Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1905: Four must not

Xiao Yi glanced at the star relic in his hand and smiled faintly.

In the next second, he put away the star relic, regained another star, and walked away.


The moment Tian Xingzhan was taken back, the cave sank suddenly.

After Xiao Yi left the cave, he was already within a kilometer underground.

But this time, there was no starlight storm.

All the starlight has been absorbed by the star relics.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure flashed before returning to the ground.

The entire Tianxing Cave Mansion has disappeared without a trace.

Just like in Jinguangdongfu, although the golden relic was taken away, 18 sharp swords and Dongfu ban still exist.

The same is true in Tianxing Cave Mansion, the 17 Tianxing Zhanzhan are still in the cave mansion.

The Dongfu prohibition still exists, and now it is sinking into the ground again.

Xiao Yi did not know the reason.

But this is not something he is considering now.

After all, these cave houses have existed for too long for a few months. For nearly tens of millions of years, he cannot know the secrets in them.

Today, he has received the golden relic and the star relic.

Where the soul power source is, he can go back and take it off when the next moon is full.

In other words, he has won the third of the 18 cave mansion treasures.

Calculating the time, it has only been about one day since he left the magical place.

Count it up like this, plus the time to hurry and wait.

If the journey goes smoothly, after half a month, or even one month, he will be able to obtain the 18th mansion treasures and return to the main hall of the Black Demon Temple to exchange the poisonous fruits.

A look of expectation flashed in Xiao Yi's eyes.

The figure flashed, Yukong flew away.

In the next mansion, Xiao Yi chose Blood Light Mansion.

Of course, the closest place to the starry sky here is not the **** place.

The blood was dangerous, but it was separated by more than a dozen regions.

However, Xiao Yi had been there before, and he was more experienced.

Anyway, at his current speed, he didn't care about traveling a few more places.


After half an hour.

A black streamer descended within the **** light.

It is Xiao Yi.

About the Eighteenth Mansion’s dangerous situation, in fact, he had already checked the files in the Demon Hunting Hall and the Main Hall of Fengsha Hall a long time ago.

Those 18 caves weren't that no one had broken through before.

But so far, no one has succeeded, and no one knows the secret inside.

Take Jinguangdongfu as an example, the shattered corpses under the pit are the warriors who once tried to enter the Jinguangdongfu.

In the dossier of the main hall of Fengsha Temple, there is also a semi-detailed and semi-fuzzy introduction in the records of the Eighteen Caves.

Among them, the one that impressed Xiao Yi the most was the four must-dos.

Unbreakable, unbreakable, unbreakable, unacceptable.

Eighteen houses are divided into six stars, six lights, five days, and one holy.

The 18 cave houses within the 18 dangerous places are also named after their houses.

Among the six stars, Overlord Star Mansion, Seven Star Mansion, Shaking Star Mansion, Medicine Star Mansion, Heaven Star Mansion, Arrow Star Mansion are unbreakable.

The Six Lights, Shuiguang Mansion, Jinguang Mansion, Leiguang Mansion, Jianguang Mansion, Blood Light Mansion, and Magic Light Mansion, were unable to break through.

The remaining five days are not going to pass.

The only saint, Ye Shengdongfu, cannot be taken.

The exact meaning is not stated in the dossier, but Xiao Yi can guess it.

The inability to break in the six lights means that you can't break easily. If you break in, you will die in nine deaths.

Such as the Golden Light Cave Mansion, if you enter and break into it, and fail to leave before nightfall, you will be plunged into a golden storm, which is unpredictable.

The unbreakable in the six-star should refer to the formation, there is almost no way to break it.

This is nothing.

The rest can't be passed or taken, Xiao Yi doesn't know for the time being.

But perhaps, the records in this file may not be accurate.

For example, Jinguang Cave Mansion is indeed dangerous.

But here in Magic Light Cave and Blood Light Cave, Xiao Yi has never seen any danger.

Xiao Yi thought about it, and started to go dangerously deep into the blood.

The Blood Light Cave Mansion is one of the six lights.

It can be **** dangerous, and it is known as one of the safest dangerous places.

This is obviously contradictory.

Xiao Yi went straight all the way, but for a moment, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned.

In his perception, in the distance, there are obviously a dozen auras secretly present.

Moreover, the feeling given to him in these breaths was very uncomfortable, even with a sense of disgust.

"Xie Xiu." Xiao Yi instantly judged the identity of the aura hidden in the dark ahead.


Xiao Yi turned into a black phantom and instantly disappeared in place.

He wants to move forward, even if he walks under these evil cultivators' eyelids, these evil cultivators can't find him.


After Xiao Yi walked a hundred meters, his footsteps fell silently on the trunk of a big tree.

Next to him, less than one meter away, there was an evil repairer hiding here, watching in secret.

Xiao Yi frowned.

Obviously, these evil cultivators are just watching the wind and watching.

But what are these evil cultivators doing so dangerously?

Xiao Yi ignored it for the time being, and his figure flashed and moved on.

Next to him, Xie Xiu, who was less than a meter away, didn't even realize that a phantom flashed past.

A few minutes later.

Xiao Yi came deep into the dangerous place.

The Blood Light Cave Mansion suddenly appeared in front of him.

It stands to reason that if these cave houses were not born, they would all be deep underground.

The last time he came to Xueguang dangerously, Xiao Yi did not see the birth of Xueguang Cave Mansion.

Because the Young Palace Master of Eight Houses had already practiced in the caves.

Today, the birth of Blood Light Cave Mansion proves that someone has touched the Dong Mansion prohibition.

At this time, there are other warriors in the cave.

Xiao Yi frowned, and several evil cultivators guarded him at the entrance of the cave mansion in front of him.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure flashed.

At the entrance of the cave mansion, these evil cultivations were obviously much stronger than the evil cultivations guarded in the forest before.

The four of them are all at the peak of the Saint Emperor Realm.

"Who?" The eyes of the four evil repairers were cold.

A black phantom flashed past their eyes.

Before they can react, bang... bang...

There were four slight pops in a row.

Four costumes fell to the ground.

Within the costume, the four evil repairs have no bones left.

The four evil cultivators died instantly under the hands of ten thousand poisons.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, and he ignored the four corpses.

Xiao Yi has always been merciless about evil repairs.

Entering the cave house and seeing the eyes, one by one is evil cultivation.

Look at the number, not in the tens.

Among them, the first one has a surging aura, at least 9993 above peerless.

In other words, this is an evil repair method.

And this group of evil cultivators surrounded the huge blood group in front of them.

A round blood-colored inner pill is being blocked by evil forces.

Look more realistically, under the **** inner alchemy, a large array is circulating.

Within the big formation, evil spirits emerged and erupted, which was astonishing.

"Huh? Who?"

Xiao Yi's entry naturally attracted the attention of Xie Xiu inside.

Xiao Yi rolled up his sleeves and slowly stretched out a pair of white gloves from the large black robe.

"Black Robe, Xiao Xun?" The evil repairing technique took a look, and then narrowed his eyes, with awe-inspiring killing intent in his hideous eyes.

"Take him for me and kill him on the spot."

"Yes." Dozens of evil repairs immediately shot.


Second more.

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