Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2135: Elder of the Holy Moon Sect


When the words of Heaven Splitting Sword Fairy fell, she took the lead and stepped out with a sword.

Xiao Yi glanced at Yiyi, then at both Lei Ling, "Lei Ling, protect Yiyi."

After all, Xiao Yi also came out with a sword.

With two Lei Lings, one on the left and the other on the right, the huge body tightly guarded the Yiyi behind Xiao Yi.

Although Xiao Yi stepped out with the sword, he always kept a few steps away from Yiyi.


The purple lightning glowing with scarlet light shook back a titled elder who was blocking the road ahead.


The snow-white sword, when the sword is out, the cold wind blows, which is even more amazing.

Two people and two swords, walking all the way, like a sweep.

"Holy woman, do you have to be stubborn?" Elder Mingyue, who had not done anything, finally showed anger.

Wow... Wow... Wow...

On the hands of Elder Mingyue, the power of martial arts suddenly violent.

Elder Mingyue, has never made a move before.

But his strength almost surpassed all the Holy Moon Sect title elders present.

"Go away." Sky Splitting Sword Fairy took the lead to confront Elder Mingyue.

The sword in the hand, a sword fell.


A severe wind and snow shook the elder Mingyue back.

At the same time, from the side, an old man struck fiercely with his claws.

It is the old Patriarch of Baili.

Bailijia is the top ranked family among the 100 hidden families.

The old Patriarch of Baili was even the latter among the hidden Patriarchs.

The power of the shot is not weaker than the elder Mingyue, but it is slightly better.

"You too." Sword Fairy's kendo strength is by no means general.

The elder Mingyue had just slashed away, and now he was able to retract the sword instantly, a snow-white sword light winding from the front to the side, it was able to block the claws of the old Patriarch Baili.

"Buckle." The old Patriarch Baili yelled, his claws were like eagle claws, and the sword was instantly buckled.

With the palm of his flesh alone, he could buckle a sharp sword.

Sure enough, the hidden family has unpredictable methods, and there are many methods.

"Huh?" Sky Splitting Sword Fairy frowned.


At the same time, a figure appeared strangely in the air.

It is the fourth elder of Beiyin Palace.

The strange body of the fourth elder of Beiyin Palace slapped suddenly.

That sword, originally held by Baili Patriarch, was suddenly shot with all his strength.

Heaven Splitting Sword Fairy only felt a pain in the palm of her hand, and the sword in her hand was actually released.

The fourth elder of Beiyin Palace grabbed backhand and took the sharp sword.

"Humph." The fourth elder of Beiyin Palace saw this and sneered, "Little girl, if you don't have the sword in your hand, what will your cultivation base be in front of the old man?"

"Take your life?"

Aside, Xiao Yi glanced, first surprised, then sneered.

To seize the sword in the hands of a sword repairer?

If they are both sword repairers, that's all, a warrior with another one, dare to seize the sword so proudly?


Sky Splitting Sword Fairy sneered and moved her fingertips lightly.

On that white sword, countless strange snowflakes condensed.

"Huh?" The fourth elder of Beiyin Palace hadn't reacted yet, holding the sword's hand, it was instantly frozen.

The sword leaped back.

Sky Splitting Sword Fairy snatched it, and then cut it down with a sword.

"Not good." The face of the fourth elder of Beiyin Palace changed drastically.

"Be careful." The old Patriarch of the Baili Family came with claws.


The old Patriarch of the Baili Family was directly shocked by a sword and retreated a hundred steps.

The four elders of Beiyin Palace retreated with fear after a while.

If the old Patriarch of the Baili family hadn't blocked this sword for him just now, I'm afraid his hands would have been cut off now.

Elder Mingyue, Elder Haiyue, Patriarch of Baili Family, Fourth Elder of Beiyin Palace and other strong players present were all dealt with by Heaven Splitting Sword Fairy.

As for the weaker title elders that Xiao Yi had fought before, Xiao Yi still dealt with it.

Two people and two swords, almost like a broken bamboo, no one can stop.

"Boy." Sky Splitting Sword Fairy wielded the sword while frowning, "Your breath is getting weaker."

"It is definitely not a good thing for you to use your own essence and blood to use this blood sword."

"If you continue like this, even if you don't run out of blood and die, you will still cause hidden injuries to yourself that you can hardly recover in the future."

"You stop, leave the next battle to me..."

Xiao Yi shook his head and interrupted, "Senior Jian Ji alone will be under great pressure. Let's join hands."

There are countless strong people around.

Now that the two of them joined forces to fight their swords, it was nothing more than enough to kill them.

If Xiao Yi stopped and only relying on the Heavenly Cracking Sword Fairy alone, the pressure would be great, and even a little carelessness would result in injuries, which would be even more troublesome.

"Kill out first, as long as I get out of this space, I have a way for the three of us to escape safely."

"Okay." Sky Splitting Sword Fairy nodded.

The two were fighting while walking, moving forward at an extremely fast speed.

Going down at this speed, within a few minutes, they will be able to break out of the encirclement and leave this space directly.

After that, Xiao Yi had his own way.

He dares to come and has his own back.

It's just that he wasn't sure if this second hand could be used.

To be precise, he was not sure if he could leave the Holy Moon Sect before.

But now, with the help of Senior Sword Ji, watching the current battle situation, it is only a matter of time to leave.

Of course, his body is getting weaker now.


Boom... In the air, a stream of water appeared out of thin air, appearing without warning.

The current, with a terrifying impact, hit Xiao Yi's back heavily.

"Puff." Xiao Yi's already weak body spurted out a mouthful of blood, staggering and almost falling.

"Little Xiao Yi." The Sword Fairy of Cracking Sky was startled, and quickly swept through with a sword, protecting Xiao Yi's surroundings.

But, and because of this, at this moment, she has become the Sky Splitting Sword Fairy, one person and one sword, with all enemies.

And as a result, the pressure of Sky Splitting Sword Fairy increased greatly.


In the air, that violent and weird current broke through the air again, and this time, the earthquake hit the back of the Sky Cracker.

"Puff." Sky Cracking Sword Fairy spouted out blood.

In the same way, the figure staggered, but she was not injured, so she was able to react immediately, swinging the sword and fighting again.

"Smelly girl, go to hell."

Around, a strong man, a pair of fierce palms, and a terrifying attack, came all over the sky.

Sky Splitting Sword Fairy swept across with one sword, and the wind and snow raged out.

But how could she be able to block all Bafang's enemies.

She was already under increased pressure, but now she wants to protect Xiao Yi again, she is a hundred secrets.

With one sword, almost all attacks were blocked.

However, the flaw was breathed, and a pair of iron claws suddenly grabbed it.

Baili Patriarch has rich experience in combat, and he caught the flaw in an instant.


A pair of iron claws, heavy claws on the arms of the Sky Cracking Sword Ji.

Originally, this record should be caught at the throat of the Sky Cracking Sword Fairy, but the Sky Cracking Sword Fairy was able to avoid it, so the claws were on the arm.

Suddenly, several hideous blood stains were drawn on the arm.

"Hiss." Sky Splitting Sword Fairy took a deep breath, but also reacted extremely quickly, slashing with a backhand sword.

"Uh." Xiao Yi stood up with a sword.

With this extremely weak body, not only his reaction speed, but also the burst of vitality was also slowed down.

Of course, it was Xiao Yi.

If you change someone else, under such an injury, under such a weakness with a lot of blood loss, let alone continue fighting, I am afraid it will be a problem whether you can stand up.

Xiao Yi stepped out again with a sword, and his cold eyes were already narrowed.

The current battle situation is indeed bad and extremely troublesome.

It was just a few breaths from the moment he staggered to the sword re-launch.

But just for a few breaths, Senior Jian Ji was injured to protect him.

Today, there is no doubt that it is a fierce battle.

From the fierce battle between the two of them and almost all the top combat power in the hidden world.

A little carelessness, a flaw, it is very likely that the two of them will be broken and there is no chance of survival.

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth.

Whether it was the few bloodstains on the arms of Heaven Splitting Sword Fairy that were almost visible on bones, or the clothes on her back that had been stained red with blood, Xiao Yi's eyes were stung.

He wrote down all these people today.

Today, if he does not die, this account will be discussed thoroughly in the future.

"Almost able to get out of the encirclement." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth, waving the purple electricity in his hand, and the four forms of the blood world displayed vividly.

But at this time.

On the seat of the Eight Palaces.

Senior Luo nodded fiercely.

In the distance, a cold smile crossed the corner of the woman's mouth, and then she shouted, "Broken."


The momentum of the woman was overwhelming.

Boom...a loud sound.

The aura of the two parties that had been facing each other in the high air collapsed instantly.

The reason for the collapse was that the aura of the two masters of the Asura Palace had been directly crushed.

"Not good." The complexion of the two masters of the main hall of Shura changed.

In the distance, the woman gave a cold voice, "Elder, don't you want to take action?"

Whoosh... In the air, an old figure appeared out of thin air, and then disappeared out of thin air.

But when the figure appeared again, it was already in front of Xiao Yi's trio.


Take a picture.

"Get off." Sky Splitting Sword Ji slashed out with a violent shout.


The moment the palm and the sword collided, the palm of the hand was not damaged at all, and the snow-white sword, although it was equally intact, was shocked.

It was the Great Elder of the Holy Moon Sect who hadn't appeared before and hadn't made the move.

"You can stop." The Great Elder of the Holy Moon Sect, spit out five cold characters.


Second more.

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