Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2143: Holy Moon Supreme, Moon Zunwu Sheng

Chief Office.

The woman suddenly looked ugly and looked at Senior Luo coldly.

"Venerable Luo, do you remember what you promised this lord?"

"Now, are you breaking the agreement?"

On the side, Senior Luo's gaze was originally placed on the young figure sitting cross-legged in the distance.

In fact, his mind was filled with many doubts.

Even so, his sudden move of turning the gun head was very inappropriate and reckless.

But he was sure that the young man in the distance who was now covered in blood was the kid who had repeatedly made him smoke in the past half a year, had trouble with him, and made him anxious and corrupt.

For countless years, the only young man who dared to speak to him like that and didn't put him in his eyes was the only kid.

Today, this kid is so embarrassed, seriously injured to such a degree, and even more stubborn to such a degree.

It was me who had started.

At this time, Senior Luo frowned slightly when he heard the words, and turned to look at the woman, "That's just a deal."

"Now, this transaction has been cancelled."

"Bastard." The woman's face was cold, "The two major forces will be canceled if they say they are canceled?"

"Yes." Senior Luo nodded indifferently, "If you say cancel, you will cancel."

For almost everyone, one of the remaining six nobles has always been domineering and indifferent.

"You..." The woman narrowed her eyes, and the majesty on her face was so full for a moment.

She is the Sovereign, Sect Master of the Holy Moon, the leader of the hermit.

She was also overbearing, and no one dared to disobey half a point.

Senior Luo also squinted his eyes, "The old man has lived longer than you think. Your coercion is useless to the old man."

"Just look at it like this."

The two of them seemed to stand like this.

But in fact, the two extremely solemn auras have already clashed secretly.

The two auras were actually between the uncles and they were helpless.

the other side.

Elder Shengyuezong's face gradually became ugly.

He is not interested in killing Xiao Yi, and he doesn't even want to be embarrassed.

But this does not mean that he is willing to watch his Saint Moon Sect's majesty be provoked, or even the current constraints.

However, the old man standing beside him, this old man with extremely wise eyes in his old eyes, prevented him from making any movements.

Even if the old man had been injured in the previous battle.

Even if he, the Great Elder of the Holy Moon Sect, is no worse than the Holy Monarch in terms of strength.

But in the face of this world's first person in physical training, who would dare to say that you can get half a point in a single fight?

He can't, holy monarch can't, even Luo Venerable can't.

Behind him, there are several strong elders of the Holy Moon Sect, who are second only to him in the sect.

But at this moment, as long as the old man went to this stop, the three of them couldn't move and parted.

the other side.

Shengyuezong, above the high mountains of the sect.

The two elders stood with their hands holding hands, proudly volleying.

One person is the master of the hunting monster.

At this moment, the gray and white robe on the main hall of the hunter had already taken off.

Instead, it was a black outfit.

Within the strong outfit, it seemed that there was only an old body, but in fact, no one dared to doubt the strength of this first demon hunter.

The old man next to the main hall of the hunter was an old man wearing a star wheel and moon robe with white beard and hair.

Judging from his countenance, his age may be unimaginable.

"Hallmaster Demon Hunter." The old man frowned.

"Holy Moon is too good, Yuezun Wusheng." The master of the Demon Hunting Hall said condensedly.

The old man looked into the distance, his face gradually ugly, "I really don't know the age in the mountains, the old man hasn't been out for many years, my Holy Moon Sect, actually even a group of you juniors dare to come presumptuous?"

The old man is the Holy Moon Supreme, titled Moon Venerable.

Not one of the six sages of Yanlong, and far from being in the era of the six sages.

But his age, I'm afraid, apart from Luo Venerable, no one in the room can compare with him.

"Why? Do you want to stop the old man?" The old man narrowed his eyes. "Back then, even if you were the head of the Demon Hunting Palace, he was just a fellowship with the old man..."

"Don't talk nonsense." The head hunter shook his head, "I know how strong you are, and you know what level I am at."

"I won't let you make a move, so you won't have a chance to make a move."

The old man's eyes were cold, "Boy, do you still remember my friendship with your master?"

"Remember." The head hunter nodded, "The previous head of the hall had a deep friendship with you. It stands to reason that I should call you senior and give you some points."

"But today, your Holy Moon Sect deceived, it is the next chief hall master of my Demon Hunting Palace, the successor appointed by the old man."

"What your Holy Moon Sect wants to kill is the hope of my Demon Hunting Palace."

"Don't say that the master is dead, if he is there, you dare to touch this kid, and the master will not sell you half face."

"I just say the last sentence, just look at it like this, if you move a bit, I don't mind killing it."

The last cold word came out from the master of the Demon Hunting Hall, and then he stood with his hand without a word.

The old man, this martial sage Yuezun, the dignified sage Yuezong Taishang, his face was ugly to the extreme, but he did not move.

He knew very well how strong this world's first demon hunter was.

He knew more clearly that although the head of the demon hunter had an old body, what a earth-shattering thing he had done in this powerful black suit.

This black outfit had gone deep into the end of the demon realm, as if entering no one's land, easily captured the eight great demon kings and killed eight million beasts.

This strong black suit had blood-stained his remnant body and killed him in the Demon Realm. Even a generation of Demon Emperors could not help him.

Although this old man is old, he was once a cruel person that no one dared to despise in that era.

far away.

Above the Zongmen Square.

Suddenly the wind screamed, and the flames went to the sky.

To be more serious, I don't know when it will start, but Fengyan's two families have already joined a hundred families.

Sure enough, Hundreds of Hidden Worlds had already made various preparations long before the event.

Fengyan Second Family is the top of the hidden world.

One is the best in the air, and the best in the world.

One is extremely strong in the fire road, and also the top of the hidden world.

The two family owners, plus all the strong people of the two families, set up an array to gather the power of a hundred strong people.

The power of the two large formations is strong enough to be monstrous.

"Hidden the dignity of the world, no provocation is allowed." The Patriarch of the Fengyan Second Clan shouted violently.

"Under the wind and fire, it is necessary for Xiao Yi, the little thief, to fall on the spot."

The violent wind swept in with an ancient and long breath.

The overwhelming sea of ​​fire, like the majesty of an ancient god, rolls over.

The fire and the wind are blowing up, just like swallowing the sky and the earth.

Ten steps away from Xiao Yi, the two old men just stood relaxed and sneered.

"Playing with fire in front of the old man?"

"Yufeng in front of the old man?"

The main hall master of Yandian and the main hall master of Fengcha only stood, but they didn't glance at each other, nor did they join hands.

But in the next second, the two of them broke out in a torrent of weather.

On the main hall of the wind brake, the momentum turned into a winged lion-like monster beast, rushing out of the wind.

The huge wings are astonishing, and the wind disappears wherever they pass.

On the main hall of Yandian, the aura turned into a phantom of flames, and he couldn't see what it was, but when it appeared, the flames of heaven and earth instantly suppressed it.

Including the overwhelming sea of ​​fire that hit by a hundred schools, it dissipated into air in an instant.

The bodies of the two of them didn't even move at all, they just stood with their hands behind them.

However, the two families of Fengyan cooperated with the powerful force of the wind and fire from the hidden families, but they disappeared instantly.


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