced at the depths of his studies.

"That big man is here, it's no wonder the atmosphere of learning and teaching is good."

"But it doesn't matter, he will leave after a while."

After that, the vice president turned and left, still with wretched lips.

At this time, learning and teaching deep.

An old man just stood lightly, not speaking or speaking.

After a while, the old man's body finally moved. "Counting the time, that kid should almost come back."

The old man is the master of Shura.

After the Lord Shura said, he glanced at the teaching elders around him and smiled faintly.

"This month, you will be accompanied by elders."

To accompany? The black cloud elders all around, his face turned dark.

This class of great men came to learn and teach in their dark clouds, which made their elders not nervous.

This month, not only was unable to retreat and practice, but also didn't have the intention to guide the disciples, fearing that this big man would make big moves.

At this time, the main hall of Shura smiled, ignoring the faces of everyone, but looking at a large hall not far away, "The surname Luo, the old man will have a period of time."

"I will visit again in my spare time."

When the voice fell, the main hall master of Asura wanted to flash away.

Just about to leave, a meteorite-like figure smashed into the distance.

"Huh?" The Master Palace Master Shura glanced at and frowned.

He could recognize it at a glance, it was a main hall master in his Asura main hall.

"The main hall master, it's not good." The main hall master had just fallen down, already showing anxious expression, and reported in a hurry.

"What's the matter?" The Master Palace Master Shura frowned.

"An accident happened to the deputy hall master Xiao Yi." The main hall master gritted his teeth.

"What?" The Master Palace Master Shura's expression changed.

At this moment, in the hall not far away, Senior Luo's joking voice slowly spread.

"Come to my black cloud to learn and teach and watched me for a whole month."

"In the end, it just fell short."

"That kid, something happened."

When the main hall master of Shura heard the words, his face became cold, and he didn't say anything, he pulled up the main hall master, and left.

"Say while walking."

Inside the hall.

The color of jokes on Senior Luo's face suddenly became solemn.

"That kid, something happened?" Senior Luo narrowed his eyes.

"Could it be that I looked at that kid highly?"

"That kid, didn't get the chance at the tomb of the ancient emperor, but an accident happened?"

Senior Luo frowned and thought.


After a few hours.

Far east, deep.

At this time, the **** moon array that originally isolated hundreds of thousands of miles from the world has disappeared.

However, within 100,000 miles of the original place, the scene has already changed drastically.

There are no mountains, no sand and rocks, no yellow wind blowing.

Yes, it's just a terrifying 100,000-mile poison in front of you.

The strong and crippling poisonous atmosphere floated up.

The poisonous atmosphere in the air even instantly corroded the yellow wind into nothingness. Naturally, there was no yellow wind blowing.

Within a radius of 100,000 miles, everything is under severe poison.

Naturally, there are no mountains, no sand and rocks here.

Some are just an endless toxic place.

And outside this highly poisonous land, a figure stood with his hands holding hands, looking at the scene ahead with a complex expression.

In this complex, there is even a trace of sluggishness.

An hour later.

Another figure came quickly through the air.

The figure instantly fell beside the figure before.

"Fengsha, how?" The visitor is the head of the Asura Palace who rushed over.

And the one who stood here a long time ago was naturally the Master Palace Master Fengcha who came first.

The master of the wind brake, silently looked at the poisonous land ahead.

In his eyes, in this endless horizon, there is nothing but poisonous.

No, at the very center of this poisonous land, there is a sharp sword inserted in the poisonous land at this moment.

This sharp sword exudes a dazzling purple light, and thunder and lightning roar.

But the power of thunder and lightning is already extremely weak.

"That's Xiao Yi kid's purple electric divine sword." The head of the Asura Palace frowned.

"Fengsha, how is it?"

The master of the wind brake, in a silent expression, finally slowly opened his mouth.

However, the tone is extremely complicated.

"Poisonous land covers a radius of 100,000 miles."

"Very poisonous breath, more than a thousand meters deep underground."

"In this area, I feel it, but... there is nothing here, there is no aura of Xiao Yi, except for his sword."

"Doesn't have the breath of Xiao Yi boy?" The Master Palace Master Shura was taken aback.

"Doesn't have the breath of Xiao Yi boy?" Behind him, two figures trembled.

That is the master of Chengfeng and Hengtian.

After the Master of Asura left Heiyun to learn and teach, he was the first to find these two people, and drove them back to the far east with them all the way, asking questions along the way.

After all, these two people have been following Xiao Yi, knowing what happened.

"So... what about the four old boys of Saint Yuezong?" Hengtian Hall master asked nonchalantly.

The Master of the Wind Brake Palace slowly stretched out his hand and took out three tokens.

"This is the token of the title elder of the Holy Moon Sect?" The main hall master of Asura recognized the token at a glance.

"The token of the title elder is extremely hard, and ordinary sacred objects are inferior."

"This is the absolute identity certificate of the title elder of the Holy Moon School, and there is no room for loss."

"The token falls here, isn't it..."

"That's right." The master of the wind brake nodded with difficulty, "The four bastards, in this highly poisonous piece, there are no bones left."

"Their cultivation base is high enough. When they die, there is still a little bit of damaged martial arts power that belongs to them."

Martial artist, only after death, the martial arts power controlled by the body will dissipate the world cripplingly.

"Hiss." At this moment, the Lord Hengtian took a few steps forward, reached out his hand to touch the poison in front of him, and suddenly cried out in pain.

"What a terrifying and highly toxic power, even my physical power is instantly damaged?"

Obviously, it can be seen that the palm of Hengtian Hall Master has been corroded a little, this is because he only touched a little.

"Even the four **** in Jing Hua Shuiyue have no bones. Then Xiao Yi kid, isn't he all gone?" Heng Tian said subconsciously.

"Fengsha, you mean..." The main hall master of Shura looked at the main hall master of Fengsha incredulously.

The main hall of the wind brake nodded, "In the entire poisonous land, there is no half of Xiao Yi's breath, half of vitality."

"You mean, our successor is gone like this?" The main palace master of Shura trembled suddenly.


Sixth more. (burst)

Update today, over.

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