Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1904: Star Relic

Deep in the sky, far away, a black streamer leaped forward.


A few breaths of the black streamer had fallen, and the momentum of his body disappeared, the black aura disappeared, revealing a large black robe.

It is Xiao Yi.

When he left the golden light, it was dark.

At the moment when I came to the dangerous place of the stars, it was still midnight.

One can imagine how fast he hurried.

"Sky Star Cave Mansion." Xiao Yi muttered to himself, and looked around.

In the night, there was no sign of Tianxing Cave Mansion.

All around, it was just like a forest.

This is within a dangerous place, in the vast forest of monsters, monsters raging.

But nowadays, with Xiao Yi as the center, there is no half monster within ten miles.

Xiao Yi had expected this.

In the past, he had discovered this sign when he encountered cave houses in various dangerous places.

These cave houses were all deep in the ground before they were born.

Such as Jinguangdongfu, 20,000 meters below the ground.

For example, when Xiao Yi left with Gu Lianxing and two of them, he was sunk thousands of meters underground. At that time, the Tianxing cave was still declining.

It is conceivable that the Tianxing Cave Mansion must be located at the very bottom of the earth.

The same is true for other 16 cave houses.

However, regardless of whether the cave was born or not, above the ground, within ten miles of the cave, there would never be signs of half a monster.

For the 18th prefecture, the deep cave area seemed to be a forbidden place.

Xiao Yi shook his head and didn't think about it again.

Today, Tianxing Cave Mansion has not been born.

18 Dongfu was born or exhibited signs, all have conditions, and the conditions are different.

The Golden Light Cave Mansion will only emit golden light when it enters the night. At that time, the power of the Golden Light under the pit is the weakest, and the martial artist is safest to enter.

The Magic Light Cave Mansion will only appear when the moon is full.

Here, Tianxing Cave Mansion needs to be restricted.

Xiao Yi still remembered that when he first entered the Tianxing Cave Mansion, he entered with the martial artists in the Tianxing area and the surrounding areas who practiced the starlight.

At that time, Gu Lianxing made the handprint of the Heavenly Star Mansion, just to make the Heavenly Star Cave Mansion live.

Xiao Yi didn't know the handprint of Tianxing Mansion.

But he also has a way to make the Star Cave Mansion live.


A light flashed in his hand, and a star-shaped phantom bottle appeared out of thin air.

The Star Magic Bottle is exactly one of the eighteen high-grade sacred artifacts in the Tianxing Cave Mansion.

Tianxingzhan was originally connected to Tianxing Cave Mansion.

Slightly impose restrictions and let the two breaths connect.

The virulence in Xiao Yi's body was circulating, and the virulence passed into his hands, and instantly transformed into vitality.

There are methods to transform virulence into vitality in the Poisons Book.

However, the power of transformation is very weak.

These Xu Yuanli is far from enough to fight, but it is enough for the ordinary use of martial artists, to open the universe ring, to touch the prohibition, etc.

Under the touch of the original force, the starlight in the sky star cup violently surged, and the light was brilliant.


The ground immediately began to vibrate violently.

Within a radius of tens of miles, the earth kept shaking.

But for a moment, a cave mansion suddenly appeared, it was the Tianxing cave mansion.

Xiao Yi stepped in.

Just like the layout of other cave houses, inside the cave houses is a wide passage.

The Starlight in Xiao Yi's hand, the power of starlight rushed out, and in a short time, it turned into a long river of starlight flowing around.

A few minutes later, in the wide passage, stars gleamed.

The whole passage is bright.

Ahead, the main mansion suddenly rose.

Inside the main mansion, is the place surrounded by the 17 heavenly stars, with more intense starlight inside.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi stepped in.

The moment I entered, I was already bathed in a shining star.

The last time he came in, he practiced Starlight Together, and his strength surged.

This time, these stars are useless.

His body can't hold these stars at all.

Inside the main mansion, at the center, is a stone altar with 17 heavenly stars surrounding it.

Xiao Yi put down the Sky Star in his hand and just gathered 18 Sky Star in his hand, enclosing the stone altar without any vacancies.

The 18 sacred artifacts arrived, and the main mansion prohibition was shocked.

The more dense starlight gushes from the stone altar.

Xiao Yi frowned and stared, he didn't know what to do next.

The starlight in the main mansion spewed more and more densely.

Here, for the warriors of Starlight, it is simply more precious than the treasure.

At the same time, there is no danger here, and Xiao Yi doesn't know what he has to face.

"Is it possible to break this stone altar restriction?" Xiao Yi frowned.

This stone altar is obviously connected with the 18 stars of the sky, forming a restriction to each other.

Therefore, when the 18 stars of the sky are all present, the restriction on the stone altar will be triggered, and the stars will gush out.


"I can only give it a try." Xiao Yi frowned, and the sacred plate of heaven in his hand appeared out of thin air.

Above this stone altar, to be more precise, there is a large array.

Countless years ago, one of the most outstanding palace masters in the history of the Star Mansion came here to break the formation forcibly and took away a star.

It ended up falling within a few days.

What will appear here?

Xiao Yi frowned, feeling cruel, and still began to break the formation.

Xiao Yi stared at the forbidden trajectory above the stone altar and the operation of the formation.

The palm of the hand, at the same time, began to walk on the sacred disk of heaven, simulation.

The sacred plate of heavenly secrets is worthy of being the treasure of the formation. It can break the effect of the formation and can be called the sky-defying.

Coupled with Xiao Yi's own decent formation skills, only half an hour, the formation can be broken, and he has already found it.

"Here." Xiao Yi glanced at the simulated stone altar formation on the sacred plate of the heavenly secret, and then stared at a corner of the stone altar.

"Broken." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice and patted it with a palm.

This corner is just a very inconspicuous and tiny corner on the huge stone altar.

But Xiao Yi's palm was taken with all his strength, but all the palm strength was gathered in the palm.

The palm steadily patted the corner of the stone altar.

Wan Du's subordinates are extremely poisonous.

Obviously, above the stone altar, from that corner, the breath began to weaken.

The circulation of formations began to gradually collapse.

Half an hour later, the stone altar shattered and scattered all over the place.

With Xiao Yi's current strength, coupled with the full shooting by Wan Poison, it took half an hour to destroy the stone altar.

It is conceivable that the stone altar is strong and the bans inside.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Yi to find a breakable point of formation, I'm afraid that even if the legend of the leisure came, he would never think about this stone altar ban.

At this time, the stone altar was shattered, and a grain of inner pill floated in the dust of the stone pile.

"Star Relic." Xiao Yi's face was happy.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi glanced a few times, frowning again.

Above the star relic, the same strands of black air surround it, which is extremely shocking.

This time, Xiao Yi didn't have any fear, but was somewhat delighted.

After grabbing the Sky Star Relic with one hand, the Bingluan Sword in his body was instantly touched.

He couldn't do anything about the power of these evil ways, but for Bingluan Sword, it was just a piece of power.

The power of these evil ways happened to help him repair the Bingluan Sword again.

After a long while, above the star relic, the black energy dissipated, and the power of the evil way was no longer there.


At this moment, the stars burst away in the cave.

From outside the cave, extending to the depths of the earth, countless stars surging up.

Xiao Yi sensed the release and nodded.

Outside the cave, a starlight storm has already invaded.

A starlight storm poured in from outside the cave, gradually turning into a starry dragon.

If anyone stares outside the cave house nowadays, they will definitely see that a huge starlight wandering dragon is rushing violently, with terrifying power.

Within the cave house.

The starlight wandered through the dragon, and directly swallowed the star relic in Xiao Yi's hand.

It is not a mad dragon eating people, but it is like a mad dragon returning home.

It took a full half an hour before the starlight wandering dragon dissipated.

And the star relic in Xiao Yi's hand is already more shining, and within the round inner alchemy, it seems to set off a curtain of starry sky, gorgeous and exceptionally beautiful.


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