Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1953: Sacred Heart Temple

Far away, somewhere ancient.

Inside a quaint room.

A woman stared coldly at the woman in front of her.

The woman, with a stunning face, was full of anger, determination, and determination.

The atmosphere is silent and quiet.

Neither of them spoke, so they looked at each other like this.

Gradually, this silence, this silence, was terribly quiet.

This is the first time that a woman has been so decisive, with such an angry gaze, looking at the master who she has always respected in front of her.

For a long while.

The woman broke the silence first.

"Yiyi, you have always been well-behaved, and you have always known what it means to respect the teacher and the way, and you never go against the will of your old body."

"But when you only talk about things related to that kid, you always make the old man angry."


While talking, the woman pretended to cough.

However, this time, the woman remained unmoved, her eyes still firm.

"In Yiyi's heart, the master and master are equally important."

"You..." The woman's face was already full of anger.

The woman's tone gradually became cold, even with irresistible dominance and majesty.

"Yiyi, this time, I can't help you."

"After March, all the hidden powers will gather in my Holy Moon Sect."

"With this grand occasion, the old man will personally hold the ceremony for you to take over as the young master."

"At that time, it will also be your wedding day with the person in Beiyin Palace."

The woman, listening to the woman's overbearing and irresistible words, her face was angry, and she gradually put it away.

Instead, there was a stronger determination.

"Can't you help me?"

"If the master wants to be strong, Yiyi can't resist."

"But, on the day of the event, the one who takes over as the young master and the so-called marriage will only be a corpse."

"Are you threatening to become a teacher?" The woman was first angry when she heard the words, and then sneered.

"Yes, if my Saint Moon Sect's saint becomes a corpse."

"I don't mind letting the entire Xiao family, and that little rubbish, become a corpse."

"Master, you..." The woman's face changed drastically.

At this moment, the kind smile of the master she had respected in the past turned into extremely cold, which made people feel palpitation and chilling.

The woman still sneered.

"I heard that Xiao Yi's little trash has just gained some reputation in Zhongyu."

"Now, it's going to fall."

"It's a pity, what a pity."

Woman, Yin and cold smiled.

Even if she knew that the so-called ‘little trash’ had already ‘fallen’ in the hands of the four elders of Jinghuashuiyue.

But she can still use this as a trump card for the woman in front of her to resist.

"Master..." The woman gritted her teeth.

On the beautiful and pleasant face, there are extremely complex expressions.

anger? Scared? Resolutely? sorrow?

No, it's not clear, and it's not clear.

The contradiction and conflict that she wanted to resist desperately, but the most important heartstring in her heart was held in her hands, made her extremely complicated.

This kind of complexity comes from her most important thing, or... her mind.

Perhaps she will collapse.

However, before the collapse, the woman obviously handled everything very well and slowed down her tone in time.

"Yiyi, I know you can't forget that waste."

"But, I can't let you wait for him all the time, it's unfair to you, and being a teacher is even less willing to let you bear these unfairness."

"You are the Saintess of the Holy Moon Sect, and he is just a small person in a small family in the Eastern Region."

"It's unfair that he doesn't match you, and it's unfair that he doesn't match the saint of my Holy Moon Sect."

"You should know that as a teacher, I gave him a chance."

The woman, said ‘speaking earnestly’.

Like a ‘kind’ elder.

"Listening to Cang Yue, that kid has made a three-year agreement."

"Now, the three-year agreement is only three months away."

"Old man, just for you, give him another chance."

"Within three months, if he really comes here, then your marriage to Beiyin Palace, just give up as a teacher."

"But if he doesn't come, he has already lost you in his heart."

"It's useless to read him."

The woman's determined face finally loosened.

The complicated expression gradually disappeared.

"Thank you, Master." The woman said with joy, "My son, he will definitely come."

"Then let's take a gamble." The woman smiled indifferently.

"The wedding will go ahead with the event as scheduled."

"Whether that kid really has you in his heart and whether he is really worth waiting for, all depends on the hidden events after March."

"If he really doesn't have the ability, he really doesn't have you, he's just a widowed, eloquent person."

"After those three months, you will get married with the Beiyin Palace in peace of mind."

After that, the woman turned around and left.

However, the moment she turned around, the suppressed anger and coldness on her face, which could no longer be suppressed, were all written on her face.


The woman had just walked on her front feet.

A woman about 23 and 4, and an elderly man, after bowing to the woman outside the door, slowly entered.

The woman, dressed in a purple dress, walks simply and neatly, with a heroic appearance.

However, on the side of the sleeves, two soft and small purple flocks, like the decorations of the little daughter's house, prove that she also has a tender side.

Although that Bai Ze's face is not stunning, it is also an alluring posture, and with that touch of heroism, it makes it extremely attractive.

The purple-clothed woman looked around and laughed as she walked.

Finally walked to Yiyi's side.

"Tsk tut, sister Yiyi, where are you a room."

"There is a dazzling array of things that are rare and rare in the world. It is a palace at all."

The old man on the side chuckled, "Here is the Sacred Heart Hall. In our Holy Moon Sect, it is the first hall besides the Holy Moon Hall of the Saint King. It is..."

The purple-clothed woman glared at the old man and said displeased, "Elder Kuyue, our two daughters are chatting at home, and you are still standing here, don't you think it is very inconvenient?"

Hearing this, the old man nodded slightly and took a few steps away.

Yiyi looked at the woman in front of him, suppressed the complex color on her face, barely squeezed out a smile, and said, "Sister Dongfang, how can I have time to visit me today?"

"This Sacred Heart Temple, to me, is not much better than an ordinary couch room."

"It's just sitting in meditation every day, practicing hard every day, every day..."

Yiyi's words stopped abruptly.

"I miss you every day, don't you?" The purple-clothed woman said softly.

Yiyi heard the words and said nothing.

The purple-clothed woman whispered, "When I came, I saw Shengjun's face full of anger."

"I know that Shengjun must talk to you about the marriage with Beiyin Palace. Of course, I also know that sister Yiyi, you obviously refused."

"However, the holy monarch is to you, the teacher is also the mother, the order of the teacher, and the order of the parents, you all refused, do you know what the consequences are?"

Yiyi heard this, her face suddenly cold, "If Dongfang sister is here to be a lobbyist, then please go back."


First more.

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