Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1888: Return to peerless

"Who are you?"

That person was obviously the first arrogant of the younger generation in the Black Demon Palace, Fang.

Fang, staring at Xiao Yi coldly, asked in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi just wanted to answer.

Fang Fang took the lead in saying, "I don't care who you are, but I advise you not to fight against this idea of ​​a poisonous fruit."

"That's my life, outsiders move and die."

Xiao Yi shrugged, ignoring him, but rather curiously said, "Why are you here?"

"Also, why are you covered in chains, but that old thing forcibly traps you here?"

That old thing naturally refers to Senior Luo.

Fang Fang shook his head, "I am here to practice in retreat."

"I have been in this secret realm for three years now, and I must touch and perceive this poisonous fruit every day."

"The poisonous fruit is the number one poisonous fruit in the world. Even I can't bear its poison, even if it is just a little breath."

"However, I am sure that within 5 years, I will be able to fully bear the internal toxicity and swallow it."

While talking, Fang Fang looked at Xiao Yi's gaze, becoming more and more cold, and even killing intent.

"As for these chains on my body, they are my only restraint, and I apply to Master."

"Why?" Xiao Yi asked.

A grin crossed the corner of Fang Fang's mouth, "Because, I'm afraid I can't control myself."

"I will give you ten breaths to get out of this secret."

"Otherwise, at your own risk."

"Sick." Xiao Yi shook his head when he heard the words.

Just planned to ignore it.

The aura on Fang Fang was changing rapidly.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned upon seeing this.

Fang's face had already begun to become hideous, even distorted.

"You can enter the secret realm. If you want to come, you are also the arrogant evildoer of our Black Demon Temple."

"But I advise you not to ignore my warning."

"I won't last long."

Fang said with a grimace, as if suppressing something.

"It is the fruit of ten thousand poisons." Xiao Yi ignored the words of Fang Fang, but looked at the fruit of ten thousand poisons.

He clearly felt that the aura radiating from the Wandao Wandao Fruit was affecting the aura of the Fang.

Just a few seconds.


An even more astonishing aura erupted on Fang Fang.

"Peerless 9993 cultivation base." Xiao Yi was slightly surprised.

The fangs at this moment have changed.

The eyes turned red, and they were abnormally cold.

His face quickly turned black, and poisonous bubbles began to emerge.

Xiao Yi's body trembled, and he felt as if he was being stared at by a cold and poisonous snake.

Rumor has it that Fang's martial spirit is a snake-like martial spirit.

Whenever he shoots, he will be like the fangs of a poisonous snake, extremely spicy, so he has the title of fangs.

And now, Xiao Yi even felt that he was not only stared at by a poisonous snake, but also stared at by a ferocious monster beast covered in poisonous bubbles.


The silhouette of Fang Fang has already attacked.

Xiao Yi stepped back.

Almost the moment he backed away, he was already roaring.

The place where he was originally standing has been shattered with a fist from his fangs, and the land with a radius of 100 meters has been corroded in an instant.


The silhouette of Fang Fang flashed out, already beckoning and killing, everywhere, without leaving any hands.

That face was left with a lifeless silence and amazing bloodthirsty.

"Lost consciousness?" Xiao Yi frowned, walking back.


In the air, there was a snort.

Boom... Then there was an explosion.

Xiao Yi's current strength is far from the peerless 9994 Dao martial artist's opponent.

With only one claw, Xiao Yi has been blown away.

"Puff." When Xiao Yi stood still, he spurted out blood.

I glanced at my chest, there were already five bloodstains.

The claw of Fang Fang was a fatal blow, extremely poisonous.

Those highly poisonous had no effect on Xiao Yi.

Compared with the fangs that were not mad before, the fangs at this moment are extremely poisonous in their hands and are obviously stronger.

But even so, the poison is still nothing to do with Xiao Yi's poisonous body.

On the contrary, the strength and vitality of Fang Fang's peerless cultivation base caused Xiao Yi to be seriously injured in an instant.

This is also the reason why these five scars exist.

Whoosh... the figure of Fang, attacking again.

The Fang at the moment is like a crazy monster.

Xiao Yi, he was not afraid, but he sneered coldly, "Do you really think I am a soft persimmon?"


A storm of soul power came crashing down.

The fangs, which were originally astonishing, were immediately blown up.

"Puff." A **** spurt from the fangs, which had been blasted into the sky.

Xiao Yi's figure flashed and jumped into the sky.

A heavy fist struck the Fangfang door, "Wake me up."

Fang Fang's face was savage, but under the pressure of the spirit storm, he couldn't move.


Xiao Yi blasted dozens of punches in a row, his fangs were bleeding and he was extremely embarrassed.


There was another huge roar.

Fang has been blasted to the ground.

Xiao Yi punched again. This punch was afraid that it would smash the teeth full of fangs.

"Don't fight." Fang spit out three words embarrassedly.

Xiao Yi's fist was worthy of stopping when he was only a few minutes away from the Fangmen Gate.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi got up and withdrew his fists.

Looking at his other hand, a bottle of soul pill was already exhausted.

"Damn it, wasted a whole bottle of soul pill." Xiao Yi curled his lips.

"Damn it, I still couldn't bear the erosion of ten thousand poisonous fruits." Fang Fang was anxious and frustrated, his face full of unwillingness.

Xiao Yi was too lazy to talk to him.

Take care of yourself and move towards the fruit of all kinds of poisons.

Upon seeing this, Fang Fang's expression became anxious.

"You better stop messing with me." Xiao Yi glanced at his fangs indifferently.

If he was willing just now, he could directly kill the Fang with Ice Storm Soul Eater.

Killing a warrior at the level of Fang Fang would consume at most one more bottle of soul pill, and the Ice Storm Soul Devourer cast was enough to kill.

It's just that Fang is the arrogant of the Black Demon Temple, with a lot of achievements, and being infested by the multitude of poisons and fruits, and falling into madness, Xiao Yi has not killed him.

But if you bother him again, Xiao Yi doesn't mind killing.

Fang's body trembled, and he instinctively told him that the master of these cold eyes had already revealed killing intent.

"Boy, how did you do it?" Fang frowned and asked.

"Looking at your face, the monster is as ugly as it is, it must have been invaded by the Poison Dao technique."

"Poison repairers, due to the influence of the aura of Heaven and Earth Poison Dao, must be cold and weird."

"The Poison Dao technique I cultivated is already at the top in the temple. There are so many poisonous bubbles on my body, and I fall into madness at every turn."

"You look like a monster, can you still keep your mind clear?"

"It's up to you." Xiao Yi didn't have a good tone to this person who had counted his claws and had no sympathy.

"Humph." Fang ignored Xiao Yi's tone and just sneered.

"Want to take the ten thousand poison and ten thousand fruit? Even if I don't stop you, that's not what you can covet now..."

Xiao Yi ignored it, but put both hands out.

"Ten thousand poisonous hands." Xiao Yi supported the ground with both hands.

Under Wan Poison's hand, the aura in the entire Poison Dao secret realm was absorbed by him at an astonishing speed.

Such a precious place, returning empty-handed, is not his Xiao Yi style.

"It seems that you don't have to wait five years, you can go out later."

"This secret realm is now mine."

Xiao Yi sneered.

Boom... The moment the voice fell.

With Xiao Yi's hands as the center, within a radius of hundreds of miles, the power of all highly toxic substances was quickly absorbed.

Obviously, hundreds of miles away, poisonous trees, poisonous fruits, and poisonous weeds are constantly withering.

A hundred miles away, the poisonous Dodge tree, starting from the canopy, continued to turn yellow and withered, and in just a few seconds, the whole tree turned black.

The poisonous power within it is constantly dissipating.

In just a few seconds, the whole poisonous dodge tree turned into powder.

Hundreds of miles away, the trend of yellowing and wilting continued to spread.

Strains of poisons, at a speed visible to the naked eye, are constantly turning into powder.

Not far away, Fang's eyes widened, " is it possible to directly absorb the power of the entire secret realm? How did this guy do it?"


Outside the secret.

Senior Luo, has been staring at everything in the secret realm.

When he heard the phrase ‘old thing’ in Xiao Yi’s mouth, his face twitched obviously.

Bai Changtian chuckled a few times.

But now, Senior Luo's expression has changed.

Bai Changtian, like fangs, widened his eyes, "This kid, really is a monster, isn't he afraid of being bitten by that monstrous poison?"

In just a few minutes, large swaths of poison withered in the entire secret realm.


Within the secret realm.

Xiao Yi's breath continued to soar.

Saint Emperor Realm Eightfold, Saint Emperor Realm Ninefold, Saint Emperor Realm Peak, Martial Power...

In just a few minutes, it soared.

"Good fellow." Xiao Yi looked overjoyed.

This Poison Dao Secret Realm is so huge, it is probably a bit bigger than the Heaven hidden Secret Realm.

And now he has absorbed less than one-tenth of the poison.

If he absorbs all the light, he can definitely restore his peak strength.

He is only absorbing the poisonous heaven and earth treasures around him, but he has not touched the poisonous fruit.

He intends to stay till the end.

When the cultivation base is higher, or even the peak is restored, then move this multi-poisonous fruit to have a greater grasp.


Outside the secret.

Senior Luo's expression was no longer a pure discoloration.

"Tsk tusk." Chang Tian smiled, "Master, it looks like you are going to bleed heavily this time."

"This kid, I'm afraid it will only stop if you **** up your entire Poison Dao Secret Realm."

"Humph." Senior Luo already had an ugly face and snorted coldly.


Within the secret realm.

Bang... bang... bang...

Xiao Yi's breath continued to soar and explode.

His original complete martial arts is no longer enough to support his breakthrough.

Only while supporting the ground with ten thousand poisonous hands, absorbing the power of the entire secret realm, while beginning to perceive and comprehend the poisonous path of heaven and earth.


A complete Poison Dao power fell from the world.

Even if this is a secret realm, it can't stop the coming of the martial arts power.

The power of the martial arts of heaven and earth can almost ignore everything, even the ancient emperor Dongfu, which is heavily restricted, can't stop it.

Not to mention this secret realm.

Just a few minutes.

There are as many as 9,990 complete poison paths in Xiao Yi's poison world.

Boom... There was a burst of momentum on his body.

The cultivation base has been restored to a peerless state.

Just as Xiao Yi was overjoyed and planned to continue to understand and absorb...

Wow... a force of restraint appeared on him.

The body was forcibly pulled out of the secret realm.

Outside the secret realm, Senior Luo retracted his hands without a trace, and stood with his hands behind.


Third more.

Update today, over.

I'm sorry for today's late update.

From tomorrow on, I will put the updates in noon and afternoon, and they will not be updated in the future, so that everyone does not have to stay up late to wait for updates.

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