Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2138: Ask me?

In the distance, a group of figures are densely packed.

A breath after another, powerful and powerful, no less than the elite of the three black devil temples before.

Yes, it is the three elite demon hunting halls who are rushing here now.

The Demon Hunting Hall, Yan Hall, Yaozun Hall, and the three halls each have 10,000 elites, a total of 30,000.

The three main hall masters of the hunting monsters have also joined the encirclement.

The head of the hunting demon palace, his face was cold, it was not cold, but solemn.

The two main hall masters of Yandian and Yaozundian had complex expressions, as if sighing and helpless.

"The three of you..." The master of the wind brake stared at the three with cold eyes, his eyes full of incredible.

"Holy Monarch." The Head of the Demon Hunter looked at the woman and said coldly, "You promised, can you count?"

The tone of the head of the demon hunter was extremely cold at this time.

Obviously they were the besieging people, standing on the side of the Holy Moon Sect, but they saw that the eyes of the two main hall masters, Shura and Fengsha, were not cold. Instead, they looked at the woman, extremely cold.

It’s just that Shengjun agreed?

"Counting." The woman nodded and said in a deep voice, "As long as Shura and Fengcha are all eliminated today, and Xiao Yi is dead, I promise you that the successor to the Third Hall of Demon Hunting will not have a single hair."

"This monarch also promises that even if there is no Shura wind brake in the world, there will be no chaos in this middle domain."

"Okay." The head of the Hunting Demon Hall nodded coldly.

The woman looked at the Master Palace Master Asura with a cold eye, her tone was proud, "Now, do you still have confidence?"

"The four of me shot, you can pull them back."

"What if the seven of me shoot? Who can you pull?"

The main hall master of Shura trembled.

The breath that resembled a deep earth on his body collapsed suddenly at this moment.

Around him, there are seven breaths, like seven mountains, none of them is weaker than him.

In other words, it is the six main hall masters who surround the surrounding area.

Now that the space is sealed off, in addition to the Hundreds of Hidden Families and the Powerful Saint Yuezong, there are also Six Halls of Elite, a total of 60,000 elites.

This is the elite of the six main halls, even if it is enough to sweep the mainland monsters.

Today, it is used to surround them and chat with five people?

"Demon hunting, heavenly secret..." The Master Fengcha gritted his teeth and scanned the six people, "Do you know what you are doing now?"

"Do you really want to provoke these Eight Palaces Civil War?"

"You still remember the iron rules of the Eight Palaces, you must not fight in the same room."

"You want to be the sinners of the Eight Temples?"

In the last sentence, the master of the wind brake almost roared out.

That feeling is not the fear of death before the battle without a chance of winning, but the unacceptable taste of being "betrayed".

The head of the demon hunter took a deep breath and said nothing.

Senior Luo sneered, "Fighting in the same room?"

"Dian rules, I naturally remember and know."

"It's just that if you are not in the same room, how can you talk about it?"

"From now on, there will be no more Shura and wind brakes in the Eight Halls."

"As for the Civil War in the Eight Halls, similarly, when the Eight Halls are gone without the Shura Fengsha, and you are not in the Eight Halls, how come there is a civil war?"

Senior Luo, eyes suddenly cold, "From today, there are no eight halls, six halls are enough."

"Don't talk nonsense, go ahead." The woman snorted coldly.


Seven continuous roars, the power of the heavens and the earth, crushed down.


In an instant, two auras erupted again.

These two auras belong to the two masters of the Asura Hall.

Seven violent auras pressed, surrounded the center, and instantly became a monstrous place.

In front of this aura, Xiao Yi, Sky Splitting Sword Fairy, and Yiyi are like three rootless duckweeds in the center of the sea.

And the seven auras were like treacherous waves, and a single trace was enough to crush the three of them.

In front of the three of them, the two elders tried their best to block, like two Optimus pillars, they had blocked the seven monstrous waves.

However, the raging waves will eventually attack the mountain pillar bit by bit, and will eventually wear out.

By then, the land will collapse and everything will be submerged in the raging waves.

"I can't talk about it." Behind the two main hall masters, Sky Splitting Sword Fairy frowned, her expression ugly and anxious.

She knew very well that no matter any chance or adventure, in front of these real old monsters, under the real power gap, it would be worthless and vulnerable.

She is not afraid of death, but beside her, the Jianzong hope is something she can beat her life.

Only today, she might not be able to keep it even if she lost her life.

"Damn it, **** it." Sky Cracking Sword Fairy gritted her teeth, "If I could be stronger..."

On the side, Xiao Yi saw through what Senior Jian Ji thought, shook his head and interrupted, "Cultivation is not a day's work, it's just fast or slow."

Heaven Splitting Sword Fairy glanced at Xiao Yi suspiciously, "You kid, although your face is cold, how can you seem not afraid?"

Xiao Yi shrugged, "I am not afraid of death, what should I be afraid of?"

"Before I chose to come for the appointment, I was ready."

Xiao Yi's words were very light, but his eyes were filled with determination.

"Senior Jian Ji, remember my voice transmission just now."

Hearing the words, Sky Splitting Sword Fairy was taken aback.

Xiao Yi's fingers moved.

A handprint quietly condenses.

But at this moment, there was a snap aside.

Yiyi knelt down suddenly, the direction was the woman's direction.

"Yiyi." Xiao Yi's face was startled.

"I ask the teacher to calm down my anger." Yiyi ignored Xiao Yi, only looking at the woman with a pale face.

"Yiyi." The woman's cold face suddenly felt a faint softness.

"You ask me?"

Yiyi knelt on her knees and nodded heavily, "As long as the master lets the son and a few seniors leave, they stay as they wish."

"Willingly?" The woman's momentum weakened slightly, she asked in a deep voice.

"Willingly." Yiyi answered earnestly, but the lovely face became paler.

A touch of joy clearly flashed across the woman's face, and her aura weakened.

A trace of determination flashed across Yiyi's face, "As long as the master now takes back his momentum, let the son and others leave."

"Yiyiyuan will stay in the Holy Moon Sect forever, inherit the mantle of the master, and stay with the master forever. In this life and this world, he will not disobey the master."

"Okay, very good." The woman's face was already overjoyed.

However, that momentum has not been recovered.

"Heh." Blocking the center, he let out a joking cold.

"Stupid, get up."

Xiao Yi smiled lightly, and forced Yiyi up.

"The son..." Yiyi wanted to struggle.

Xiao Yi interrupted, "Believe it or not, even if this old monster agrees to let me go today, will it still take my life in the future?"

"Do you believe it or not, even if I step out of the Holy Moon Sect today, I will die silently in the next day, you still don't know it?"

Yiyi's pupils shrank, "My son..."

"Forgot what Cang Yue said?" Xiao Yi joked.

"From the time this old monster decided to kill me, she and I can only live forever and live only one side."

"Either enter the Holy Moon Sect and fall, or I will definitely die."

"Am I right?" Xiao Yi jokingly smiled, his eyes suddenly turned towards the woman, "Sect Master Shengyue."


Second more.

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