Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2141: Lord of the Eight Palaces

"Let it go."

The main hall master hunter grabbed it with one hand, restraining the arm of the main hall master of heavenly secret, and caught Xiao Yi with the other hand.

"Huh?" Senior Luo's eyes were cold, and a palm shook out, instantly blocking the palm of the head of the Demon Hunter, and also caught Xiao Yi with the other hand.

"Bastard." The strong and strong fist of the Palace Master Shura slammed out, blocking Senior Luo's palm, and also grabbed Xiao Yi with the other hand.

"Go away from the old man..." The Master Yandian shouted angrily.

The eight main hall masters were doing exactly the same movements almost instantly.

When the eight old people looked at other old people, their eyes were filled with fear.

The eight people were all doing subconscious movements in an instant, with the most subconscious thoughts in their hearts.

Slap... slap... slap... slap...

Bang... bang... bang... bang...

For a time, with Xiao Yi as the center, the wind raged and the palms were heavy.

How fast is the confrontation between the eight hands?

That might be a million palm shadows in an instant, impenetrable.

But every palm shadow has never hurt the weak figure covered with blood in the center with extreme precision.

"Go away."

"It's you who should get off."


The palms are heavy and there are constant disputes.

far away.

The woman also fell into horror at that moment, but now she reacted from the horror, her face was filled with more intense resentment.

On the other side, seats in Beiyin Palace.

Bei Yin Wuwei's expression turned gloomy, "This little thief can't die?"

"Shadow slave, kill him for me."

Beiyin Wuwei, obviously like crazy under the anger.

And the strong under his command obviously won't go against him.

In the air, a strange figure quickly emerged.

The speed is reaching the extreme.

The figure is also extremely strange.

He is a shadow slave, and he has completed countless tasks.

The people he assassinated, including legendary powerhouses, are countless.

He has almost never failed.

Anyone he wants to assassinate is by no means immune.

He believes that with his ability and means, he can instantly take the life of the kendo evildoer who is already extremely weak.


In the air, a gloomy glow came out.

He seemed to have seen the sight of the head of this kendo evildoer landing.

But... the first thing he saw were eight pairs of wide, angry old eyes.

"you wanna die."

Badao's identical voice came out in an instant.


The eight old palms were shot almost simultaneously.

Shadow Slave's body was directly shocked.

When it reached the ground, there was no life left, and it was actually killed.

Next second.

The gazes of the eight old people met again within an instant.

His eyes were still filled with fear.

The eight palms fought again in an instant.

The melee of the eight current legends, or, no one in the world can stop, no one can stop, and no one can intervene.

But... Maybe the embarrassed figure in the center, yes.

"Cough." Xiao Yi coughed up a **** blood.

The body, which was barely supported, fell weakly.

Nowadays, the palms are densely covered with wind, and any palm wind is like ruining the world.

If this figure touches a trace, it is definitely enough for him to fall on the spot.

Eight people, their complexion changed at the same time.

"Let go." The eight people spit out two words at the same time.

No palm reached the young man.

Senior Luo's hands restrained the master of Asura and the master of hunting demon each.

The main hall master of Shura was caught by Senior Luo with one hand, and the main hall master of Heaven's secret was restrained by the other.

The other six people did the same action.

Each hand, each bound.

The wind and shadow of the palm disappeared perfectly in an instant, as if they had never appeared before.

The young man's staggered body did not fall.

It was still the sword, the sword in his hand, firmly supporting the ground.

"Puff." The blood in Xiao Yi's mouth was flowing uncontrollably.

That kind of injury is simply not something he can bear.

He suffered a serious injury in the previous fierce battle, and then spent his own Shura blood, and his body became extremely weak.

In the end, he directly carried six people and six palms.

Even if the spiritual consciousness phantom blocked almost all the power, only the remaining palm strength was enough to cause him to be seriously injured and killed.

"Little Xiao Yi."

"Boy Yi Xiao."

"Xiao Xun boy."

Eight people exclaimed.

On Xiao Yi's body, the Jin Yan holy fire circulated irresistibly.

Senior Luo quickly pointed out.

The main hall master of Yandian, the main hall master of Fengcha and others, just about to act.

"Don't act rashly." The main hall master of Asura and the main hall of hunting demon yelled together.

The two pointed out with two fingers.

"Sure enough, it's this kid." Senior Luo was already perceiving Xiao Yi with his fingers.

He could naturally see those two martial souls that were so familiar.

You can also see the poison world that is full of pure poison.

"What a huge little world." The head of the demon hunter was secretly horrified, "It's no wonder that this kid can control so many powerful flames in the world at the same time. It really is the kid Yi Xiao."

And the next second.

The faces of the three of them were also unstoppable and eager.

"More than half of the blood flowed through the body, and almost all the internal organs were damaged."

"None of the meridian bones in the body is intact."

Such an injury is almost equivalent to a dead person.

"You..." Senior Luo, the main hall of Asura, and the main hall of hunting monsters looked at each other almost instantly.

"Look at what the old man is doing?" There was only the extreme coldness on the face of the Master Palace Master, "This is your injury."

Senior Luo's face twitched, and his gaze suddenly looked at the Master Yaozun, "Are you still stunned?"

The head of the demon hunter also said anxiously, "Old man Yao doesn't save people?"

"No, I can save myself." Xiao Yiqiang stood up holding the sword.

The Jin Yan holy fire circulating on his body once again suppressed a trace of his injuries.

Although not much, it was enough to make him stand up, enough to make him speak again.

No, I can save myself.

For the three senior Luo, this is something they are familiar with, and they have heard many words in the mouth of that poisonous evildoer.

As for the three masters of the Demon Hunter, they are also extremely familiar with such a stubborn and always strong character.

Xiao Yi turned around again and staggered away.

The direction is the place where Senior Sword Ji and Yiyi were shaken by the wind before.

"Boy, why be brave, you are our successor..." The Lord of Heaven's Secret Palace wanted to say something.

The kendo evildoer interrupted without looking back, "No longer, I have returned the token."

No longer, I have returned the token.

It seemed that only one person was answered by the head of the Heavenly Secret Hall, but the other five people were very clear that this was an answer to all of them.

The six people looked at this arrogantly, but they were full of disappointment and despair, and they were speechless for a while.

They were extremely familiar with this back figure, and they were extremely certain.

This back view belongs to their approved successor.

But at the same time, this back figure is also full of endless depression and disappointment.

I'm afraid, if I changed to myself, I would be so disappointed today.

Just at this moment, the Heaven Splitting Sword Fairy sneered, "Good boy, it turns out that the twins are the same person, good, good."

"These old monsters almost beat you to death. They don't care what they do and what they inherit."

"Just follow me back to Split Heavenly Sword Sect and inherit my Heaven Splitting Sword Sect."

"Sky Splitting Sword Sect?" Senior Luo and others frowned.

In my mind, there is no such sect.

I am afraid that Heaven Splitting Sword Ji never expected that from today onwards, the four characters of Heaven Splitting Sword Sect will spread throughout the entire Middle Region and even the entire continent.

Because this sect dared to **** people from the hands of the eight main hall masters, and still **** their successors.

"You, you, you... stinky girl... no, little girl, don't talk nonsense." The Lord of Heavenly Mystery still took the lead and took a step forward.

"Little Xiao Xun, you said that you would return the token, but the old man didn't agree."

The head of the Soul Palace looked anxious, "Boy, wouldn't you be the one who waits for words without believing?"

"You have promised the old man, unless the old man changes his mind, you will never return the token."


Second more.

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