Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1843: The sword of no master

The Master Palace Master Shura, whose face had always been steady and determined, collapsed in this instant.

"Nothing? Nobody?"

The Master of Asura, staggered, stepped back two steps.

"I don't believe it."

In the next second, the Master Palace Master Asura exploded, his figure flashed, and he did not hesitate to jump into this endlessly poisonous place.

"Main Hall Master." Hengtian Hall Master was startled, his face suddenly changed.

This highly toxic place is unfathomable and dangerous.

Those venoms with amazing corrosive power, even his powerful flesh, were instantly damaged.

This is still he only touched a little.

The Master of Asura now jumps in directly, isn't it...

"Let him go." The Master Hall Master Fengcha slowly spit out four words.

"For him, it's no different than taking a hot bath."

The Lord Hengtian was stunned when he heard the words, and then he was relieved.

Time gradually passed.

After half an hour.

There is still no figure of Asura's Chief Hallmaster emerging from the poisonous land.

But it was clear that the entire highly poisonous land, under the rapid shuttle of the Master Asura, became tumbling.

On the one hand, Palace Master Chengfeng frowned, "Master Palace Master, Senior Shura..."

In the eyes of the Master of Chengfeng, the Master of Asura, who has always considered people wisely, always looks like a wise man with insight into everything, no matter when and where.

Compared with the master of Fengcha, the master of Chengfeng worships the master of Shura more.

Because the main hall master of Asura is always so calm, so calm, and so insightful and omniscient.

But nowadays, the head of the Palace of Asura is going through the poisonous land like a lunacy, obviously making him a little at a loss.

The master of the wind brake shook his head, "You are still young, I don't know how many years old man Shura has been looking for successors."

"As you can see, the old man Shura has always been calm and calm, like this majestic earth, unbreakable, and unchanged for thousands of years."

"So he is more demanding than anyone else in seeking successors."

"He has searched for most of his life, but he has never achieved his wish."

"You don't even know that, more than a year ago, when he recognized Xiao Yi boy in a short time, and even gave the general order of Shura, I was so surprised."

"For the first time in hundreds of thousands of years, I saw him spend so much thought on a young man."

"It's also the first time, his eyes, which have remained unchanged for thousands of years, are willing to stay on one person for a long time."

The host of Hengtian Hall and Hall of Chengfeng changed their expressions as they listened.

Although they are not young, they are even old monsters in the eyes of ordinary people.

However, in front of the two main hall masters, they were afraid that they would not live longer than a child.

Therefore, they do not know many things.

This was the first time they knew about these things about the Master Palace Master Shura.

The master of the wind brake opened his mouth again and smiled complicatedly, "Therefore, when the old man Shura took the lead in customizing this kid's successor, I did not hesitate to admit this kid."

"At that time, I didn't hesitate to believe, Xiao Yi boy, better than anyone else, greater than any young evildoer."

"You know, for this kid, Old Man Shura was willing to put down his figure without hesitation and went to Heiyun Xuejiao to see the surname Luo for a whole month."

The Lord Hengtian and Temple Lord Chengfeng were silent as well.

They clearly saw that although the master of the wind brake was speaking, his tone was extremely complicated.

They always feel that in these voices, there seems to be some depression and a trace of depression.

The Lord of Hengtian Temple could not understand.

But Palace Master Chengfeng realized it.

The main hall master of the wind brake was only talking about the main hall master of Asura, without mentioning himself.

In fact, the main hall master of the wind brake is obviously not much weaker than the main hall master of Shura's value on Xiao Yi.

However, the Master Palace Master Fengcha seems to be more calm and can suppress himself even more.

But, how long can this depression last?

Time passed again.

All day and night.


On the highly toxic land, the figure of the main palace master of Shura burst into the air, stirring up large swaths of venom.

The Master Palace Master Shura gracefully and neatly used the purple electric divine sword in mid-air, and his figure flashed back to the original place.

On the side, the Master Hall Master Fengcha did not look at the Master Palace Master Shura, but said indifferently, "Will you believe it?"

No one noticed that the gaze of the main hall of the wind brake, even when he was speaking, had been gazing at the poisonous place in front of him, and had not diverted the slightest.

The Master Palace Master Shura held the sword, his face changed for a while, and finally became silent.

After a long while, the Master Palace Master Shura broke the silence, shook his head, his face was cold, "I still don't believe it."

"Still planning to find it?" The tone of the Master Palace Master Fengcha was very light, so light that people could not feel the trace.

"This highly poisonous land stretches for 100,000 miles and is more than a kilometer deep."

"If you look slowly inch by inch, when will you find it?"

For the two main hall masters, the distance of 100,000 miles is actually only a short time.

However, spanning one hundred thousand miles, and constantly searching within a radius of one hundred thousand miles, and this amazing depth, are two different things.

"Then keep perceiving, keep searching." The Master Palace Master Shura yelled unexpectedly.

"You are the best in terms of perception, in terms of perception, what are you doing in a daze? You will just be in a daze? You can't even find your successor? You just have the ability?"

The main hall master of Asura actually yelled several times.

The main hall of the wind brake has a cold face, but the tone is still light, "Your perception, in fact, has covered the entire toxic place a long time ago, so why bother to ask me knowingly."

"In this highly toxic land, there is no breath of that kid, and even the dead body is not left."

"Since you know that under my perception, I know all the details of this highly toxic land, so why bother to ask."

"As soon as you asked, I still said that."

"In this highly toxic land, within a hundred thousand miles, at a depth of one kilometer, every inch and every corner, there is no breath of Xiao Yi, no half of his vitality."

"He has no bones left."

Yes, in fact, with the abilities of the two main hall masters, although this highly poisonous land is vast, it can't hide their perception at all.

In the whole toxic place, every inch and every corner, the two can see clearly in their perception.

Here, there is no figure of Xiao Yi, no breath of Xiao Yi.

Asura Chief Palace Master, even if he continues to leap into the poisonous land and continue to search, it will only be useless.

On the side, Palace Master Chengfeng frowned and said, "The two Master Palace Masters, maybe, things may turn for the better."

"We all know that Xiao Yi, this kid, is very weird and has so many methods that people can't touch the truth."

"Perhaps, he can turn the crisis into peace this time, even if he left here early."

This time, the master of the wind brake was silent and did not speak any more.

On the contrary, it was the Master of Asura, looked at the sky and sighed.

"This whole piece of poisonous land is made of poisonous evil."

"It can turn the most precious poisonous evil spirit into a highly poisonous place covering 100,000 miles. It is conceivable that the poison here is strong."

"Even if it is Jingyue's strength, in this highly poisonous land, it can't last a long time."

"Then kid, how can you escape?"

The Master Palace Master Shura glanced at Zidian in his hand, "If he could walk, how could he leave his sword."

"If he is still alive, how can this sword, without the aura of a warrior, directly become a masterless thing?"

"Things without owners?" Hengtian Hall Master and Chengfeng Hall Master instantly understood what the Asura Master Palace Master meant, but they also instantly turned pale.


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