Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1894: Ye Shengfu Wedding

Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Listening to this familiar voice, and looking at the familiar gun position in the violent thunder dragon that struck, he already recognized the identity of the person.

It is Ran Qi.


The mad dragon rushed through the cloud spear.

Xiao Yi's flesh blocked it, and easily took it.

Seeing the familiar face amidst the thunder and lightning, Xiao Yi was both amused and helpless.

"Ran Qi." Xiao Yi smiled secretly, his arms shook, and the spear was easily opened.

Ran Qi's face was cold and his eyes were sharp, "What a evil cultivator, today is the day when the two young palace masters, Ye Sheng Mansion and Tianxing Mansion, are rejoicing. How dare you step in?"

"It's the first time I've seen you for the evil cultivator who is so upright and daring to walk."

Xiao Yi's face twitched, "It's the first time I've seen a warrior like you who walks out without thinking."

"Presumptuous, dare to be arrogant." Ran Qi's spear shook, and the thunder on the gun was about to strike.

Xiao Yi took out the token in angrily, and raised the token in his hand, stopping Ran Qi's movements.

"Deacon of the Black Demon Palace?" Ran Qi squinted, staring at the token.

Afterwards, he looked at Xiao Yi carefully.

In his eyes, the black robe warrior in front of him couldn't perceive his breath, and his whole body was covered by a large black robe.

And under the large black robe were a pair of hands wearing white gloves.

"I remember." Ran Qi's face was stern, "white gloves, black robe, can't perceive breath."

"A few days ago, the eastern area was turned upside down. The bloodbathed guy is you, right."

"Black Magician, Xiao Xun."

"It's easy to say." Xiao Yi answered indifferently.

Of course, his voice was extremely hoarse.

"Humph." Ran Qi retracted the hostility on his face, but the spear in his hand did not disperse, instead he gave a cold snort.

"It is said that you Xiaoxun is like a monster, like a madman, arrogant, and fierce, killing impermanence."

"What I saw today is really not good."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi's face twitched again under the large black robe.

"Go ahead, let me see how many catties you have." Ran Qi yelled coldly.

"I'm not interested in fighting with you." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Why, Xiao Xun in a dignified black robe, afraid? Don't you dare?" Ran Qi sneered.

Obviously, this is nothing more than an inferior radical method.

"Whatever you say." Xiao Yi shrugged, his figure flashed, and Yukong flew away.

Entangling with Ran Qi, a martial idiot, was obviously unwise.

Although he was familiar with Ran Qi's character a long time ago, Xiao Yi didn't care about it, but now he is in a hurry.

Behind him, Ran Qi's face was full of warfare, he was about to catch up with Xiao Yi, but he was taken aback when he saw Xiao Yi's inadvertent shrug.

"Xiao Yi?" Ran Qi was stunned, but the next second, he shook his head again.

"No, no, that guy, who looks more beautiful than a woman, how could he be this ugly black robe."

Ran Qi lost his thoughts, but at this time, Xiao Yi had already disappeared into the distant sky.


Outside Ye Shengfu.

Xiao Yi's figure flashed and appeared out of thin air.

At this moment, Ye Sheng Mansion, within a hundred li, is full of lights and festoons.

In the area of ​​the Eighteenth House, the marriage of the two young palace owners is naturally a great event.

There is an endless stream of guests coming and going.

Among them, in the area of ​​the Eighteen Houses, all forces, large and small, are all present.

In addition, within the Central Territory, all major forces have also come in droves.

As far as Xiao Yi recognized, there were also many Patriarchs and Elders who were above the first-class power.

Even the hegemonic forces like the Northern Yin Sect were led by the Young Sect Master Bei Yindong.

Today, in Ye Sheng Mansion, there are probably more than 80% of the first-rate forces that can be named in the Central Region, and there are not a few famous warriors who can be named.

Ye Shengfu had a great reputation in the Middle Territory, and, besides, it had hardly any evil with any other forces. It was a good friend from all corners of the world.

Xiao Yi went to Ye Sheng Mansion, but before reaching the door, he was stopped by two Ye Family members.

"I don't know this guest, do you have an invitation?" asked the two Ye family members with smiles.

"Invitation? No." Xiao Yi shook his head.

The hoarse voice slightly frightened the two of them.

When the two heard the words, they said politely, "Sorry, if there is no inviter, they can only sit at the banquet outside the house."

This time the young master of Ye Sheng Mansion got married, and Ye Sheng Mansion held a banquet all over the city.

In the big city where Ye Sheng Mansion is located, the whole audience congratulated, and the banquet was held for three days, no matter who was allowed to attend.

However, the only ones who can enter the chairman of Ye Sheng Mansion are those who have invitations.

Ye Shengfu is just that big.

And there are more than hundreds of banquet forces?

How many warriors are here to congratulate?

Naturally, those who can enter the chairman of Ye Sheng Mansion are not waiting for idle forces, and not waiting for idle warriors.

At the very least, they all need to have first-class or higher power.

"This..." At this moment, Xiao Yi hesitated for a while when he heard the words.

Just about to nod.

Not far away, a familiar figure happened to pass by.

Beside the figure, there is an old man.

The figure was Ye Liu, and the old man was obviously the elder of Ye Shengfu.

The elder walked quickly and said politely to Xiao Yi, "This friend, please also enter the main banquet in the palace."

"Thanks." Xiao Yi thanked him, glanced at Ye Liu not far away, smiled faintly, and then walked straight into Ye Sheng Mansion.

After Xiao Yi entered Ye Sheng Mansion.

The two Ye family members looked at the old man questioningly, "Uh, elder, that guy clearly has no invitation..."

The old man ignored the two of them. Instead, he walked to Ye Liu and asked in confusion, "Palace Master, that guy, he obviously didn't have an invitation, why did he let him into the mansion?"

"If there are people who are not inconsistent, I am afraid it will disturb the banquet."

"Not three or four?" Ye Liu shook his head and chuckled, "Idiot, don't you have any eyesight?"

"That guy, if I read it right, it's a black robe, Xiao Xun."

"What? Xiao Xun?" The old man took a deep breath, then walked to the two Ye Family members and gave a fierce look.

"Idiot, you don't even have the eye for this?"

"Then Xiao Xun, the famous killing impermanence and violent character, can you stop and provoke?"

When the two Ye family members heard this, their faces became scared for a while.

Not far away, Ye Liu stood with his hands behind him, looking into the distance, as if waiting for something.

The elder glanced at him and stayed beside Ye Liu.

I don't know how long it has passed, Ye Liu has been standing still, looking into the distance.

Next to him, a figure appeared out of thin air, it was Gu Lianxing.

"Brother Ye, don't wait." Gu Lianxing said with a slight dissatisfaction.

"The wedding should have started half a month ago. You have been procrastinating to wait for Young Master Xiao Yi. Father is already very dissatisfied."

"If Young Master Xiao Yi is really not dead, he will come."

"If he doesn't come..."

Ye Liu interrupted in a deep voice, "I firmly believe that Brother Xiao Yi will never die so easily."

"He must be alive."

"If he can come, he will come; if he is in the future, it proves that he must be troubled and can't come."

"Palace Young Master." The elder beside him frowned, "Today is the day of your great joy. It's not auspicious, it's better not to say."

Ye Liu nodded and looked at Gu Lianxing, "Lianxing, go back and prepare first."

"Yeah." Gu Lianxing nodded, turned and left.


The sky is getting dark.

Outside Ye Shengfu, Ye Liu, who had been waiting, could only sigh, shook his head, and turned away.

In Ye Sheng Mansion, Xiao Yi chose a banquet near the corner and sat casually.

Seeing Ye Liu's complex expression, Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly.

Xiao Yi knew how terrifying his face is now.

This wrecked body full of toxic sores and blood blisters, I am afraid it will scare people.

After all, today is Ye Liu's day of great rejoicing, and he doesn't want to make a little unhappiness because of him, and even give the atmosphere of celebration a little overcast.

So he deliberately sat among the crowd in the corner.

Not long after, banquet tables everywhere, full of wine and food.

Half an hour later, the most important pair of Biren today appeared in front of the guests.

Ye Liu wore new clothes.

Gu Lian Xing is a phoenix crown and hazel, on the clothes, dotted with stars, like Ruoxian falling in the world, extremely beautiful.

The two newcomers are bathed in congratulations from the guests.

Ye Liu, pouring wine in response to everyone, a cup is dropped, and then filled, one cup, another cup.

Waiting for the cup, when facing Ran Qi's direction.

Ran Qi was actually a little absent-minded, as if thinking about something, a trace of worry flashed across his face.

He was still thinking about the inadvertent shrug that he had just arrived today.

In fact, for him as a martial idiot, what he cares more about is Yi Xiao, who has a battle with him.

However, with the tomb of the ancient emperor and his party, he recognized Xiao Yi's friend again.

Especially after escaping from the four elders of Jinghua Shuiyue, Xiao Yi has no news yet.

Suddenly seeing this familiar movement today aroused his thoughts. Naturally, he is still thinking about Xiao Yi now, and he is a little absent-minded and worried.

However, today is a day of celebration after all, so happy.

Ran Qi reacted quickly and raised his glass to Ye Liu, drank it, and smiled, "Brother Ye, congratulations."


Three rounds of wine.

Between the guests, they still push their cups.

In the corner, Xiao Yi, under a large black robe, drank a glass of wine on the table.

After that, put down the wine glass and got up.

Above the middle domain, although news of his Xiao Yi's death was spread throughout.

But obviously, these few of his friends are not willing to believe it.

If a person is alive, if only breathing is used as proof, and no one cares whether he is alive or not, knowing whether he is alive, it is not much different from death.

There are such a group of people, thinking, worrying, and believing, perhaps more important than many things.

Xiao Yi sighed slightly.

He gave the gift of congratulations long ago, and he asked for a drink of the wedding wine.

Now it's time to leave.

Xiao Yi straightened his robe, covering his body and face tighter.

Then he turned around and left.

In the crowd, in the intensive conversation with laughter, Xiao Yi's figure left silently.

The thorny road ahead, waiting for him, may be more unknown and dangerous.

But on the road, he has to go on, non-stop!


Third more.

Update today, over.

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