Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1954: Willing to wait

The woman in purple shook her head.

"Just tell the truth."

"Holy King treats you really well, even beyond everyone's imagination."

"In my impression, Shengjun and her elders have always been majestic, no matter who they are facing, they are all pretentious, of course, no one dared to be presumptuous in front of Shengjun."

"Sister Yiyi, how about you?"

"I have never seen the saint king have a half tolerance, only to you."

"On weekdays, the holy monarch can be said to go well with you; even if you repeatedly disobey, the holy monarch is reluctant to punish you even the slightest."

"On the contrary, it is all kinds of precious things. All things in this world, as long as you need them, the holy monarch will not answer, and will try to get them for you."

The purple-clothed woman said seriously.

"Shengjun treats you well, almost beyond everyone's imagination."

The purple-clothed woman paused and said softly, "I'm not here to be a lobbyist."

"Sister Yiyi should know who I am."

"I just want to say, if, the man that sister Yiyi has been reading about, maybe, is not what you think."

"Or maybe he...isn't it worth your wait?"

Yiyi was silent for a moment.

The purple-clothed woman stared at her silently.

After a long while, Yiyi grinned at the corner of his mouth, only spit out two words seriously, "worth it".

Did not explain anything, did not say much.

Only these two words are enough.

The woman in purple was obviously a little surprised by this answer.

After hesitating, he asked, "Why? Sister Yiyi, can you tell me the reason?"

The woman in purple even frowned.

"As far as I know..." The purple-clothed woman paused, as if made up her mind, and said solemnly, "Sister Yiyi, with all due respect."

"As far as I know, you were just a maid in that small family."

"The young master dude, who is the one you are reading, treats you very badly, even beats and scolds at every turn, does not have warm clothes, and can't eat enough."

"Compared with the life in the Holy Moon Sect, it's like a big difference."

"According to my understanding, the life of sister Yiyi back then was like purgatory, you should even hate it and hate it."

"If it weren't for me to go to the Eastern Region, I'm afraid I would have slaughtered this family for sister Yiyi."

The purple-clothed woman gradually became angry, but she still suppressed her anger and said in a deep voice.

"I really don't know, Sister Yiyi, what do you want him to do?"

"It's even more for him, repeatedly violating the holy monarch."

"He?" Yiyi smiled.

Talking about the man she was reading, Yiyi finally smiled.

"Love at first sight, is this reason enough?"

The four words love at first sight are actually a bit vulgar.

Even, these four words were impossible to say from her such heavenly arrogant woman in the past.

But today, I don't know if it was the woman's persecution, or her three-year agreement getting closer, she missed it more and more... and she did not hesitate to say it.

"This..." The purple-clothed woman trembled when she heard the words.

Yiyi's smile still hung on his face, as if he was thinking of something, slowly, smiling, and narrating.

"If it weren't for the owner of the family to bring me back to Xiao's house, I would have starved to death long ago."

"The young son was so cute and lovely; in the family, everyone treats him with fear of turning it in his mouth and holding it in the palm of his hand."

"I am extremely happy to be his maid."

"At that time, almost all the girls in the family liked to play around him."

"Only I can be with you day and night."

"After growing up, the son became more delicate and beautiful. At that time, whether it was Xiao Shuyue, the proud daughter of the first day in the family, or the daughter of the Murong family, who was also one of the three families, they all loved him. plus."

The purple-clothed woman heard this and interrupted, "That man, really is so handsome and suave?"

"Yeah." Yiyi nodded without hesitation, "It looks better than anyone else."

The purple-clothed woman gave a wry smile, "Could it be that sister Yiyi, who has coveted people's beauty a long time ago, so she fell in love at first sight?"

"Forget it." Today's Yiyi poured out his thoughts without hesitation.

"Later, the Patriarch left."

"The son, it coincides with the awakening of the waste martial arts soul, which is regarded as a waste of cultivation."

"The status of the family has plummeted; within the family, everyone treats him, all the same."

"Everyone deceives him, the son's character has changed drastically."

"It was also from that time that the son often beat and scolded me."

"But I think anyone who encounters such a change will not be able to bear it."

"Besides, I'm just a maid, so I don't blame him."

"Damn." The purple-clothed woman's eyes were cold, "Such a man, no matter how good-looking he looks, is just a waste, what's the point?"

"Such a person is also worthy of sister Yiyi. You fell in love with him at first sight?"

Yiyi shook his head, "It didn't count then."

"When?" the purple-clothed woman asked.

Yiyi smiled, "Once, the son was assassinated by a killer named Yang Fu."

"At that time, I was hit by a dagger and my life was dying."

"It was also at that time, I saw the son for the first time, furious, and killed Yang Fu, the famous assassin in Ziyun City."

"The son at that time was more beautiful than ever before."

"The son at that time couldn't think of a way to save me, he was crazy."

Yiyi said lightly, but the smile on his face became stronger.

"I knew at that time that the young man always had me in his heart; the past anger was definitely not what he wanted.

"Is that the love at first sight since then?" the purple-clothed woman asked.

Yiyi smiled, "I don't know if it is."

"But at that time, I suddenly wanted to be a maid for the son for a lifetime."

"Sister Yiyi, you are so stupid." The purple-clothed woman chuckled.

"No one would be willing to be a maid for a lifetime."

Yiyi smiled and said nothing.

She didn't know how to describe that feeling, but every time she thought of it, she was always inexplicably happy.

Her thoughts might be ridiculous.

But that was her most true thought when she was in the cardamom age when she looked at the person she was reading.

"But." The purple-clothed woman frowned slightly.

"From what sister Yiyi said, the relationship between you and that person shouldn't be too deep."

"I still vaguely remember that when I was only 13 years old, I met Sister Yiyi in the Holy Moon Sect."

"Counting it, it has been ten years since now."

"I'm afraid, the relationship between that person and you may not be as good as the friendship between you and me."

"If... if so." The purple-clothed woman paused and said, "If it is that person, you will always be you, but a maid."

"A dispensable maid."

"He won't come to find you at all."

"Goddess has dreams, heroes have no intentions, what should we do?"

Yiyi shook his head lightly, "It doesn't matter."

"A few years ago, I didn't know that the son would come to find me, I still waited."

"More than two years ago, Deacon Cang Yue told me that the son was looking for me, and I'm still waiting."

"In the future, it will remain the same."

"Even if I'm just a maid, even if the son never thought of looking for me, but I..."

"Willing to wait."


Second more.

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