Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1889: Eighteen Houses

Although Senior Luo's movements were extremely fast, Xiao Yi couldn't see Senior Luo's closing movements.

However, Xiao Yi knew very well that Senior Luo was the one who pulled him out of the secret realm just now.

"The Chief Hall Master of the Hall of Dark Demon is so stingy?"

Xiao Yi was not angry, just sneered, with a slight sneer.

Senior Luo looked indifferent and said, "In this world, there has never been a free lunch."

Xiao Yi's laughter came to an abrupt end when he heard the words. Instead, his heart shuddered.

Yes, in this world, there has never been a pie in the sky.

In the past, whether it was in Fengcha Hall, Shura Hall, Yan Hall, Hunting Demon Hall, and Yaozun Hall.

The main hall masters, in fact, don't have to help him, take care of him, and even give a lot of cultivation things.

Therefore, Xiao Yi has always respected them.

Because they are all respectable elders, who are truly willing to treat him well.

But the Black Demon Palace is different here, and Senior Luo here is even more different.

Senior Luo is not obliged to open the drug road ban for him to absorb Xiao Yi endlessly.

Senior Luo, there is no need to bear the cost of losing a large number of rare and rare poisonous Taoist cultivation objects.

The treasures of heaven, material and earth in that secret realm are all rare levels, and they are all extremely old, and each is extremely precious.

Senior Luo nodded in satisfaction as he watched Xiao Yi's attitude change.

"You want the fruit of all kinds of poisons, don't you?" Senior Luo asked directly.

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Yes." Senior Luo replied directly, "You help me get something back."

"By then, I will let you ask for anything in the secret realm just now, including that precious and incomparable fruit."

"In short, is it exchange?" Xiao Yi said solemnly, "Is it also the price for me to enter the secret realm again to practice?"

"You can think so." Senior Luo nodded.

"I refuse." Xiao Yi shook his head, and then bowed slightly, "Thank you for the gift just now, and I will take my leave."

"Why?" Senior Luo, his face still indifferent, "Now that Zhongyu's discoloration has changed, the black robe Xiao Xun, who everyone considers a crazy monster, is scared?"


Yes, I'm afraid.

Xiao Yi is not a fool. How many of Eluo's skills and worldly things can't be found or taken?

There are certainly, but not many.

And this is a few things, even Senior Luo can't get it, let alone Xiao Yi.

However, Xiao Yi thought this way in his heart, but said, "I just don't want to make a deal with the main hall master."

"The position and strength of the main hall master may be able to come and go to almost everyone."

"But I, Xiao Xun, although I am not a big man who shakes the world, I am not so humble."

He didn't have a lot of affection for Senior Luo.

And most importantly, he knew that Senior Luo was not a bad person, but he was definitely not a good person, not a good person.

Seeking skins with tigers, easily burns the body.

Xiao Yi just found an excuse to get out.

But listening to Senior Luo's ears made him smile inexplicably, "Xiao Xun in a dignified black robe, isn't it also so stingy?"

Obviously, Senior Luo misunderstood, thinking that Xiao Xun meant that he had previously forcibly removed his mask and taken off his black robe, so that he could show his ugly and ugly face and embarrass him.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi said softly in his heart.

He obviously caught the fleeting inexplicable smile of Senior Luo.

Intuition tells him that there is a play.

"Hallmaster, what do you want me to bring back to change?" Xiao Yi temporarily stopped and asked.

Xiao Yi chose to listen to the answer first before leaving.

If it was something extremely dangerous, and Xiao Yi couldn't get something, he would give up directly, turn around and leave.

If not, he might try.

He was really greedy for the poisonous fruit.

"Have you heard that the Eighteenth Mansion is dangerous?"

Senior Luo's words just fell.

Xiao Yi's heart suddenly burst, and his expression was a little weird under the hideous face full of sores and blood bubbles.

"If the main hall master is talking about the 18 dangerous places in the area of ​​the Eighteenth Mansion in the Middle Territory, then I have naturally heard of it, and I know it." Xiao Yi nodded.

Senior Luo also nodded, "I've heard of it."

"What I want you to take is the treasure within those eighteen dangerous places."

"Each time you take back a copy, you can practice in the secret realm just now for ten minutes."

"If the amount retrieved is large enough to satisfy me, then you will be allowed to pick it up and take away the ten thousand poisonous fruits."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "Satisfied? What is satisfaction?"

"Hallmaster, let's say an accurate answer."

"You don't believe in the old man?" A hint of dissatisfaction flashed across Senior Luo's face. "Is it possible that the old man will deceive you a young boy?"

Xiao Yi said nothing.

Senior Luo frowned slightly and said, "Okay, the old man will give you an accurate answer."

"If you can retrieve more than half of the treasures, I will allow you to cultivate in the secret realm for no time, but you are not qualified to get involved with that ten thousand poisonous fruit."

"If you can get back more than fifteen copies of the treasure, the poisonous fruit, you can take it away at any time."

"If you can retrieve all of the eighteen treasures, the old man will grant you an extra request, or reward you with a treasure that is no less than a poisonous fruit."

"Really?" Xiao Yi's eyes condensed and asked carefully.

He had to be cautious.

In the secret realm just now, Senior Luo said that he went in, and he said that he pulled it out, which was obvious.

Don't bring back the treasure from the eighteenth dangerous place by yourself when the time comes. Senior Luo said, "I have the final say" and it is straightforward.

Then Xiao Yi had nowhere to cry.

"I promise." Senior Luo's four words are very heavy.

Obviously, you can see that his chest is up and down.

This proved that Xiao Yi's repeated confirmation and questioning had made him a little angry.

Senior Luo couldn't understand, he was the Dean of Black Cloud Learning, anyhow, the head of the Black Demon Hall, could it be that he had such a lack of credibility?

What you promised yourself, will you regret it?

Is the young man in front of him so cautiously certain?

Chang Tian said seriously, "Boy, don't worry."

"Master will not make promises easily. If you do, you will definitely fulfill your promises."

"I'll take care of Master in this matter, don't worry."

Xiao Yi nodded when he heard the words, "Hall Master Xie Changtian."

This time, Xiao Yi answered readily. Compared to Senior Luo, Xiao Yi would rather trust Bai Changtian's guarantee.

However, Xiao Yi's refreshing attitude instantly made Senior Luo's face black.

"Farewell next." Xiao Yi bowed slightly again, turned and left.

Bai Changtian smiled.

Senior Luo, the ups and downs on his chest became more obvious.

Not long after, Xiao Yi had already gone far.

"Oh, right." Bai Changtian seemed to think of something, "I forgot, kid, don't leave."

Bai Changtian shouted, his figure flashed, and he chased Xiao Yi.


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