Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2145: Burn the world

In the distance, the separated corpse of Shadow Sword was somewhat shocking.

The wide-open eyes on Nai Hunyuan's head seemed to be a little unsatisfactory.

Wuxinzhu and Guisha City Master only sneered.

at this time.

Not far away, the young man who had been cross-legged finally opened his eyes.

"Huh?" Behind him, the main hall master Yaozun frowned, "Boy, what are you doing?"

"You cannot heal from such a serious injury in a short while. Keep your eyes closed and let the old man guide your internal energy."

"No need." Xiao Yi shook his head, slowly turned around, caught the arm of the Master Yaozun's finger, and slowly put it down.

"Boy." The main hall master Yaozun frowned slightly.

Xiao Yi's face was indifferent, "The injury has been suppressed, and there is no risk of life."

"I have something to deal with."

After all, Xiao Yi got up.

Naturally, his injuries are far from healed.

Most of the blood flowed on his body, and he was forced to take the full palm of the six main hall masters. Although there was only power, it was enough to kill him instantly.

Such injuries are not so easy to heal.

But now, at least not so weak, at least not even standing on his feet, at least regaining combat power.


Xiao Yi grasped the purple electricity that had been plugged into the ground.

With cold eyes, he glanced at the woman and Senior Luo on the chief in the distance, frowned, and said nothing.

He looked back, and turned to look at Senior Jian Ji and Yiyi not far away.

Before Xiao Yi walked slowly, his eyes became soft.

"Wait for a while." Xiao Yi looked at the two and said.

In the next second, his eyes became cold again, and he scanned the elders of Beiyin Palace coldly.

"Boy." Next to him, the Long Sky Brewer wanted to say something.

Xiao Yi's face was indifferent, "Wine, I will drink it again in the future; I don't have to talk about it anymore."

"Xiao Xun boy..." A trace of shame flashed across the face of Changtian Brewmaster.

"You should call me Xiao Yi little thief." Xiao Yi interrupted indifferently, and the figure stepped out and passed the long sky drinker.

"My business, I want to deal with it myself."

Xiao Yi glanced at the six evil black evil spirits that blocked the six sides.

The six evil spirits frowned.

Wuxin occupied the master, sighed, nodded, and closed the sword.

The other five people also closed their swords.

Xiao Yi looked at the head of the Soul Palace on the seat of Beiyin Palace in the distance.

"The head of the soul hall."

Upon hearing this, the head of the Soul Palace trembled, and the expression on his face that had been dull finally became complicated.

Because what Xiao Yi said in his mouth was not just the word ‘General Hall Master’, but the full name of the Soul Hall’s Chief Hall Master.

This kind of nickname was only spoken to this young man a few months ago.

Now, speak again.

The head of the Soul Palace had a complicated expression, but he nodded, and his figure flashed before leaving the seat of the Beiyin Palace and returning to the side of the head of the Heavenly Secret Hall.

With him, no matter whether he is in the Beiyin Palace seat or not, these great elders and title elders in the Beiyin Palace cannot overcome any storms.

"I said." Xiao Yi glanced coldly at the elders of Beiyin Palace.

"You Beiyin Palace warriors, don't even think of leaving Shengyuezong alive today."

"Huh." The Fourth Elder of Beiyin Palace snorted coldly, and then came with a sneer.

"Just rely on you, Xiao Yi, little thief? Who wouldn't speak big words."

"If you weren't relying on the Eight Palaces, would you still be qualified to speak falsely here? Talking wildly here?..."

The words behind the Fourth Elder of Beiyin Palace could not be said again.

The eyes suddenly turned into horror, and he looked up into the distance.

In the distance, I don't know when, there was a sea of ​​fire.

The flame filled the entire space in an instant, raging across the entire sky.

It was also at this moment that the temperature suddenly rose sharply in the vast area.

All the warriors in the audience changed their expressions in this instant.

The breath on them overflowed uncontrollably, and then they swayed endlessly, as if swinging with the wind, and then disillusioned with the wind.

High in the sky, wisps of blue flames, no, that should be said to be a piece.

"Ten realms kill fire?" A warrior exclaimed.

This is one of the most powerful flames in the world, but it is also the most fierce and powerful flame.

Because this is the rumor that the monarch of the evil monarch mansion is also the flame controlled by the contemporary evil monarch.

The flames are extremely strange and terrifying.

"No." Suddenly, there was another more violent exclamation.

"That is the Ten Realms Extinction Array."

Yes, between the heavens and the earth, extremely violent formations have emerged.

This is simply a big array.

Moreover, now this big formation actually blocked the entire Holy Moon Sect, the entire outside world, and the entire world.

The entire space, cyan flames surging and shrinking.

In the next second, on the periphery of the cyan flame, there was another condensed flame of different eyes.

Purple, blue and white, extreme white, boiling gold...

"Amethyst Spirit Flame, Star Fire, Frozen Nether Fire, Earth Vein Golden Fire...this this..."

Around, strong people gather, but they are all discolored.

At the same place, Xiao Yi's purple electricity had already been recovered.

His hands were empty, but only these hands exploded with a more terrifying aura than before.

That is the momentum of the flame.

It was the hand of a **** who burned the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, everyone thought of the four characters...Zi Yan Yi Xiao!

However, today's Ziyan Yi Xiao, without wearing a mask, is as powerful as the fire-controlling evildoer in the past, as if invincible.

The handprint in Xiao Yi's hands was finally knotted and punched out.

In fact, Xiao Yi came to Holy Moon Sect long ago.

And the time to come is a few minutes earlier than everyone knows.

He never does things that are uncertain, and he has left behind.

Of course, although this certainty does not seem to be too great, he has already made preparations for his life to be here today.

Outside of this space of Shengyuezong, he had already set up a large array.

Originally, it was a sword formation.

No, to be precise, it is a complex and overlapping array.

It is a sword formation, but it is also a big fire formation.

In fact, he never thought about revealing his identity today, and he was even more reluctant to face the rest of the main hall masters.

If it weren't for the speed of the six main hall masters, which far exceeded his imagination, his handprint would have been shot long ago, and this big formation would have been triggered long ago.

This is his back hand.

Originally, he only intended to trigger the sword formation, fighting to take Yiyi away with serious injuries.

But the woman hadn't shot, and he couldn't trigger the hole card at the beginning.

And now, since his identity has been exposed, he doesn't have to hide anything, so let his anger explode more violently.

He did not trigger the sword formation.

Instead, it triggered the flames he had planted long ago.

Taking the ten worlds to extinguish the fire as the base, the powerful flames merge into it.


In the whole world, the flames boiled, as if burning everything.

Within tens of millions of miles, everything is under this five-color flame.

Under the flames, including the main hall masters, including the woman, all expressions were shocked.

The breath in them was also overflowing unconsciously, beginning to sway, becoming weak...

A huge space, a huge world, at this moment, it is constantly crashing and melting under the flame.

"This kid... really intends to destroy my Holy Moon Sect?" The woman's face was originally murderous, showing a crazy color, but at this moment, only the ultimate horror was left.

On the other side, Elder Shengyue had a sudden heart, remembering Xiao Yi's previous threatening words.

If he dared to kill that woman, he would have to bury the entire Holy Moon Sect.

It was not a false statement, but this kendo evildoer, who had such ability.

"No." Suddenly, the expressions of the eight old men changed drastically at the same time.

"It's impossible for this kid to explode such strength."

The head of the Yandian Palace was shocked, "The power of flames, even I trembled at it, this is not the strength this kid can bear."

Senior Luo, seemingly thinking of something, suddenly his face changed drastically, "It's a martial arts relic, it's not good."

"Boy, stop now."

"That's not the strength you endure..."

In the distance, Xiao Yi seemed unheard of words, his face, only indifference, and killing intent.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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