Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1895: Go to Jinguangdong Mansion

Leaving Ye Shengfu, Xiao Yi flew all the way.

His journey of experience is about to begin again.

First, it was his own path of experience.

Secondly, he wants to fulfill the conditions given by Senior Luo in exchange for the fruit of all kinds of poison.

Xiao Yi didn't plan to go to Ye Sheng to experience it for the time being.

The last time he walked in the area of ​​the Eighteenth Mansion, he hadn't finished the eighteenth danger, and he was halfway through the sky.

Ye Sheng's dangerous place, just happened to be one of the dangerous places that had not been broken.

Xiao Yi is not really sure about these dangerous places.

Therefore, he chose to go to Jinguang first.

After all, Jin Guang had dangerously broken through before, so he had more experience and knew the situation inside, so he had a better grasp.

In addition, the rich golden light in the underground cave mansion where the golden light is dangerous, only at night will it erupt from the 18 holes.

Only then is it safer to go to Jinguangdongfu.

Now, it just happens to be midnight.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed across the sky.

He was originally in a black robe, hidden in the sky at night, hard to distinguish with the naked eye.

Only an hour later, Xiao Yi crossed several areas and came to the golden light.

"Golden light dangerously." Xiao Yi glanced at the huge monster forest in front of him and muttered to himself.

Familiar pictures emerged in my mind.

I still remember that he was expelled from Heiyun to study and teach, and then went to the two halls of Shura and Fengsha to be tested.

After that, the first place of experience was Jinguang dangerous place.

Back then, when he came at this time, he was only a mere Saint King Realm cultivation base.

The huge forest is bright at the moment.

Those golden light floated in the air and high in the sky.

Xiao Yi touched, as before, the palm of his hand passed through the golden light, and he couldn't catch anything.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and a few minutes later, he stopped deep in the danger.

Below, is a huge pothole.

This pothole was the one he accidentally found last time.

Seeing it down at a glance, there is no bottom, and golden light erupts repeatedly.

Back then, he used the power of golden light to break through the four seals of the Eight Dragons Incinerator, and obtained two animal hands and one animal foot.

These beasts and feet are mysterious and powerful.

So far, Xiao Yi has not been able to recognize the body part of the monster beast.

Xiao Yi still remembered that when he went down the road, he was so embarrassed that he escaped dangerously and dangerously.

However, he was only the cultivation base of the Saint King Realm, and he has not even reached the peak of the Saint King Realm.

Relying on the means of adding a starlight to his body, he possesses a strength comparable to the power of martial arts.

Now, he is a real peerless realm.

Strength far exceeds before.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure leaped and jumped directly into this huge bottomless hole.

The figure keeps falling.


Xiao Yi's figure flickered, actively speeding up his descent.

A minute later, Xiao Yi had fallen steadily to the bottom of the hole.

The pothole reached an astonishing depth of 20,000 meters.

The surrounding scenes were also familiar to Xiao Yi, the strange corpses that looked like thousands of swords, all over the ground.

In front, is the golden light hole.

Xiao Yi walked towards the entrance of the cave like a familiar one.

Entering the entrance of the cave, what is greeted inside is a hole in a hole, the golden light is more intense.

In the distance, on the surrounding mountain wall, are 17 other cave openings.

In the middle is the huge Golden Cave Mansion.

The treasure that Senior Luo wanted was in this cave.

Xiao Yi looked directly at the Golden Light Cave Mansion in front of him, his heart stunned.

Blocking in front of this cave mansion were eighteen sharp swords standing there.

The sharp sword is astonishing, and the breath is ancient and inexplicable.

The 18 sharp swords are all top-grade holy artifacts.

Xiao Yi had already tried this last time when he came here, 18 sharp swords, forming a sword formation on their own, extremely powerful.


Xiao Yi's body exploded.

Amazing virulence spilled from the body.

"Huh." Taking a deep breath, all the spirits and spirits reached the peak.

To break into this sword formation, Xiao Yi did not dare to be careless.

At this moment, he is always ready to discover the strongest combat power under his body.

Step on... and start moving.

Step by step, not too fast, slowly approaching.

When he was a dozen steps away from the 18 sharp swords, Xiao Yi's speed abruptly accelerated, and he moved forward at full speed.

Last time, when he reached a distance of 10 meters, these sharp swords reacted.

This time, he wanted to test whether he could take these sharp swords one step faster and enter the cave mansion first, avoiding fierce fighting.

However, his idea obviously fell through.

The instant his speed increased, he jumped over a distance of several meters and stepped into the range of 10 meters; at the same time, a sharp sword sounded loudly.

The speed is reaching the extreme.

It was a hundred times faster than the last time he came.

It seems that it is impossible to directly break through this sword formation with speed.


Xiao Yi shot it out with a palm.

The collision between the palm of the hand and the sharp sword made a crisp scream.

His body of all poisons looks fragile, but in fact it is unpredictable and tougher than gold.

Although he wears gloves on his hands and they are low-grade sacred artifacts, the gloves are more of a cover.

In terms of toughness, this glove might be worse than his venomous palm.


Xiao Yi held the edge of the sword in one hand, and the sharp sword was in his hand, shaking constantly, making continuous clanging sounds.

Sharp sword, want to break free.

But in Xiao Yi's tight grip, he couldn't break free.

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly, and moved on.

Qiang... Just at this moment, the second sharp sword flew quickly.

Xiao Yi had been prepared for a long time, and his palm quickly came out, holding the second sharp sword easily.

Xiao Yi stepped forward.

Qiang...The third sharp sword came through the air, and it hit Xiao Yi's chest.

At this moment, Xiao Yi, holding a sharp sword in each hand, was equivalent to opening the middle door, with no defense in his chest.

Moreover, unlike the two previous sharp swords, the third sharp sword obviously has a sense of'killing intent'.

Xiao Yi reacted extremely quickly and kicked it out.


The third sharp sword was instantly kicked off by Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's footsteps moved forward again.

Qiang...The fourth sharp sword, booming.

The third sharp sword that was kicked off before also flew quickly.

The two sharp swords converge and surround, the sound of breaking through the air, the sharp aura that hits oncoming, even more than before.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly and kicked out again.

On the feet, the peerless poison burst out.

Boom...a loud sound.

The speed of the two sharp swords was more than half offset; but the peerless virulence in Xiao Yi's feet was also on the edge of the sharp sword, which was all crushed.

Shit... Shit...

Two sniffs.

Two sharp swords cut two blood marks on Xiao Yi's feet.

Xiao Yi was in pain, and quickly retracted his legs, retreating again and again.

"No." Xiao Yi frowned.

In order to hold the first and second swords, both hands are equivalent to being tied.

Under these circumstances, he simply couldn't bear the sharp sword attack afterwards.

Xiao Yi looked at the two sharp swords in his hand, his eyes cold, "It can only destroy you."

"Thousand evil hands."

On Xiao Yi's hands, a wave of poisonous evil broke out instantly.

Even if it is as strong as the top-grade holy artifact, it is impossible for him to withstand his evil hand.


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