Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2139: Do you still fight?

When the woman heard the words, a joke flashed across her face.

But he still said, "As long as Yiyi changes his mind and is willing to stay in Shengyuezong, take my mantle, I will..."

"You will only continue to keep her in the dark." Xiao Yi interrupted coldly.

Xiao Yi lifted up Yiyi, then held his hands and looked directly at the woman.

"Since my debut, I have encountered countless old monsters."

"But there are only a handful of people who can really make me see through.

"You count one."

Xiao Yi said casually and indifferently.

There was no gnashing of teeth, no hysterics, just talking to himself.

"I can't see through you, but it makes me think more about you."

Xiao Yi shook his head lightly, "A person will not have such a violent killing intent for no reason."

"From the first time I contacted you, I already felt your killing intent."

"The first time, it was outside Ziyun City."

"If I didn't guess wrong, you looked for me specially, of course, I was in a coma at the time."

"You even probed me and felt everything about me."

"You don't have to lie to me, whether someone has probed my body, I have feelings, although if there is nothing, I believe that my feelings can't be wrong."

"I have experienced countless lives and deaths, and even really died. This feeling cannot be more familiar."

"At that time, you already planned to kill me."

The so-called feeling is not something else, but the killing intent.

When he was in a coma that year, after waking up, he had a very severe sense of death, and even asked about the slightest meaning of death.

And when Xiao Zhong took out the Holy Moon Sect token to him, he knew that someone had saved the Xiao family, and he had already guessed the strong man who saved the Xiao family and had looked for him.

This meaning of death was left by this strong man.

And what can be guessed by the way is this strong man, who must have sensed him and probed him.

Xiao Yi muttered to herself again, "For this reason, I only made up my mind after seeing the token, and I need to come to your Holy Moon Sect."

Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "The subsequent contact has made me more sure of my guess."

"The second contact is when I borrowed the effect of the rules of the Zi Yao Sheng pupil in the Eastern Region to stare at your Holy Moon Sect."

"At that time, you wanted to take advantage of the rules and take my life."

"The third contact is when I am going to step into the celestial pole, my spiritual consciousness will move away from the world, and come to your Holy Moon Sect."

"At that time, you were afraid that Yiyi was shocked, and you trapped me in the space of heaven and earth, intending to make my spiritual sense collapse, so that my body collapsed and died."

Xiao Yi paused, and the smile on his face became more intense, "At that time, I was completely sure, and my judgment back then was correct."

"Speaking of the beginning, a person will not have such killing intent for no reason."

"When I first saw me, knowing that the Eastern Region was separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, I would almost never be here in my entire life, but you still wanted to kill me."

"The real problem is not with me, but with Yiyi."

Xiao Yi's words stopped abruptly.

And the woman's face changed suddenly.

"Who are you?" The woman stared at Xiao Yi with squinting eyes, her gaze was extremely solemn.

She even seemed to be watching a monster.

This young man, even more than 10 years ago, had already noticed the clues.

This young man was just a 16-year-old yellow-haired boy. He was so insightful that he even guessed the thoughts of her dignified generation of sages?

The most frightening thing is that the young man said that he could not see her through, but in fact, he had almost guessed what was deep in her heart.

"I'm also a little curious." At this moment, the Master Palace Master Shura looked at the woman coldly while carrying the weather.

"Little Xiao Yi, it's really worth your dignified Sect Master of the Holy Moon, such a big fight?"

"Just because he is in love with your Saint Moon Sect, you want to kill him?"

"Heh." The woman smirked, "What do you know."

"Yiyi, better than all of you imagined."

"Xura, Fengcha." The woman yelled coldly, "Don't you understand? The crown has fallen, and this day is about to change."

"If my Holy Moon Sect also suffers from this disaster, then Yiyi is my Holy Moon Sect's greatest hope. She can even be the hope of the entire continent."

The woman's words, confident and decisive, were full of madness.

"And this hateful little thief." The woman looked at Xiao Yi bitterly, "As you can see, he will be fascinated by Yiyi, making Deyiyi not thinking about tea and rice, and thinking about sleep every night."

"He is Yiyi's demon."

"One day, Yiyi will not be able to inherit my Holy Moon Sect with peace of mind, nor will he inherit the mantle of the old body, let alone surpass the old body."

"You two are fighting hard today, but in the future, you will only be sinners on this continent."

"You must protect him, then you will die."


The woman's aura suddenly exploded to the extreme.

The momentum from the other six parties also broke out to the extreme in an instant.

Seven people have already made their best effort.


For the first time, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of the head of the main hall of Shura.

Upon seeing this, the woman sneered, "I see how long you can last."

Senior Luo, his face was cold.

The Master Hunter's brow furrowed, but his face was also cold, "Sura, sorry."

"You should understand our responsibilities, this middle domain is absolutely not chaotic."

"If my Third Hall of Hunting Demon and you two join forces, it will only be that including the Holy Moon Sect and the Third Hall of the Black Demon, both parties will be greatly injured."

"Instead of this, the old man can only cut off the two halls to ensure the prosperity of the six halls, and the Holy Moon Sect and the top warriors of the mainland, none of them are damaged."

The Master Hunter shook his head, "You two will surely fall today; and the rest will be fine for none of them."

"I understand now." Behind the main hall of Shura, Xiao Yi looked at Yiyi, still only chuckling.

"In any case, Holy Moon Sect will kill me."

Yiyi was already in tears, and froze for a while.

This is an answer that she cannot accept but cannot change.


Suddenly, an even more surging aura erupted from the two main hall masters of Shura and Fengsha, and they easily blocked the seven surging weather conditions around them in a flash.

"Heaven and earth sacrifice?" Around, exclaimed.

The woman frowned.

Senior Luo narrowed his eyes.

The main hall master of the hunting demon trembled, "Sura, Fengcha, you are crazy..."

"It's all death anyway." At this moment, the main hall of Shura has no wisdom, some, only the last madness, "It is better to save the hope of our two halls before death."

"Stop all of you and break the eight-party blockade. I am alone. With the power of the wind brake, he is enough to take Xiao Yi and escape safely. No one in the world will want to catch up."

"Wind brake." The Lord Shura yelled abruptly.

"Not good." The woman's face changed.

But at this time.


An elegant figure suddenly stepped out.

With both hands, they caught Shura and Fengcha's arms at the same time.

"Little Xiao Yi?" The two were a little surprised at Xiao Yi's sudden movements.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Recover the heaven and earth to sacrifice, I have entered the Holy Venerable Realm and know what this is."

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly, "One of the old people I care about is enough. No matter how many, I'm afraid I won't finish reading and busying all my life."

The palms of Xiao Yi resting on the two's arms were pinched extremely tightly.

He looked at the woman abruptly, "I know you want a Yiyi who really changed his mind."

"But I won't give it."

"I know you want to tie Yiyi to life, but I don't allow it either."

"Today, I will die, you will die too, and no one else will die."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi's palms shot out.

With his strength, it is naturally impossible for the two main hall masters to share anything, but disrupting the breath of the two main hall masters, so that the sacrifice of heaven and earth will be instantly disordered and dissipated, but it can be done.

Sure enough, the breath of the two main hall masters was only a mess, but the sacrifice method of the whole world stopped.

"You... come here..." The main hall master of Shura was short of breath.

Almost the moment when the two of them dissipated, the surging weather suddenly suppressed.

Senior Luo, the head of the Heavenly Secret Hall, and the head of the Soul Hall, the three of them deceived themselves instantly.

Papa... twice.

Three hands and six palms came together, and the two masters of the Asura Hall had only time to resist, but after all, they came from behind and did not parry, they were directly shaken back a few steps.

"Kill that kid first." In the distance, the woman shouted violently.


The three masters of the demon hunter also deceived themselves at the same time.

The two main hall masters of Shura and Fengcha were shaken back, and naturally, Xiao Yi became their target.

At the same time, the three of Senior Luo also showed killing intent and slapped their palms back.

In that instant, six people and six palms came at the same time.

Xiao Yi had been prepared long ago, the seal in his hand had already been formed, and his thoughts broke out instantly.

But... he obviously far underestimated the speed and strength of the six masters.

Some speed, some palms, are enough to far exceed the mind, exceed the burst, and even exceed the instant.

"Not good." Xiao Yi was shocked.

The six main hall masters only took out their palms for a moment, but it was almost past the burst of Xiao Yi's handprints.

Bang... bang... bang... bang... bang... bang...

Six bursts in a row.

Six powerful palms were printed on Xiao Yi at the same time.

"Xiao Yi."

"The son."

"Little Xiao Yi."

"Brother Xiao Yi..."

There were countless exclamations in the surrounding area.

Senior Jianji, Yiyi, the seats of the Eighteenth House, Ye Liu, Qinglin, Mo You and others who were far outside the encircled circle, their pupils shrank.

Of course, some are gloating.

"I don't know what I can do, I'm looking for a dead end." Dongfangzi sneered.

"This little thief finally died." Ling Hong, He You and others smiled triumphantly.

But, in the next second, when everyone reacted, they all froze in place at the same time.

That kendo evildoer always holds a sharp sword in his hand.

Now, this kendo evildoer was slammed by the six masters at the same time, but he was not dead. Instead, he spurted blood in his mouth and propped his sword on the ground.

That proud body, always insisted on not falling.

But, in this world, who can hold the six master hall masters at the same time with all their strength?

Xiao Yi? No, Xiao Yi is far from enough.

What really blocked these six palms was a gleam of light and a ghost on Xiao Yi's body.

That phantom, with a cold face, in his eyes, in addition to the scorn that ignores the world, there is also incomparable domineering.

It was exactly what Senior Luo looked like.

"Huh? This is not your spiritual sense with the surname Luo?" The master of the Heavenly Secret Hall was startled, but the next second, he froze in place.

"Xiao..." The head of the Soul Palace instantly changed his face, only one word was uttered from his mouth, and the words after it could no longer be said.

At the same time, on this kendo evildoer, under the phantom of spiritual consciousness, a group of holy flame flames were circulating.

That is the life-saving fire that automatically overflows from the body when this body is the last trace of death.

"Jin Yan Sacred Fire?" The main hall master Yao Zun recognized the flame at a glance.

But on the Jin Yan holy flame, there are wisps of purple, cyan, white, and gloomy flames...that's...

The main hall of Yandian recognized the flame to which all the flame rays belonged at a glance.

Of course, the main hall master of the demon hunter also recognized it, so he was also stunned.

The six people, Qi Qi was stunned, in the six pairs of eyes, only the embarrassed figure of the kendo evildoer, dying...

"Do you still fight?" Xiao Yi slowly raised his head, and spit out three faint characters in his **** mouth.


Third more.

Update today, over.

Today's update is too late.

Xiao Ba I also want to update on time, but do I want to procrastinate? Change sooner and later, don't you want to change as well? I am late, what good can I do?

In fact, I only returned home this afternoon, just after attending the funeral.

However, seeing the countless abuses in the comment area, I was so disappointed for the first time, and for the first time there was no desire to write a book.

Starting today, all the curses I saw in the comment area will be deleted and permanently banned. I would rather not have these readers.

It is fine to discuss the plot normally, or to remind you to change it, but if you have to curse continuously, it is too much.

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