Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2136: Fall together

"Great Elder."

Behind Xiao Yi, Yiyi looked at that old face and wanted to say something.

The elder Shengyuezong shook his head, "Holy girl, I know what you want to say."

"If possible, I would rather you laugh more and be happier today."

"It's just that the holy king's order cannot be violated."

"Just stop here, don't force the old man to kill." The elder's gaze turned to Xiao Yi.


The moment the great elder's voice fell, a terrifying aura like the might of heaven and earth was instantly suppressed.

"So strong." Xiao Yi was shocked.

In terms of breath alone, this person is definitely not much weaker than the woman.

This kind of strong blocking the road almost means that no one can pass.

A single man is better than all the top powers around him.

In the distance, the woman frowned, "Who asked you to save his life? Killed on the spot."

The woman's tone was full of coldness and killing intent.

The great elder frowned upon hearing this, but also nodded.

The old palm lifted up.

"Want to kill my hope of Sky Splitting Sword Sect? Ask the sword in my hand first." Sky Splitting Sword Ji's eyes were cold, and she wanted to come out with sword.

However, her sword had just scored a few points, and she had already scored nothing.

"Little girl, in the face of the absolute strength gap, your Ice Saint Sabre can't do much." The elder said indifferently.

"The old man is loyal to the Holy Moon Sect. The order of the Holy King cannot be violated."

"If you stop the old man, you will die."

In the eyes of the great elder, killing intent was revealed.

That old palm has already been shot towards the Heaven Splitting Sword Fairy.

However, the palm of his hand was worth a few minutes in front of the Sky Splitting Sword Princess and suddenly stopped.

"Huh?" The Great Elder frowned and looked at Xiao Yi who was behind Heaven Splitting Sword Ji.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's eyes were as cold as frost.

The cold, for some reason, made the great elder shudder suddenly.

Because of this, his palm suddenly stopped.

Xiao Yi said coldly, "If she dies, I want you to bury the entire Holy Moon Sect, do you believe it or not?"

The great elder trembled slightly after hearing this.

Although in his opinion, the threats made by such a brat is just a joke.

But his instinct told him that if he really dared to take this palm, the stunning woman in front of him would really die, and it would be the anger of the world and the utter disaster that would meet him.

A warrior of his level, his intuition is extremely accurate.

After all, his hand was not photographed, but withdrawn.

"She doesn't die, then you die." The Great Elder took a few steps forward and came to Xiao Yi.

"Do you dare?" Sky Cracking Sword Fairy roared, but under the pressure of this terrifying world, she couldn't move.

The Great Elder didn't look at Heaven Splitting Sword Fairy again, only looked at Xiao Yi, and said indifferently, "The old man will give you ten breaths of time and leave his last words."

"This is the only place where the old man can give you extra favor."

Xiao Yi didn't say a word, only holding Yiyi's pale hand that was already cold, and slowly walked towards the Heaven Splitting Sword Fairy.

The great elder did not imprison his body, nor did he imprison Yiyi.

"Senior Jian Ji." Xiao Yi came to the side of Heaven Splitting Jian Ji, chuckled and saluted.

"Thank you for today's matter, and thank you for the past."

"If you have to say a last word, the boy pleaded with Senior Jian Ji."

"Boy, you..." Sky Splitting Sword Fairy frowned tightly. She could clearly see the smile on Xiao Yi's face, which seemed to chuckle, but in fact, it was full of determination.

"There are only two people who can't let go of this kid in this life." Xiao Yi interrupted with a chuckle.

"One is my maid, and the other is the Jedi cliff in the Extreme Ice Land. There is a cave on the mountain wall and the old man sleeping in the cave."

"Tian Xing boy?" Sky Splitting Sword Fairy frowned even more tightly.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

"If possible, ask Senior Jian Ji to help me wake up."

"You..." Sky Splitting Sword Fairy, with an ugly expression trying to say something.

In the ear, there was a sound transmission suddenly.

"After three breaths, take my maid away."

"As far as you can run, I promise no one can stop you, no one can catch up with you."

Xiao Yi's eyes dignifiedly transmitted a voice, with a pleading color in his eyes.

This is the first time in his life that he has shown a ‘begging’ gaze.

Sky Splitting Sword Fairy was taken aback, and nodded subconsciously.

At this moment, the elder said solemnly, "Ten breaths have passed, and the last words will end here."

The moment the voice fell, the old palm of the great elder suddenly hit Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold. Apart from killing accidents, his eyes were more crazy, decisive, and unwilling.

He is ready, and this fate is here today.

But... boom...

A figure broke through the air.

Its terrifying speed, fast and violent, seemed like a stream of light from the sky above the sky.

The speed of the figure even surpassed the great elder who had shot at Xiao Yi's close at hand.

"Get off." An old violent shout.

Xiao Yi only saw that a powerful fist was shot out.

The palm of the elder of the Holy Moon Sect was instantly blocked, and was shaken back ten steps.

In today's Central Region, there are only eight main hall masters who have this ability to stun him, the Great Elder of the Holy Moon Sect.

"Hall Master Shura." The Great Elder frowned.

Yes, it happened all of a sudden, and the one who retreated the Great Elder of the Holy Moon Sect was the Master Palace Master Shura.


Next to Xiao Yi, another gust of wind arrived.

It is the master of the wind brake.

In the distance, at the seat of the Eight Halls, Senior Luo and others did not stop them, but sneered.

Chief, the woman also sneered.

"Anyway, if you want to kill or die, kill them all, let you die together."

The woman's bitter and gloomy eyes scanned the two main hall masters and Xiao Yi.

"Elder, you can retreat." The woman chuckled lightly.

"Yes." The elder nodded, his figure flashed, and he retreated.

Just at this time.

In the distance, at the end of the space, silhouettes flew in from the sky.

The figure is densely packed, definitely more than ten thousand.

The figure, the speed is amazing, wherever it passes, the power of heaven and earth surging constantly.

It proves that these figures are definitely above the Holy Venerable Realm, and all of them have good strength.

The master of the main hall of Asura looked far away with cold eyes, "The Black Demon Hall is an elite, the Soul Hall is an elite, and the Heavenly Secret Hall is an elite."

The main hall of the wind brake also has cold eyes, "The three halls are elite, each hall is 10,000, a total of 30,000, surnamed Luo, you are really prepared."

The master of the wind brake, looked at Senior Luo three with cold eyes.

Nowadays, fools can know that the three senior Luo must have been prepared and ambush.

Senior Luo's face was cold and silent.

The head of the soul hall's plain eyes, with a touch of complexity.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall had a killing intent in his eyes, "Xura and Fengcha, you two have only discovered now, it's a little late."

In the distance, the woman sneered triumphantly, "The elite of the three halls have already blocked the three spaces."

"My Holy Moon Sect's elder, and more than a dozen hidden elders, blocked the other five places."


In the air, silhouettes jumped out from the end of the distant space.

The behemoth Saint Moon Sect possesses the title elder, naturally, far more than those who besieged Xiao Yi before.

What's more, it's just ambush outside this space.

The same is true of hundreds of hidden families.

The woman sneered, "The two of you are legends in the world. If you tried to flee, if you tried to flee, I still have three halls."

"Now that all directions are blocked, there is no way for you to escape."

"No matter Xiao Yi, little thief, Shura, Fengcha, today, they will fall together."


Third more.

Update today, over.

The update time has been adjusted back.

The subsequent daily updates should be kept up to date for a long, long period of time, and will be similar to today's update time.

Of course, yesterday was considered a leave.

For the third shift owed, Xiao Ba will be put to make up at the end of the month.

These few days can't make up, otherwise the time will be messed up, and the update time will become meaningless.

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