Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2142: Invincible

Ahead, the stumbling figure did not stop.

But the weak words in his mouth did not stop.

"The Eight Palaces was also my belief."

"But I have never been as disappointed as I am today."

"When I first came out, I was the first demon hunter."

"I have seen the scourge of monsters and beasts with my own eyes. It has stirred up all the creatures and caused blood to flow into rivers."

"I have also been among the monsters, fighting endlessly, watching the tragic deaths of the warriors who fought alongside me in the mouth of the monsters."

"I have even seen countless human warriors, working together, really can kill them, just to keep the countless human creatures behind them, that is a part of the dignity of human warriors."

"When I kill people, I never have to be soft, and I can never move my hands with blood and blood. I am killing and decisive among many of you."

"I also thought that I was cold enough to treat my life like an ant."

"But when facing countless monsters, countless creatures are about to be wiped out, it turns out that I will be moved."

"Perhaps because I also have people behind me who I value, and I don't want to see them buried in the mouth of the monsters, and I don't want to watch them face such dangers."

"Or maybe it's because I am a human warrior myself."

"The reason is not clear to me."

"But when I am also standing before countless monsters raging, I will also be moved."

"So there was a time when I recognized my identity as a martial artist in the Eight Temples, and I recognized myself as a demon hunter, asura warrior, wind envoy..."

"I'm even a little proud of it."

"Perhaps, because I thought there were some old guys who really deserved my respect and gave me a great example."

"Therefore, I sometimes think that the Eight Halls are recognized by me, and it can be regarded as a belief."

"Heh." Xiao Yi said again and again.

Perhaps this is the day he speaks the most in history.

But perhaps, this was the first time that my heart was disappointed to the extreme, but it was a time when faith collapsed.

Although his body was weak, Xiao Yi was not too weak to speak without using words.

"This time, I'm really disappointed."

"The Eight Halls Civil War? It was supposed to be the elites of the various halls dealing with the evils of monsters and beasts, used to encircle and kill the Eight Halls of warriors?"

"Is this really the Eight Temples I once recognized?"

"I've really come into contact with this, at least some old guys that I respect?"

"Perhaps, I was wrong."

"Eight Halls, I will not inherit any of them."

Xiao Yi's words stopped abruptly.

The tone that was originally disappointed gradually turned into a weak and cold tone.

"I went to the Holy Moon Sect today, just to deal with my own affairs."

"Today's matter, regardless of life or death, I am no longer a Badian Warrior."

This is Xiao Yi's last sentence.

The gaze in his eyes regained the coldness as before.

This kind of coldness belongs to his Xiao Yi, and it is only his Xiao Yi, simple Xiao Yi.

The eight main hall masters were once again stunned.

But at the same time, there was another firmness in the eyes of the eight people.

"Black Demon Master Xiao Xun, from now on, take over as the Black Demon Main Hall." Senior Luo yelled coldly.

"Mage Formation Xiao Xun, from now on, take over as the main hall of the Heavenly Secret Hall." The head of the Heavenly Secret Hall shouted violently.

"Soul master Xiao Xun will take over as the main hall of the soul hall from now on."

"Demon Hunter Yi Xiao, from now on, take over as the main hall of the Demon Hunter Palace."

"Yi Xiao, the warrior of Yandian, will take over as the main hall of Yandian from now on."

"Yi Xiao, the medical officer, will take over as the main hall of the Yaozun Hall from now on."

"Xiao Yi, a martial artist of Shura, will take over as the main hall of Shura Hall from now on."

"The wind ambassador Xiao Yi will take over as the main hall of Fengsha Temple from now on."

The eight main hall masters almost spoke in unison.

The eight figures also spoke out almost at the same time, resounding throughout the world.

The six yuan deputy order leaped out instantly and returned to Xiao Yi's side.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi's footsteps stopped abruptly, frowning tightly.

"I am not interested…"

"It's not your turn to refuse." The main hall master of the hunting monster interrupted in a deep voice.

"The order has been issued, and the deputy order has already burned your breath."

"I don't care about the other halls, but from today onwards, you are the master hall of the Demon Hunting Palace."

The master of the Heavenly Secret Hall smiled, "I don't care about other halls, but you will be the master of the Heavenly Secret Hall from today."

A sentence was spoken from the main hall master.

The tone it carried was affirmative.

Around, I don't know when, there are already unbelievable exclamations.

"How is it possible that the eight halls are inherited at the same time?"


Among the elites of the halls that had originally blocked the outside, there were also exclamations, an unbelievable cry.

"One person takes over as the master of the Eight Halls at the same time?"

"Doesn't that mean..."

The elite body of a Black Demon Temple trembled, "Since the establishment of the Eight Palaces, in history...the only one...the Lord of the Eight Palaces."


"I..." Xiao Yi wanted to say something, his body fell down again.

This body, such an injury, if he does not recuperate, it will only continue to worsen.

Xiao Yi hurriedly crossed his knees, carrying the golden flame torch, circulating endlessly.

If he does not recover from his injury, he will never be able to do what he has to do.

This, he took the initiative to condense the Jin Yan torch.

The golden flames were perfectly controlled in his hands.

The fire control ability of this fire control monster is enough to make any fire control warrior embarrassed.


The main hall master Yaozun flashed, and instantly flashed behind Xiao Yi.

Sit down cross-legged, pointing out with a hand.

"Don't resist." After saying that, the main hall master Yaozun closed his eyes and began to heal Xiao Yi.

far away.

The resentment in the woman's eyes did not abate, but became more intense.

"The Lord of the Eight Halls?"

"Unfortunately, just a kid who hasn't grown up."

"Kill him for me."

All around, there was a cry of exclamation, and after a series of shocks, it was an instantaneous explosion.

Here is the Holy Moon Sect.

And her Holy Moon Sect is the leader of the hidden world, and within the sect, there are countless strong people.

Here, there are a hundred strong in the hidden world.

This is still a terrifying force.

And Shengjun has absolute prestige.

No one has ever dared to disobey her.


"Follow the orders of the holy monarch."

With a loud answer, countless strong men broke out again with the surging weather and that amazing killing intent.

"I see who can protect this kid today." In the eyes of Shengjun, the anger was already raging, and he instantly violent.


Just at this moment, a figure flashed over and appeared firmly in the chief.

The figure, standing only, with a cold face.

However, it was enough to change the woman's face slightly.

"Venerable Luo." The woman squinted.

"With me here, you have no chance to make a move." Senior Luo, only spit out indifferently.

the other side.

Next to the elder Shengyuezong, the same figure appeared out of thin air.

The Master of Asura, only holding his hands, "Those young people, why do we old guys intervene more."

The elder Shengyuezong's face was cold, but he did not dare to move.

On the seats in the Beiyin Palace, the old men who had been sleeping dormant suddenly opened their eyes for the first time, their faces solemn.

But beside him, an old man with a plain face suddenly appeared and sat down.

"Master of the Soul Hall." The Great Elder of Beiyin Palace narrowed his eyes.

"Don't force the old man to kill." The head of the Soul Palace, even though he said awe-inspiring words to kill, his face was still flat.


The aura around him, with the woman's violent shout, had already gone violently.

The martial artist in the audience, countless strong, all exploded.

This kind of formation is enough to make anyone present face a big change.

Heiyun learning seat.

Qing Lin's face was startled, feeling the turbulent weather around him, and looked at the figure sitting cross-legged in the distance, "Junior Brother Xiao Yi..."

On the side, the old man with a wretched face smiled, it was the deputy dean.

"no need to worry."

"Remember what I said before?"

The vice president held his hand proudly, "The eight halls that are disintegrated, if you want to destroy the behemoth Saint Yuezong, at least the four halls need to be damaged."

"But if it is the Eight Palaces, in this continent, they will...


Third more.

Update today, over.

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